June 12, 1903

For the last three weeks Milton has been an unimportant factor in the business industry of Sussex. A person may sit on a street corner, or along any of the public thoroughfares, of the town for hours, without seeing anyone, or hearing anything save the occasional bark of one of Jim Morris’s dogs. The outlook for Milton industry is by no means flattering, and it is well to meet the issue squarely and truthfully. We do not wish to misrepresent anything, and will not knowingly do so. There is but little work being done in the mechanical line, and scarcely any labor around; men are not in demand in Milton.

Messrs. Ward & Merritt are labeling their pack of tomatoes, There are about 400 cases that were previously labeled that are damaged by the leaky building, and it has become necessary to tear thee labels off and put other on, This does not give a good reputation for some of our contractors.

We were much surprised to see in the Chronicle of last week, a card from Messrs. Beardley & Lofland branding an item formerly published by the writer as “absolutely an untruth.” If we were misinformed, the proper way for these men to have done would have been to come to the writer ad told us of our mistake, and we would have gladly made a correction. When these men want anything done, favorably, they will call on us, how much better would it have been in this last instance. People who read the papers are not always acquainted with the persons of whom they read and to be called a “liar” by anyone grates harshly on our ears, gives and unfavorable impression to parties who do not know the source from which it comes. If we are mistaken, we are sorry, and yet, we cannot thing it has hurt the reputation of the parties.[i]

The ennui of the town was broken on Saturday evening when a supposed mad dog came through town, making things lively. It snapped at several of his persuasion, kicked up a fight with two, and left town with several boys after him. Subsequent investigation has developed the fact that the dog was mad, but did not have the rabies.

Children’s Day was observed at both the M. E. and M. P. Churches on Sunday evening. The rooms were becomingly decorated and a first-class program was rendered. The collection was magnificent. And as that is now the principal part of the entertainment, all were happy.

The recent rains have made a marked improvement in the appearance of wheat; where it was yellow and sickly looking three weeks since, it now has a green and healthy appearance with the prospect of a good yield. The rain has made money for the farmers of Sussex.

E. N. Lofland has a boat yard under the shade of the willows on Union Street. He has a boat now nearly completed, and will be launched in a few days.

Tom Ingram is again into the old carriage business. He appears to be expressly adapted for this work, and puts all of his animus into the business.

J. R. Seligman, former proprietor of the “Big Store,” has sold his goods and goodwill and fixtures to Messrs. Markel & Hartman, of Baltimore. The new firm took possession last week.

J. R. Seligman and wife, of Baltimore, are Milton visitors.

Captain William Lank, of Philadelphia, is the guest of his many friends in Milton.

Samuel Bailey has a painful wound on the left foot, the recult of having stuck the prong of an oyster rake into it.

Wm. Johnson, carpenter, has returned from Pennsylvania.

Mr. Josiah Culver, agent Queen Anne’s Railroad, and photographer as well, set his camera at the M. P. Church and photographed the interior on Monday, decorated as it was for Children’s Day. Prof. Fearing, one of the official board, took in the occasion and was photographed with the rest.

Mrs. Sallie Ponder is having the sidewalks in front of her property on Union Street repaired.

A few hands were engaged to strip the bark from the piling on the docks the early part of the week, preparatory to shipment.

Mr. Alfred Megee, of near Harbeson, who was hurt last week while cutting piling, is able to be out.

Mrs. Peter Welch, after a three months’ visit to Wilmington and Philadelphia, returned to Milton on Monday.

The property of the late Mrs. Letititia E. Lank, both real and personal, is advertised to be sold at public sale, by his administratrix, Mrs. Mariana Black, on Saturday, the 13th.

Mr. Peter Welch lost his valuable road horse on Friday.

Captain Wm. Lank, of Philadelphia, and J. M. Lank, of Milton, were in Milford on Monday.

George E. Walker died at his residence in Ellendale, aged 20 years, 11 months and 16 days. Funeral and interment at Ellendale Wednesday; the Rev. Mr. Boxsom conducted the obsequies. And S. J. Wilson & Son conducted the funeral.

The school election which takes place on the 21st, will probably be a hotly contested affair, unless the electors do as they usually do, blow all of their wind out before the election, and when the day of election comes, have not the strength enough left to make out a ticket. This has been the case in municipal elections, and we took for it to be duplicated in the coming school election. It is said there are some “hot” candidates whom their “friends” want to honor; and we say put them on the ticket by all means. A man can always tell how much he weights when he has someone else beside himself to size him up.

Handy Prettyman and John Sockum represented the colored lodge of Masons at its general convention, held in Laurel on Monday. These men are noted for their sobriety, morality and general food conduct; and yet, as reported to the writer by Mr. Sockum, they got lost three times while en route for Laurel, and came home after night by another road, without losing their way.

George W. Atkins is visiting Baltimore Hundred this week, in the interest of C. H. Atkins’ shirt factory.

Mrs. Emma Johnson is having some alteration and repairs made to the property recently purchased on Federal Street and Manship Avenue.

Ex-State Treasurer C. H. Atkins and Mrs. Atkins will, about the 1st proximo, start on a tour of California, Washington and other points of interest in the northwest.


[i] David A. Conner clearly feels insulted at the implication that he is a liar, as per a letter to the editor that was published at the end of his column the preceding week. The issue in which the original story appeared has been lost.