May 6, 1904

We once heard a former resident of Milton say, “l have got as much sense as Thomas F. Bayard[i], and if I only had the education I would be as smart a man.”

Thomas F. Bayard
Thomas F. Bayard

(Mr. Bayard was living at that time). Now we don’t believe any such stuff. Thomas Jefferson never wrote a bigger lie than when he wrote in the Declaration of Independence, “All men are created equal!” They may be created equal in opportunity, a part of them, but not all. Does any man suppose that a common man of our town—myself, for instance—equal to a Curer or a Webster? Certainly not! And it would not do. God knows that some must be “hewers of wood and drawers of water.[ii]” “And this fact conferred some must be wiser than the rest.” To run a world takes all kinds of people, and then these peoples of different varieties, complexions and callings could not do it unless there was as there is a guiding head to cause these peoples to do right. We must admit they do not always do right; but that is the result of moral agency. It requires a diversity of occupation as well as men to run the secular as well as the religious. One whose authority has never been questioned by the Christian world, said in one of His parables, “if the hand should say because I am not the eye, I am not of the body[iii], etc. that does not make him less apart of the body. And we gather from the physical as well as the metaphysical physiology that as there are many parts in the human makeup—the physical structure—there are also, and must be, in the body politic. Our political organization is composed of many parts, each one necessary to a whole. It takes men of various molds of mind to run Delaware; and you all know Joseph Smith could not run the Mormon Church with any less than five wives. However, Joseph Smith’s evidence reminds me of an old farmer who, sitting down one evening after a hard day work and taking up an almanac proceeded to read. After a while he said to his wife: “My dear, Solomon must have had a nice time with his many wives, as is here represented!” “Yes,” retorted his wife, “you’d have a nice time, wouldn’t you, and they all as spunky as me! Wouldn’t ye!”

The canned goods at the river cannery are badly damaged by rust and will require considerable scrubbing before they can be labelled. This cannery is in a very damp place, and when there is an extraordinary time it is submerged in water, sometimes to the depth of two feet. This might have been partly prevented had the owners of the goods lived here and exercised a proper care over their stock.

The Juvenile Missionary Society of the M. E. Sunday School held its monthly meeting on Sunday afternoon. $11.00 was raised

The M E. choir has been renovated and re-arranged. That is their lodging department has.

The shirt factory of Messrs. Douglass and White resumed operations on Monday.

Mr. R. C. Beardsley paid Milton a visit on Saturday on business.

Mr. George Abbott, of Milton, visited his daughter, Mrs. William Morris, on Sunday and Monday.

Fred Pepper is putting a. brick curbing in front of the property of Mrs. Lydia Ellingsworth on Federal Street.

Messrs. Coverdale and Outten are painting the residence of Captain Frank Casey on Federal Street.

Notice was made last week of the death of William Worthy Jones. Mr. Jones was an Englishman, and of rather a unique character. He had been married four times. Several years ago he came to this town from England, and then had his second wife. His profession was that or a steward on board of coasting and off-shore vessels; this business called him away from home the most of his time. His second wife dying he married Jennie West, who a few years ago made herself notorious by attempting suicide in the Schuylkill River. This wife did not live with him long, as she had as a mania an itinerant banjoist. She left him and married another man and Mr. Jones married another woman. This wife survives him.

Mr. Hartman, junior proprietor of the “Big Store,” and Mrs. Hartman are visiting in Baltimore.

Mr. Mullen, who recently bought the property of R. C. Beardsley, is in town fixing up the preliminaries regarding the property.

An automobile almost scared the people of town out of their wits on Monday; it came howling through the street and an elderly lag who had not been out of doors for six weeks and had not walked for four weeks, came to the door and out on the porch making inquiries. Then I asked the motorman where he generated his powers; he pointed to the red-haired girl beside him.

Sara Eliza Carey, daughter of the late Andrew Carey, and Mrs. Foster Pierce, died at the home of Hamilton Cooper, near Lincoln City Monday, May 2nd, aged 8 years, 1 month and 23 days of brain fever. Funeral services were held at the M. E. Church, Lincoln, on Wednesday afternoon and interment was made in the Lincoln cemetery. Rev. Gray was the officiating minister and Samuel J. Wilson & Son were the funeral directors.



[i] Thomas Francis Bayard (1828 –1898) was an American lawyer, politician, and diplomat from Wilmington, Delaware. A Democrat, he served three terms as United States Senator from Delaware, was appointed Secretary of State by President Grover Cleveland in 1885, and served as Ambassador to the United Kingdom.

[ii] Quotation from Old Testament, Joshua 9:23

[iii] Quotation from New Testament, 1 Corinthians 12:15-26