April 21, 1911

Contrary to the expectations of many, and in direct disregard of the “weather man’s” probabilities, Easter morning dawned clear and fairly pretty although a strong wind was blowing which marred to some extent the comforts of the day. Nevertheless the ladies had a good opportunity to air their new gowns anti to show off to advantage their new spring head-gear. And you may be sure they did it. There are several styles this spring, probably more grotesque than heretofore; and it must not be supposed that the writer is acquainted with the vernacular of ladle’s gowns —nor of ladies hats. But we remark that they—the ladies—look pretty in them, no matter how grotesque or uncouth the style. The churches were, as usual, nicely trimmed with flowers and ferns and Rev. Hurst preached an appropriate sermon on the Resurrection of our Savior, at the M. E church, and the Rev G. R. McReady, of Laurel, preached at M. P. Church in the morning. There regular Easter services were held at this church in the evening. The day passed pleasantly, the thoughts of those religiously inclined dwelling on that great event of over nineteen hundred years ago, when He who “came into the world to save sinners” gave His life to the ransom of the word, and made possible this day that we commemorate His resurrection from the dead.

“Sing praise the tomb is void,
Where our Redeemer laid
Sing of our bonds destroyed
Our darkness turned to day;
Weep for the dead no more.
Friends be of joyful cheer,
Our star moves on before,
Our narrow way shines clear.”[i]

The First Quarterly Conference of the M. P. Church will be held on Monday Mav 1st. A full attendance of the members is desired by the pastor.

At a meeting of the congregation of the M. E. Church, held last week, it was decided to purchase a pipe organ for the church auditorium.

A reception was given to the new minister, the Rev. VV. O. Hurst, on Wednesday evening at the M. E. Church. A good time was had. Refreshments were served, greetings exchanged, speeches made, and music enlivened the whole. Miss Mamie A. Conner recited “The Church Fair” from memory.

M. B. Draper is delivering cans for peas from the Milton station, to his Slaughter Neck cannery.

The Milton Shirt and Overall Factory wants operatives. If there are any girls who want to get married, here’s a chance. The man who wants an industrious wife gets her here.

Mrs. Elizabeth J. Coverdale has returned from Jersey City, where she has spent the winter.

Mrs. Alexine Collins, after spending five mouths in Lewes, returned home last week.

John M. McMullin, of Denver, Col., in making a business trip to New York, stopped over in Milton and spent a few days with his father-in-law, John Megee.

“Union Signal Day” was observed at the M. E. Church on Monday evening, the 10th inst.

There has been $15,000 appropriated for work on the jetty at the new mouth of the Broadkiln; and it is said, work will soon commence thereon. We hope it may prove to be a better job, when completed this time, than it has been heretofore.

Cyrus E. Bacon has been appointed Deputy Grand Master of the A. O. U. W., with jurisdiction over Georgetown, Lewes, Milford and Milton.

It has been decided that the seven extra town lights, that were included in the last lighting contract, be distributed as follows; One on Bay Avenue, near Wm. Clements; one near the Iron Bridge; one more on Chestnut Street; one more on Mill Street; one more at the south of Federal Street; one at Parker’s Bridge, last limit of Atlantic Street; and one near the colored church on Mulberry Street.

Wesley Coverdale has repainted his residence on Federal Street.

Schooner Sand Snipe, Captain Warrington, to arrive last week with a cargo of fertilizing material for the Milton Fertilizer Co.

The Board of Trade has changed its time of meeting from every Monday evening to the second and fourth Monday evenings of each month. The Board has also appointed a committee to try to interest the merchants in having a weekly Bargain Day, thereby to draw more custom [sic] to the town.

Another promoter of a steamboat line between this town and Philadelphia, has been here interviewing business men on the subject. Of course the business men are favorable to the enterprise, as well as all other persons.

W. II. Welch has completed the town assessment; and a duplicate list is now in the post office for inspection. Town Council will sit as a Court of Appeals on Saturday, the 22d inst., to correct any errors that may have been made therein.

