March 3, 1911

The patriotism of Milton appears to be on the wane. The tide is at its ebb and nearly low water. On last Wednesday the 22nd ult—anniversary of Washington’s Birthday—there was but little done in this town to honor the memory of the “father of his country.” The Trust Company Bank was closed as was also the Shirt and Overall Factory. All other places were doing business or trying to. The public schools were open in the morning, and kept school again until three o’clock in the afternoon. We patrolled the streets several times during the day and saw but one flag flying, and that was in front of the lodge room of the Jr. O. U. A. M. The flag was not raised in front of the school building during the day, neither was it the day previous, and we don’t believe it as on Monday previous. How is all “this thus?” Particularly the flag business. The day was monotonous enough, but the ennui might have been mitigated by seeing “old glory” all around in different quarters. On this noted day a lawsuit came before justice-of-the-peace Eli. T. Collins in this wise: Mary Burton brought suit against Ethel Burton for assault and battery alleged to have been committed at a festival at Burton’s Chapel. Squire Collins questioned the principal in the affair, and dismissed the case without examining any witness. On the evening of this day the Fireman Band gave a concert in School Hall at which a goodly number were present.

About 7 o’clock on Wednesday evening the dreaded cry “Fire! Fire!” was heard and one after another took up the cry until the whole of the upper part of Federal Street was filled with people vociferating “Fire! Fire!” the matter was soon allayed when it was found out that a large heap of brush or corn stalks was being burned on a lot on the eastern precinct of the town. This lighted up the contiguous territory. Hence the alarm.

Elmer Dickerson has built a milk wagon for vending milk around the town. It is a pretty thing and he built it himself, painted and lettered it. It is called “The Lake Shore Milk Dairy.” Named from his farm. Not the one he now lives on, but the one he recently purchased and which borders on the water of Lake Fanganzyki.

Miss Lenore Steadley of Wilmington visited Milton last week in the interest of her business, and attended the meeting of the Century Club on Wednesday afternoon.

At the State Council Jr. O. U. A. M. held in Milford last week Frank B. Carey of this town was elected National Representative to attend the National Council to be held at Mobile, Ala. June 20th.

Rollie Clifton left last week for Philadelphia to accept a position as salesman. As he has gad experience at the business and showed adaptability for the work we are sure he will succeed in the venture.

James Ponder has purchased a tract of white oak and gum timber in North Carolina and left on Friday by train with a corps of men, wagons, and teams to cut, haul, and dispose of the lumber.

The Misses Hattie and Laura Conner were in Milford on Thursday.

Goodwin Brothers & Conwell are contracting for tomatoes.

Mrs. Elizabeth J. Carey, relict of the late C. J. Carey, since the death of her husband has removed to Magnolia and well reside with her siste3r Mrs. Robert Blocksom of that town.

The Frances Willard Commemorative Services held under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. at the M. P. Church on the evening of the 21st, was a pleasant and enjoyable session to the many who attended.

The personal property of the late Cornelius J. Carey was sold at public auction on Saturday afternoon by the S. T. T. & S. D. Co., as agent for Elizabeth J. Carey.

Our inquiry of two weeks ago as to the whereabouts of Dr. Yokum, and the statement as to the possibility of his name being dropped from the rolls of the Ananias Club unless he disclosed himself, has brought a response from that gentleman. He was in town on Saturday and stated he is living during the winter in seclusion in a country home, but in a few weeks will return to Milton and take up the burden of life again.

The lumber that was purchased a few years ago to build a tower in front of the P. E. Church, and which has been lying in the yard for several months, has been sold to John Megee, who has removed it for his own use.

It is hardly necessary to say that the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be administered at both of the Methodist Churches on next Sunday morning; as it has been the custom of the past few years to observe this sacrament once a month, and on the first Sunday of the month.

Richard Ellicott of Philadelphia is now the guest of C. H. Atkins and family.

John Megee has put a wire fence around his vacant lot on Lavinia Street.

C. M. Gilpin, special pension agent from Washington, returned to Milton on Saturday and was the guest of Samuel Carter and family over Sunday.

At Fairview farm near town, John C. Short, an uncle of Mrs. Carter. Also spent Saturday and Sunday with the pair. Mr. Gilpin and Mr. Carter are friends of many years.

The move to establish a creamery has collapsed. The people of Milton have been wounded once; and that time in the house of their friends—or supposed friends—and their motto appears to now be “precaution,” my boy, “precaution.” There are several reasons ascribed for the failure of the creamery to materialize, none of which appear to the writer to be valid. It is said some parties subscribed for stock, believing the amount asked for could not be raised, but when they found success was about to be assured, backed down. Others say the projector was a “fake” and working for himself alone. The people of the town must be the judge in this matter of who is right. Deponent sayeth not.

The bakery and confectionery store of Mrs. Ida Fox has been repainted by Frank Dutton.

Miss Lottie Welch went to Philadelphia on Tuesday, being summoned on account of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Fred Welch, being very ill.

The school flag was hoisted again on Mon day after being down for one week or more, and as we write is still flying.

A town election will be held on Saturday next at which time a mayor to serve for one year, and two commissioners to serve for three years, will be elected. Let everyone who has paid his tax turn out and vote for the best candidate, or forever hold his peace.

Mahalah W. Burris, wife of Captain Eli W. Burris, died on Tuesday after a protracted confinement with paralysis, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Megee, on Chestnut Street, aged 84 years, 11 months and 20 days. Funeral services will be at her late home on Thursday afternoon by the Revs. Holland and

Lusk, and the remains will be interred in the M. E. Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son. Captain Burris and the deceased had been married for 65 years.