August 5, 1910

Miss Mary L. Coverdale, aged 55 years, was found about 6 o’clock on Friday morning in her garden with her throat cut, one of her jugular veins being severed. Miss Coverdale lived with her widowed brother on Federal Street. She was undoubted a suicide. The circumstances are as follows, as related by her brother. For several weeks Miss Coverdale has been developing symptoms of dementia so far as to need watching. During the past week her brother had lost much sleep, up to Thursday night. On that night he slept well and until early on Friday morning. Arising about 6 o’clock he found the lower part of the house open and his sister gone. He related to the writer—and the above has also come from him—that he went down upon the dock to look for her. Not finding her he came back to the house and while looking around Sam Smith came up and went into the harden and after rummaging around discovered the body of Miss Coverdale in the condition above mentioned condition. She was removed into the house and Dr. R. B. Hopkins summoned, who sewed the wounds as best he could, but expressed to intimates there was no hope. The deed was done with an old case knife. She lay in a state of coma for an hour or so and partly revived, and became conscious enough to know her friends and attendants. She commenced to tear the stitches from her throat, which cause the wounds to bleed afresh, and she died at 3.30 of the same morning. Miss Coverdale was a model woman. For thirty-five years she was treasure of the M. E. Sunday School, and resigned her position last March. At the time of her death she was teacher of the Bible Class of the same school. It would seem almost useless to state that the community was shocked at the sad death, and Miss Coverdale was beloved and respected by all of Milton, and her many friends elsewhere. The only cause ascribed for her act is too much ennui, as she seldom went anywhere and was always in Milton. She leaves one brother, a nephew and a niece. A strictly private funeral was held at her late home on Sunday morning by the Rev. Lusk and sepulture made in the M. E. Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son. The nephew Captain John Coverdale and wife arrived in town on their annual summer visit on the day of the tragedy, knowing nothing about it until their arrival and no one can scarcely realize the feeling of horror with which they were transfixed. Miss Eve—the niece—arrived on Saturday.

“Hotcat” is the name the girls have given to their new bathing resort. It is situated on the east bank of Lake Fanganzyki, and is reached very readily from Federal Street, via “Hutson Alley.” The misses and tots, and some of a larger growth have been using this resort, i. e. of Federal Street a long time, but of late, since the place has become known, it is the bathing place of the many, even from North Milton, The place is beautifully located, has a splendid beach, and as it is situated on lake has no undertow. It is only superseded by Atlantic City and Cape May, by the extensiveness of the beaches of the latter. The girls who visit here are of the most select company, and are chaperoned by their little, big brothers. It is a quiet and shady place, and we may add the girls with their pretty bathing suits are up to the sport and enjoy themselves amazingly. “Hotcat” is destined to become famous.

The “Lillian Cade Union” of Cave Neck will hold a picnic on the Peter W. Dutton Farm on Saturday August 6th. The speaker for the occasion will be Wm. J. Arters of Wilmington, Secretary of the Anti-Saloon League, Ice cream and cake will be served to all free of charge. So don’t absent yourselves for fear of a collection.

Mrs. Charles Barrett of Philadelphia spent a short time with Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson last week.

Rev. C. A. Behringer, Sr., wife and the Rev. C. A. Behringer Jr. arrived in town on Monday from Swedesboro, N. J. via automobile from the latter city to Penngrove, N. J., thence to Wilmington and down lovely Delaware to lovelier Milton. Mr. Behringer expects to put in his vacation here in autoing both with land and naval force, and is already at work.

On Thursday evening at the M. P. Parsonage at Harbeson, Wilfred C. White and Miss Annie Palmer, both of Milton, were joined in the Holy bonds of matrimony the Rev. VB. A. Bryan. The parties are well known in Milton, but for the information of those who are unacquainted we will state that Mr. White is the son of Prothonotary White of Georgetown and prominently connected with the Royal Packing Company of Milton. Miss Paler is connected with the telephone exchange of the town and one of the finest young ladies of Milton.

