January 20, 1911

We have not seen but we have heard that a petition has been or will be put into the hands of Representative Robbins, of this district, to be presented to the present Delaware Legislature, asking for an amendment to the charter of Milton whereby the present allowance of tax rate to be assessed yearly, which is now one thousand dollars, be increased to twenty-five hundred dollars. We are aware that Milton is advancing and it takes money to run a town, and there is much work to do in straightening streets, surveying and other important improvements. But isn’t this a big jump, from one thousand dollars to twenty five hundred dollars? And is Town Council trying to do this alone with the help of a few “influential politicians?” And will the Legislature pass such an amendment to our charter without hearing the “rank and file” of the town? It is the property owners who pay the most taxes, but the renter pays these taxes back to the property owners in rents. It will do well for the “rank and file” to keep its eyes open and on the proceedings of the Legislature. And if you don’t want the tax rate increased remonstrate against it and don’t lie supinely on your jacks and do nothing, and after the charter is mended, kick. We are aware little can be done with a legislature except by the “influential politician,” ex-members, for instance, but the poor man and renter can protest—if he wants to do so. Attend to your business for this is the business of each taxpayer.

Another meeting of citizens will be held in School Hall on Wednesday evening to consider the water works problem. At this meeting the committee appointed at a previous meeting to obtain information regarding the cost of a system, maintenance of the same, and on other points, will report. This is also another important matter for the voters and taxpayers to decide. No one will question the convenience and advantage of water works in case of fire, but the question may be asked, is Milton able to afford them? We know the argument is advanced that water works will, with its many other advantages, decrease the cost of insurance. We had that argued after the great fire, in regard to building brick or concrete buildings. That it would decrease the cost of insurance. Well, it did, one half. And it is not likely the insurance companies would make any further decrease in its assessment, water works or no water works. Now the writer is not opposed to water works, not to improvements of any kind; he favors them and always has, but—and this little conjunction means a great deal—we should consider our resources. Do we want a bonded town forever, for the sake of a modern improvement? If we do, there are some capitalists in Milton who also do; to get their idle capital into “gilt-edged securities.” The same argument applies to water works as to a tax raise. The property owners have the burden of the tax to pat in the first instance, but the renter pays it in the end. However, as this town is under a Republican form of government, let each taxpayer who has paid his tax turn out and vote to suit himself, and abide the consequences.

Captain George B. Bailey, formerly of this town, and familiarly known as “Burt” Bailey, died on Thursday of last week in Wilmington from injuries received from an accident over a year ago. The funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon succeeding his death. He leaves a widow with several children by a former husband.

Mrs. Irene Mentzinger, of Philadelphia, has been the guest of her parents. Justice-of-the-Peace and Mrs. Eli L. Collins.

Miss Mollie Hazzard and brother Oliver have returned to Philadelphia after spending some time with their mother, Mrs. Emma Hazzard.

J. M. Lank, trust officer of the S. T. T. & S. D. Co., was a Dover visitor last week.

The marriage of Miss Margaret Rust, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Rust, of Harbeson, to William C. Green, of Angola, is announced to take place at the home of the bride’s parents on Wednesday evening the 28th inst.

Clarence Vent has removed to the William Vent homestead near Harbeson.

Samuel Fithian, proprietor of the Central cigar store, has removed his family from Salem, N. J. to this town, and occupies the property of Mrs. Mollie Lingo, of North Union Street.

The Royal Packing Co. is now contracting for the growing of peas.

On Thursday William Wharton had an attack of spasmodic asthma at John Megee’s barber shop. Dr. Douglass was hastily summoned and administered a necessary remedy, and in two hours he was so far recovered as to be attended to his home on Chandler Street. He is now fully recovered.

Captain John C. Jones of Williamsburg, Va., has been in town a part 0f the past week attending to business concerning property he owns here.

The gypsy band that was encamped opposite Lavinia camp ground has gone father south. The camp ground remains, the tents are still there, one water closet is partly wrecked, and several boards are left lying across the seat in the preacher’s stand were the children had been playing see-saw.

There are several coal kilns now burning and fourteen more remain to be banked over for that purpose near Lavinia Wood.

Lightning and thunder was a feature of Sunday, with a small quantity of rain.

The following recommendation was given by a gentleman of this town to the colored man herein named:

Sirs:–This man’s name is George David Mortimer Bryan, son of Cephus Coklin Bryan of New York City. No relation to William Jennings Bryan. He is honest and will do justice to any position you may give him. He longs for city life; and light work. Any favors you may show him to place his feet on higher ground will be appreciated by himself. He wears a number [..] shoe. We would not part with him, but we have many more like him. He counts on Election Day.

What has developed into German measles was the cause of a scarlet fever scare last week. In some parts of the town, the former disease prevailed among some children. The parents of other children, as was natural, became alarmed and supposing the disease to be scarlet fever, waited on the Board of Health and threw a part of its members into a state of hysteria, who declared the churches, which were holding revival services, and the school must be closed. This was done for the remainder of the week. The scare is now over. The churches held services on Sunday, and the extra meetings began again on Sunday evening. The schools re-opened on Monday. Any one knows every time a school is closed for a day or more, it becomes disorganized to a certain extent and all other business of a town is injured when any epidemic is threatened. The Board of Health is no doubt sorry for its precipitation, and the people hope that such a hysterical […] may not occur again.

William H. Welch, of this town, and at present principal of the Ellendale public schools, will take the place of 1st Vice Principal of the Milton Public Schools made vacant by the death of E. W. Warren, commencing Monday the 23rd inst.

Miss Edith C. Clendaniel, of Milford, is the guest of Robert Walls and family, at Stevensonville.

Prof. Fearing was sitting at his front window[i], opposite the M. P. Church and looking across saw the following placard in front of the church: “Revival Services This Week.” After ruminating while he mused, “Well, I guess that’s to let the neighbors know there’s meeting going on this week.” Prof. Fearing is a member, and one of the official board of the church.

[i] The Fearing house stood on the northeast corner of Federal and Chandler Streets. The site today is an English-style garden.