A representative of the Curtis Publishing Co., was in town last week having a “Jolly good time” with the school children and others.

The marriage of Miss Grace Wilson, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Wilson, to Mr. Richard Jones, of Georgetown, was solemnized at the residence of the bride’s parents on North Union Street. George R. McCready, of Laurel, performed the ceremony on Saturday morning at 6 o’clock. The bridal pair left on the early train left on the early train on a wedding tour.

The National Tribune, of Washington, states that Dr. Mary Walker and Buffalo Bill, are candidates for Senatorial honors.  Whew!

A member’s meeting is called for Monday evening the 24th, to elect stewards and trustees for the M. P. Church.

Schooner Ella Call has arrived at Milton dock with a cargo of phosphate consigned
to C. A. Conner.

Mrs. Florence Johnson and Mrs. Eliza Carey, daughters of the late C. J. Carey, and heirs to his property, have purchased of the widow of the deceased, her right in said property, on Mulberry street. J. C. Clendaniel has commenced to repair
the part bought by Mrs. Johnson, now in tenure of Paul Pfeffer.

Mrs. David Dutton is having curbing put in front of the sidewalk to her property on I.avinia Street.

Rev. Frank and Mrs. Holland left on Monday for a visit in Philadelphia. They will return Friday.

Milton is now without constable, and we suggest that Ed Bacon be appointed as one – if he will take the office.

Shad and herring were plentiful in the Broadkiln last week.

Estella H. Darby (1876 – 1911)

Arthur Conwell and Frank Manship, were Easter visitors.

Estella H. Darby, wife of Captain Chas. Darby, and daughter of George W. and Mrs. Atkins, died at the home of her parents on North Mulberry Street Wednesday, the 12th, aged 34 years, 7 months and 6 days. Funeral services were held at her late home on Sunday afternoon, by the Rev. Frank Holland, assisted by the Rev. George R* McCready, of Laurel, and sepulture made in the M. E. Cemetery, by S. J. Wilson & Son. The deceased leaves besides father and mother, a husband and two small sons. J. P. Darby, Louis Darby, and Dr. G. H Atkins, relatives of the deceased, and Geo. Fowler, all of Philadelphia, attended the funeral in connection with a host of relatives and friends of Milton and vicinity.

Nelson C., son of William Truitt, died at the home of his grandfather, John S. Truitt, of overexertion, in Prime Hook on Saturday morning, aged 14 years, 10 months and 25 days. Funeral at Slaughter Neck Church on Tuesday afternoon,
by the Rev. Taylor, and interment in adjoining cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.

A new pavement has been laid in front of the property of Charles Davidson, on Chestnut Street.

The orchard heaters in W. H. Chandler’s peach orchard were fired on Sunday night and presented a weird scene to those who were on the road that evening.

C. A. Thackery has completed the water work system at the farm of W. H. Chandler. The tank, gasoline engine, pipes, etc., are now in working order. Mr. Thackeray is today driving a pump at the coal burner’s camp, near Ingram’s Branch.

Firemen Band went to Georgetown on Tuesday to help the “Dixie Realty Company” sell some building lots in that ancient town.

On Tuesday morning J. M. Lank, trust officer at the S. T. T. & S. D. Co., received a telegram from his brother Edgar, at Silver City, New Mexico, stating that another brother, William S., was very ill; and requesting that their mother be sent immediately. Mrs. Lank left for Silver City on Wednesday morning.

Jester A. Gray, son of B. F. Gray, of this town, is announced to be married tomorrow (Wednesday) evening, to the daughter of a wealth lumberman of Waverly, Va., by name of Burt.. They will reside either at Waverly, Va. Or in Philadelphia.

The following vestry was elected at the P. E. Church—St. John Baptist—on Monday evening: T. H. Douglass, Senior Warden; John Ponder, Junior Warden; Robert Vaughan, C. F. Lacey and C. E. Bacon.

[i] Excerpt from Hymn #153, Methodist Hymnal