The Lavinia Camp Meeting Committee met on last Wednesday evening and voted to abandon proposed Camp, and President Sheridan on Saturday was notified to cancel the appointments of preachers. Several causes were brought forward to Sheridan. The Rev. Frank Holland, under whose charge the meeting would have been conducted, is seriously ill with typhoid; another reason is assigned that most of the members of the church are workers, and busy men, and owning to the scarcity of help are compelled to do their work themselves and cannot spare the time to attend a camp meeting, that judging from the past, would be prolific of no spiritual good. And, furthermore, the only persons who are over anxious for a camp meeting are the ones who do not expect to put a dollar into it, but get all they can out of it. We think, however, the chief reason for its abandonment is a dead dog that was killed by lightning two weeks ago and some boys hauled and deposited on Lavinia causeway; instead of removing the dog somewhere else, some parties covered it with earth and the carcass is now in a state of decomposition and will remain so for some time. There will therefore be no white camp held at Lavinia this year, but the colored people will hold their commencing on August 21st.

Theodore Messick, a former editor and owner of the Milton Times, and wife, now of Camden, N. J., have been spending a few days in town.

The cement pavement in front of the Palmer Block has been completed.

Dawson Robinson recently so low with typhoid is able to sit around in the porch.

Rev. Frank Holland is yet critically ill with typhoid.

Work has been suspended on the Wilson building for over a week for want of cement. The walls are nearly completed.

Miss […] Gillespie, of Milford, was entertained in Milton last week.

[…] Davidson of Broadkiln ran a prong of a pitchfork into his right leg on Friday. He came to Milton for treatment and Dr. R. B. Hopkins took care of him.

There were […] persons at Hotcat Beach, as mentioned above on Friday; school teachers, wives and tots and a preacher and his wife from Philadelphia. It was a gala time, the water splashed, the girls screamed, and all enjoyed themselves immensely.

Mrs. Charles A. Cannon and daughter, Ethel, of Camden, N. J., are the guests of Milton friends.

The S. T. T. & Safe Deposit Company has been appointed guardians for the Mixer heirs of W. [..] White, long since deceased.

While in town on Saturday, Eli Mosley’s [..type of cart…] was run into by a team and one of the hind wheels demolished. Eli had to borrow a team to take his […] home.

During the severe electric storm of Saturday afternoon lightning struck the barn and stables of H. K. Wagamon, near the Roller Flour Mills on Mulberry Street, and in thirty-five minutes the dwelling was nearly burned to the ground. The fire engine and any quantity oif people were on the ground, within fifteen minutes after the accident and worked heroically, but could only keep the fire from extending to nearby buildings. Fortunately Mr. Wagamon with an attendant was in the building at the time, and threw off the roller doors enabling the five horses to escape and saving the wagons and other vehicles. The horse when turned loose were wild with fright and ran over the4 town, two of them being severely injured by coming in contact with a barbed wire fence. There was about three tons of clover hay in the building which was consumed with it. Loss about $500 and no insurance. Mr. Wagamon’s other horse was in Milford at the time.

Miss Fannie Lofland and Mr. John C. Richards were married on the 24th inst, at the M. E. Parsonage, by the Rev. J. A. Lusk. No cards.

The stoning of Front and Union Streets will be completed this week.

Rev. Hope Carson of Philadelphia preached at the M. E. Church on Sunday both morning and evening.

A Japanese with an unpronounceable name and hailing from somewhere, preached at the M. E. Church on Sunday morning and evening and lectured at the same place on Monday evening.

George Fowler, raised in Milton and married in Frederica, was a visitor over Sunday, leaving on Monday for Frederica and Philadelphia.

Miss Anna and Helen Manship are being entertained in Milton and elsewhere.

Walter D. Brittingham died at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Brittingham, on Saturday of brain fever, aged 5 years, 9 months and 15 days. Funeral services were held at Conley Chapel on Sunday afternoon, by the Rev. G. B. Elles, and burial made in the M. E. Cemetery at Lewes, by S. J. Wilson & Son.

Edward R. Willey, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Willey, died near Milton on Sunday of cholera infantum, aged 6 months and 11 days. Funeral on Monday afternoon, by the Rev. J. A. Lusk, and sepulcher made at Reynold’s Church yard by S. J. Wilson & Son.

Austin Darby, son of Captain Charles Darby, fell into the river near the iron bridge on Monday and but for the timely arrival of Frank Bailey, a boy older than he, who pulled him out, would have drowned. The boy was in a dazed condition when bailiff Mustard took him to his father’s store. This should be a warning to him and other boys, to keep away from the water, “until they learn how to swim.”

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