August 3, 1906

On Saturday afternoon, in front of the Hart House, James A. March Esq., as trustee for the heirs of the late Edward Jones and widow, sold the following real estate, to wit: No. 1 containing 247 acres, mostly woodland, situated in Broadkiln Hundred, was bought by Anson G. Rought, at $24.33 per acre. No. 2 containing 1 acre and 28 perches[i] is located in Milton, was purchased by C. G. Waples for $117.50. No. 8 containing 46 perches is situated on Federal and Sand Streets, was bought by P. J. Hart for $80.50. No. 4 containing 21 perches, located on Sand Street was struck off by James H. McClothin to himself, at $71.00. No. 5 containing 50 perches, and fronting on Federal Street, encumbered by an old store house was bought by F. F. Gray at $477.50. No. 6 containing 41 perches of fronting on Chestnut Street, improved by a two story dwelling, was bid off by James Palmer, at $955.

It is said the Rev. Edward Heavalow, colored, has eloped with Mrs. Mary Ricketts, wife of Isaac Ricketts, also colored, and both of them near Milton. The woman leaves a husband and five children, the youngest a mere babe, and the Rev. “Ed” leaves the sills and foundation of a proposed church. He carries with him the contempt of the better element of his race, and the sincere wishes of the community that he may never return.

The Wagamon Brothers are buying large quantities of wheat at their flour mill.

A new gutter has been made at the confluence of Manship Avenue with Chestnut Street.

Mrs. John Cottrell and daughter of Wilmington are visiting friends.

Wells Wilson and Miss Edna Wilson, children of the Rev. W. W. W. Wilson, of New Haven, Conn. are the guests of their uncle, S. J. Wilson and family.

Mrs. Simester’s address at the M. E. Church, on Thursday evening was well attended, and much enjoyed.

John C. Ellingsworth, after being in business for 16 years, has sold his stock of goods to T. H. Strauff, of Philadelphia. Mr. Ellingsworth will abandon the mercantile business, and, making his home still in Milton, will take some time for rest and recuperation before engaging in any other business. Mr. Strauff has boxed and shipped the purchased goods to Philadelphia.

Dr. R. F. Wilson, while driving furiously on Union Street on Thursday collided with a carriage of David Simpler. Wilson had two wheels smashed. Simpler’s carriage was slightly damaged; and a trip to Milford had to be abandoned.

The barge Rambo, Captain Rodgers, is on the Broadkiln with a load of lime.

After building a fire in the oil stove in William Mears’ barber shop, on Thursday, the attendant went out and stayed too long. When he returned the stove was melted.

Lavinia walk leading to the camp ground has been cleaned of grass; the tents on the ground have been whitewashed and repaired, and other things have been done necessary to the convenience of those who may patronize the meeting. The camp will open on Saturday. There will be no services at the M. E. Church on the next two Sundays, the congregation having been invited and will accept the invitation, to visit the camp. Rev. R. S. Coursey left on Monday to visit several camp meetings in his native state, Maryland.

Several persons whose names appear on the church a record, embraced Sunday to visit Rehoboth. How does this compost with the Sunday train question? “O, consistency thou art a jewel!”

Mrs. Fred Welch and child, of Philadelphia, are visiting friends.

Andersen & Co. will be in Milton about the 12th to get the river cannery in order for the season’s work.

An angel is wanted to teach a country school near town; must be of the masculine gender, and possessed of other [celestial] qualities. Apply to the committee.

George Kimmey, Jr., of Philadelphia is a Milton visitor.

Mrs. Annie Musgrove, of Milford, is the guest of Mrs. P. J. Hart.

The Shirt factory will close on Saturday for two weeks’ vacation; and to give the employees a chance to attend camp and the beach.

The crossing on Mulberry Street near Broad, in North Milton, has been raised.

The “big sale” of Robert Collins which was expected to bring an overplus of people to town, is over. No other Milton merchant will be likely to duplicate Mr. Collins’ experience.

It is rumored Captain George E. Megee is a candidate for the nomination for governor, on the prohibition ticket. We have not a particle of doubt, but Captain Megee will poll as many votes as any other man who might be nominated on that ticket. Yet, we sincerely hope Captain Megee will not allow his name to be used in that connection. He is too good a man to be set up merely to be knocked down.

Mrs. Matilda A. Conaway, wife of the Rev. W. M. Conaway, died at Salem, Md., of cancer of the stomach, age 71 years. The remains were brought to this town on the noon train of Tuesday, and after funeral services at the M. E. Church, by presiding elder Morgan, was deposited in the M. E. Cemetery, by J. B. Atkins.

Mrs. Carrie Johnson has had a new brick a walk laid on the north side of her residence on Federal Street.


[i] A square perch, in the case of area measure, is equal to 30 1⁄4 square yards, or 0.00625 acres, or 1/160 acre.