February 26, 1904

As has been previously stated in a communication of ours, the Rev. L. P. Cochran has been unanimously invited by the last Quarterly Conference to return as pastor of the M.E. Church for another and fourth year. Mr. Corkran is one of those genial, whole-souled men that one meets seldom on this sphere. Certainly, he has his opposers, as all good men who try to do their duty in the pastorate have. Yet his sociality ought to out-weight any thing that prejudice may advance to his detriment, especially when that prejudice has been engendered by a lack of coincidence of views. The writer believes that a minister has a duty; and a part of this duty is to condemn anything he believes to be wrong, and to preach it down as far as he is able. “No compromise with evil,” should be his motor. Mr. Corkran may have gained the ill-will of some of his laymen by his uncompromising propagandism, but even if this be true, he has gained the respect and good will of them who are yet “of the household of faith.” Integrity and consistency is what most people admire, and such Mr. Cochran has. His return as pastor of the Milton M. E. Church will be cordially welcomed by the people, as a body.

The shirt factor of Douglass & White closed on Wednesday morning of last week on account of the extreme cold. It re-opened on Monday of this week.

The 400 hens of Messrs. White & Johnson, are not paying these enterprising gentlemen much. The eggery was built at the beginning of winter, and the receipts from eggs have been small. However, his innovation is a new business to both hens and projectors, and the bashfulness of the hens must be overlooked.

The gypsy band that has been encamped near Beaver Dam, broke camp on Thursday and removed farther south. They are said to have received considerable patronage from Milton, and from persons from who an intelligent public would expect better.

Dr. W. P. Jones of Ridgeley, optician, was in town on Thursday, after and absence of several weeks, on account of illness, attending to the wants of his patients.

Worthy W. Jones, a veteran of the naval service, had a stroke of paralysis last week, and is yet suffering from the effects thereof.

James Morris was arraigned before Squire Collins on Saturday evening on a charge of embezzlement. It appears that Morris, alias “Spot” engaged to wreck the schooner Stetson & Nelson that went to pieces in a gale last fall, for $20. Afterward he was employed by the owners of the vessel, Conwell & Reynolds, to sell the old sails and rigging, for which service he was to receive one-half of the proceeds. Morris sold the wreckage for $110.00, and on his return home stated he was robbed in a restaurant, and could not pay the owners their share. Suit was brought by W. W. Conwell, manager of the Milton National—one of the owners—and “Spot” was required to give $300 bail for his appearance at court. Reuben Donovan entered as bondsman.

Since the above has been written, we understand an amicable settlement of the case has been made.

The rural mail delivery that was to begin from Milton on March 1st, has by some means miscarried, and will not begin; and the route to Waples that was to be discontinued on March 1st, has been ordered continued—by the Postoffice Department.

  1. W. Atkins, Milton’s traveling salesman has been unable to travel during the past week. He is on a trip to Chincoteague this week.

Business pursued its usual course on the 22d; only the banks were closed.

A Sock Social was held at the M. E. parsonage on Monday evening under the auspices of the Ladie’s (sic) Aid Society. A general good time was had. Refreshments were served; and the lack of room was the only inconvenience experienced. It is said Samuel J. Wilson “played squirrel” on the occasion.

The red Men gave a banquet on Tuesday evening. The Tribe of Pocohontas was present.

J. M. Lank, who has been taking recuperation for a week, returned home on Saturday.

Mrs. L. B. Chandler is quite sick.

Robert Reynolds, an aged man lately from Philadelphia, died last week near town, and was buried at Weigand Chapel.