December 13, 1907

Although real winter is not considered to begin until the 22nd of the present month, December came in mad, and continued in a petulant mood for several days; but during the latter part of last week it became more sunny and its smile was child-like and bland. On Friday and Saturday mornings the river and the lake were frozen over. Saturday became spring-like, and parties were cleaning off the gardens and burning the debris. The rector and a part of the vestry of the church of St. John Baptist were raking the leaves from amongst the dry grass that surrounds the church, and burning them. On that afternoon the upper part of the town was, for a time, a vast cloud of smoke, and the people on the lower part of the town thought a fire had broken out.

The room beneath the justice-of-the-peace’s office in the Ponder Block has been nicely fitted up, and a Social Club has been formed with headquarters at this room. The meetings at this place may, partly, relieve the ennui occasioned by the closing of the reading room at the hotel.

Clate Hastings has removed from Milton. It is said the moving was done by “star light” and George Burris, his former landlord, would like to know his whereabouts.

Hog killing is now on. So far Joseph Brittingham has butchered the largest one. Its weight being 680 pounds.

J. Polk Bailey has become nearly blind he is so badly afflicted that he cannot work, and can scarcely see to get around.

W. H. Davidson of Philadelphia was in town for several days last week, in the interest of the A. O. U. W.

Of evenings, about dark snipe are in the habit of flying from one meadow across the street, near the bridge to another. On last Friday evening while doing so one struck the telephone wire and killed itself. William Maull got the bird.

The extra meetings at Zion have closed. Extra Services will begin at the M. E. Church in town, the 1st of January.

On Thursday evening of last week did Jr. O. U. A. M., with their wives and sweethearts, met in their lodge room in extraordinary session. The occasion was a reception given to State Councillor Benjamin F. Simmons of Dover. After the business of the gathering was attended to the company adjourned to the lower room of Masonic hall, where a grand feast was held.

J. B. Welch made a business trip to Philadelphia this week.

Miss Lottie Welch returned on Tuesday from an extended visit in Philadelphia.

The W. C. T. U. held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Tottie Black on Monday evening.

J. H. Davidson had an attack of vertigo early on Monday morning. For a time he was unconscious; but is better at the present writing.

Josh Bailey’s pig that he butchered is said to weigh 49 pounds. It weighed 30 pounds when put out, and Josh thinks, had he kept it a few weeks longer, he might have got 50 pounds out of it.

The gutter connecting Magnolia Street with Mulberry has been tiled, and now the water coming down the latter street, is drained into the meadow near Magnolia Street.

There has been some trouble between the teacher of the colored school in North Milton and the parents of her pupils. The committee were about to discharge her on charges, which we will not relayed, and had negotiated for another teacher to take her place on Monday. Then during the latter part of last week an amicable agreement between the teacher and the committee was reached, and Miss Estella D. Allen, the teacher, continues in charge of the school.

John Sockum, Charles H. Atkins’ right hand man, is spending the present week touring Wilmington, Philadelphia and other places. “Sock” has been closely tied down to business, and needed a rest. He knew, also, that George Atkins will be home this week and the business in the shirt department would move along as well as though he were about. Rufus Conner, lately from Farnhurst, is “Sock’s” amanuensis pro tem.[i]

Walter Richardson spent Monday and Tuesday in Wilmington.

It is reported that somebody stole somebody’s gin, brandy, and whiskey from an upper room on Federal Street on Friday night of last week

Quite a large quantity of piling now covers the dock; and it is said, at least one-third of them have been condemned.

J. Carey Palmer is shipping cedar posts to northern markets.

Miss Estella Virden who has been visiting for six weeks in Philadelphia and Camden, N. J., arrived home on Monday.

During a rain like that of Tuesday morning many of the Milton pavements are as wet as the sidewalks where there are no pavements. There pavements are sunken in places; and as hilly and uneven, and the sunken places hold the water, and these sidewalks are really worse in one sense, than are they that are not paved; for they hold the water longer.

Joseph Walls has completed his dwelling and outbuildings on Union Street, north of the bridge. Mr. Walls now has a model home, up to date in every particular. The back buildings—stables and carriage house—are well arranged, and what is unusual in these latter days, a fence, Yes! A real fence! of good cedar post and other good material encloses the pound and back buildings. Everything is cozy, nice, and comfortable.

Ethel M. Waples, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Waples, died on Sunday evening of membranous croup, aged 10 years, 3 months, and 28 days. Funeral services were held at the home of the parents, by the Rev. R. T. Coursey, on Wednesday morning, and interment was made in White’s Chapel Cemetery, by S. J. Wilson.


[i] Amanuensis is defined as “a literary or artistic assistant, in particular one who takes dictation or copies manuscripts.” “Pro tem” (short for pro tempore) means “temporarily.”