June 14, 1901

The wave of patriotism which has been sweeping over the country for the past few years, need not surprise when it is known how strong in the love of home in every heart, and how in this Republic every American citizen, no matter what his nationality, is always ready to make any sacrifice to preserve its honor, to maintain its integrity, and to do battle against wrong and injustice. A smile may have been caused at the stories which have been told as to boys preparing for war by the building of so-called forts, and as to the feeling that was engendered even among the little waifs of the street. And yet-the observer who looks beneath the surface, can see in this the true spirit of citizenship in embryo, a spirit that someday, when it is again stirred, may flame forth on the battlefield. There have been attempts made in some quarters to depreciate the value in case of war of young and refined men, who would undoubtedly offer their services. It seems to be an opinion which fortunately is not widely held, and which yet at the same time seems to make itself heard, that good breeding, education, politeness, attention to the courtesies and amenities of life, and a love of pursuits that are manly and without vulgarity, debar a man from being an efficient fighter, and even if conditions needed the help of every citizen would cause him to shirk his manifest duty. The injustice of such an opinion was clearly shown in the Civil War, when the defenders of-free institutions were gathered from every walk and profession of life. In fact, the very restraint which refined men place upon themselves strands in excellent stead; when self-denial and self-restraint are raised to the standard of virtues. Anyone who has read the history of the Crimean war, knows the suffering that was endured, and the brave deeds that were done by men who had merely the reputation of being the languid “swells” made famous by Punch; butterflies whose conquests were simply those of the ball room, and when marching had only been to an admiring bevy of girls on Regent Street. And yet among the six hundred at Balaklava[i] there were young men, spoiled darlings of society, who faced Russian battering with a smile and rode to death as calmly and as proudly as they would have done to a fox hunt. It was Wellington who said that Waterloo was won upon the football grounds of Eaton, and the men whose heroism and sacrifice will always touch with glory the gloom and the horror of the Sepoy rebellion, had at one time been the heroes of the drawing rooms of Mayfair. He makes a mistake who supposes that because a man visits the theater, lounges at the opera, and dawdles at the casino, or at some watering place, he is effeminate and dandyish. It will yet take centuries of adherence to social rules and fondness for social pleasures to smother the heroic spirit of the Anglo-Saxon.

On Saturday Sheriff Hart sold in front of the Hart House the Batson property, situated on the corner of Mulberry and Magnolia Streets. It was bid off by Elihu M. Lynch at $120.

Captain Theodore Megee has purchased another vessel, and will put it in the piling business between Milton and northern ports.

Mr. Eli L. Collins has been appointed by Governor Hunn Justice-of-the Peace and Notary Public for Milton.

One of the finest looking pastures near the suburbs of town is that of a portion of the estate of the late William Prettyman. It is adjoining the Milton station; is sown in clover and orchard grass, and is under the control of Mr. Charles Waples. It is a beauty.

Town Overseer Abel Pettyjohn, is excavating the street in Milton Lane, north. It is being cut to a considerable depth, and will no doubt be quite an improvement to that portion of town.

Mrs. Emma Morris, of Wyoming, is visiting friends in town.

Mr. […] C. Hazzard is having the iron fence in front of his residence on Federal Street, repainted.

Children’s Day services were held in the M. E. Church on Sunday evening. The scenery for the occasion was painted by Dr. R. R. Hopkins, and is a most beautiful production. Ail who took part in the exercises, acquitted themselves with credit. The collection approximated $20.

The fight between Mr. Helmsley, pastor of the A. M. E, Church, and the official board of that body, still goes on. It is reported that five members of the Board are favorable to the Rev. gentleman, and two are opposed to him. Acting on a majority, the church was entered on Sunday through a window and services were held, after the door was unfastened.

It is stated that Mr. Coliins, lately appointed Justice-of-the-Peace, will hold his office in that of the Mayor’s office. This may prove to be a good idea, which will develop itself in due season.

Captain Frank Lacey, who has been visiting his family, returned to his vessel last week.

Captain James Conwell returned to his vessel on Tuesday.

Three cars loaded with lumber went through for Isaac Nailor to Lewes on Tuesday.

Our artist friend, Mr. Wesley Coverdale, is decorating the Masonic Hall with paint galore. The Masons are bound not to be behind the Odd Fellows, and the prettiest of the job is they, or rather-the Order, is having the roof painted. I believe this is due to Hon. C. H. Atkins, who is one of the prominent members of the order. If I could but paint one portion of a building, that would be the roof. There are arguments against it, but plenty for it. But I’m from Kent.

Mr. Harry Robinson, formerly of Milford, is running the Wagamon mill on full tilt. Mr. Robinson is a hard worked man, as the reputation of this mill under his management, has not only become proverbial in Sussex, but in many places of Kent can testify. This firm receives grain from all over the county, and the highest cash prices are paid for it.

Mr. Harry Warrington is exorating for this town to lay a gutter around his blacksmith shop. Mr. Harrington is having the dirt thrown on his sidewalk.

Mrs. William Megee, at the corner of Union and Chestnut Street, has the prettiest little garden for beans, peas, radishes, etc., that we have seen as a whole taken in our perambulations through town. Mrs. John Smith has the nicest potato patch.

Clara Coverdale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Coverdale, of Cedar Neck, died on Monday-of measles, aged 6 years, 11 months, and 9 days. Funeral services were held at Slaughter Neck M. E. Church Tuesday. Rev. V. F. Hilles officiating, and remains deposited in adjoining cemetery. John Wilson directed the funeral.

The intelligence of the death of Miss Elvira Oliver, which reached this town on Monday, was quite a shock to our populace. Miss Oliver was a former resident of Milton, a daughter of Captain James Oliver and wife. Since the death of her parents she has been living in Philadelphia. Her death occurred on Sunday morning at the youthful age of 23 years. Her remains were brought to Milton on Wednesday, where they were taken in charge by Mr. John Wilson and sepulture made in the M. E. Cemetery, the Rev. L. P. Corkran conducted the religious obsequies. Miss Oliver leaves to survive her, Mrs. Carrie Burris, wife of Captain Burris, of Milton; Mrs. Lena Lynch, wife of Mr. Elridge Lynch, of Redden; Mrs. Fannie Warrington, of Philadelphia; Miss Mamie Oliver, of Baltimore. A brother lost at sea a few years ago—John Oliver—appears to have saddened the life of the family. Soon after the son died the father followed; and but a short time elapsed, when the mother went home. The condolences of Milton are extended to the sorrowing relatives of the deceased; and while sympathy is but a poor alleviator of distress in our heart troubles, it is generously extended and we hope it will be accepted and appreciated with all the sincerity with which it is offered.



[i] This is a reference to the celebrated charge of British light cavalry led by Lord Cardigan against well-defended Russian forces during the Battle of Balaclava on October 25, 1854 in the Crimean War. Although the brigade reached the Russian lines and scattered some of the defenders, they had taken so many casualties they were forced to withdraw immediately.