February 4, 1910

The funeral services of Mrs. Elizabeth Dean, relict of the late John Dean, were held at the M. P. Church on Friday afternoon, by the Rev. J. DF. Smith assisted by Rev. A. C. McGilton, D. D., after which the remains were deposited in the M. E. Cemetery by S. J. Wilson. Deceased leaves to survive her one son, John Dean, of this hundred, and two daughters, Mrs. Burton Johnson and Mrs. William Vent, both of Milton; and five grandchildren. This aged lady departed the life on Wednesday morning the 26th, after several weeks’ confinement by the infirmities of age, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Vent on Walnut Street. She was 83 years, 8 months and 11 days old.

Dying of tuberculosis on Wednesday, at his home at Hunter’s Mill in the 64th year of his age, the funeral services of Robert T. Tull were held at Beaver Dam M. P. Church on Saturday morning by the Rev. Bryan, and sepulture made in the adjacent cemetery by S. J. Wilson.

Miss Lydia M. Reed, daughter of Curtis C. Reed of near Milton, and Frederick G. Argo of Baltimore were married at the M. E. Parsonage on Thursday evening by the Rev. A. V. McGilton, D. D.

The Maryland Annual Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church will meet in Brooklyn Methodist Protestant Church, Baltimore, on April 5.

A box with a glass front has been attached to one of the doors of the fire engine house in which is the key to the house, and also a notice which states, in substance, in the event of a fire, break the glass, take out the key, open the doors and put the lock and key back in the box. Below the notice, is a codicil which informs anyone that breaking the glass maliciously, or for any other purpose that that stated, persons so doing will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

We though it right funny, when on last Thursday morning we saw several people near town hauling fodder from the field, and some of them had just husked the corn out. With such a nice fall as the last we thought it funny that good farmers should leave a part of the crop in the field so long, and haul it to the barn year to stack at the beginning of another year. We said to our companion “It’s funny.” “Well,” said he, “the time to stack fodder is when protracted meeting begins in the country. It was so when I was a boy and it is so yet.”

The unsightly rubbish that has for so long a time disgraced the northwest corner of Federal and Front Streets is being slowly removed.

Mrs. Mary Fields has opened an oyster saloon in her property on the north side of the bridge.

Mrs. Comfort Palmer has returned from the Delaware Hospital, Wilmington, where she had an operation performed for cancer.

The foundation of David Dutton’s house has been completed, and Johnson & Sharp, the builders, are at work on the frame.

Work has again commenced of W. W. Conwell’s second double dwelling on north Mulberry Street.

Arthur Macklin, formerly of Milford, has rented the vacant storehouse of C. H. Atkins, corner Chestnut and Front Streets, for a meat store.

Ex-congressman Burton of Lewes was in town on Friday, as well as ex-Sheriff Robinson of Georgetown.

Thomas Johnson has built an addition to his property on Mulberry Street.

The young people of the M. E. Church will give a “measuring social” on this (Tuesday) evening at the home of Mrs. Joseph L. Black on Chestnut Street. Proceeds for the Organ Fund.

Riley Clifton is seriously ill with typhoid pneumonia at his home on Chestnut Street.

On Sunday afternoon Theodore Wilson of near Waples’ Mill came to town, and hitched his horse in front of Benjamin Walls’ blacksmith shop. It remained there until the evening and when Mr. Wilson went to look for his team it was gone. The next morning it was found in the wood, near E. K. Collins’ farm near the home of the owner. It is thought somebody “tied the horse loose.”

Saturday afternoon presented every appearance of another snow storm, and in consequence some of the many things that were booked to have been held at that particular time did not materialize. The sales that were advertised took place, but the Teachers’ Institute did not. There was a small audience assembled in School Hall; all the local talent was there; and the County Superintendent of Public Schools also; but the holding of the institute proper was postponed, indefinitely. Perhaps our local talent did not wish to shoot at such a small flock nor waste its fragrance on the desert air. And the Grange meeting, well we don’t know anything about it. Presumably, the weather may not have affected it.

At the close of the Sunday morning service at the M. P. Church, the pastor asked for a contribution of five dollars, for Miers Roach, an indigent cripple of this town. The amount was raised in a few minutes in sums of twenty-five cents each.

John C. Hazzard left on Tuesday for Wilmington, where he will spend the remainder of the winter with his daughter, Mrs. P. W. Tomlinson.

Captain Silas Dodd is spending a part of the bad weather in and near Milton.

Rufus Reed has removed into his new dwelling on Chandler Street. Mr. Penelope Morris, mother of Mrs. Reed, will reside with them. Paynter Johnson has removed into the property vacated by Mrs. Morris.

Wesley Coverdale on Saturday had the misfortune to cut two of the fingers pf his right hand with a saw. The wounds bled profusely; and are both painful, and much in the way.

“Billy” Robinson has bought a row boat, and says he now proposes to beat anyone rowing on the river. Everyone knows “Billy’s” naphtha launch beats all other launches on the river.

The interior of J. L. Black’s storehouse is completed as far as the joiner and carpenter work goes, and the brick work of Carey and Darby’s has been finished the present week.

Revival services began at the M. P. Church on Sunday evening. Rev. Smith expects to conduct the […] without the aid of an evangelist depending on the ministers hereabout for assistance should any be needed. And we think this is a very wise arrangement, for—in the writer’s opinion—these travelling adventurers can leave the community, and the church, a great deal worse off that they found it. This has been the case with Milton, as many know to their sorrow.[i]

Captain William Lank, of Philadelphia, is at this writing visiting his boyhood home. Captain Lank has not been here since the great fire of August last, and many of his attractions of other years were wiped out by that great conflagration. Like all other men he loves the home of his youth, and when opportunity offers, he, for a time, “eventuates to his native hearth.”

Mrs. […] Fisher, widow of the late Jospeh Fisher, died at the home of her son, William Fisher, near Ellendale, Tuesday February 1st […], age 70 years 1 month and 15 days. Funeral at New Market on Thursday afternoon. Interment in cemetery joining Church, Rev. Hopkins of Ellendale officiating, S. J. Wilson & Son, funeral directors. Mrs. Fisher’s mother died 19 years aged […] years, 10 months and 26 days old.


[i] In the Milton News letter of January 11, 1907, David A. Conner reported that an evangelist named Taylor, preaching at the M. E. Church revival meeting, went too far in his characterization of the girls and women of Milton as morally unsound, and a rumpus at the church ensued; when the evangelist fled to the M. E. parsonage where he was lodging, he was pelted with eggs before he could make his escape.