Theoretically the camp meeting at Lavinia Woods commenced on Friday; but, practically it did not begin until Sunday morning. A heavy rain of two hours, about noon on Saturday, wet things generally. It was an introductory to the camp, and tried the roofs, most of which leaked badly; and the bedding in many tents was saturated. The rain prohibited an intended service that afternoon, but a forlorn hope made a preliminary skirmish in the evening. On Sunday morning the general engagement began, with family prayer at 7 o’clock a. m.; afterward a song service, and at 9.30 an experience meeting. Rev. Y. M. Holmes preached at 10.00 a. m. In the afternoon another song service was held and at 2 o’clock. Mrs. Frank Holland conducted the children’s exercises; and at 3 o’clock Rev. L. A. Bennett preached. In the evening another song service, and at 7.45 preaching by Rev. J. W. Parris. The above is about a copy of the order of arrangement during the week, Thursday is intended to be observed as Children’s Day. Sunday was an ideal day; the weather was fine, and all enjoyed themselves. The order on the ground was excellent; so much so as to elicit the encomium of the management. Gate receipts, $120.00. Showing the largest congregation of people on this ground for the last five years.
Since Broadkiln Beach has become a public resort complaint has been made by those owning cottages on the beach, that during the unoccupied season the buildings are burglarized, and their goods purloined. It has been the case every season. Among other persons losing goods in this manner is Mrs. C. A. Davidson, of Camden, N. J. This lady having missed some of her property from her cottage came to Milton on Thursday last and had a search warrant issued for two houses in North Milton, suspicioning these houses to contain her goods. Constable King and the lady went on the search. The first house contained nothing she could identify as belonging to her. In the attic of the second house was a miscellaneous quantity of goods, amongst which she recognized a quantity of dishes as her property. These she and the constable took. None of the other good were identified by her. The case rests just here. No arrests have been made.
On Tuesday evening, August 1st, the School Board of Milton elected Benjamin A. Palmer janitor of the Milton school building. Among many other requirements it is stipulated that he shall scrub the floors of the building twice during the year, to do the necessary work during the school session, to open and close the Hall for all entertainments, and to do all and any other things the School Board may require him to do in the twelve months of the year. And for this service he is to receive $20.00 a month for nine months of the year.
The fund for the pipe organ for the M. E. Church is swelling gradually. The organ is now being made at a manufactory in the city. It has been decided to buy new carpet for the church, and to repaint the building also.
Capt. Captain George A. Godwin, wife and son George A. Jr., returned last week from a visit of a month in Maine and other of the New England States.
A steamer from Salem. N. J., has arrived with a load of cans and cases for the Goodwin Bro. & Conwell Canning Company.
Supervisor Mustard has during the past week been trimming the shade trees in town, on the south side of the river.
Governor Joseph M. Carey and Mrs. John F. Carey, of Cheyenne, Wyoming, and the Misses Sallie and Susan Carey, of Glenside, Pa., who had been in Milton attending the funeral of husband and brother, left town on Friday for their respective homes.
Mrs. Clarence Welch and son, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. May Blizzard and son, of Wilmington, are the guests of their parrots, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Welch.
Dr. Leonard went on the excursion to Ocean City last week. The doctor saw sights there never before witnessed. Among many other miraculous tales, he is quoted as saying, he saw a turtle as big as John Barker’s smokehouse, with a head as large as a bushel basket. That’s a big turtle; and we have it from the best of authority the doctor was a little excited when he told the story.
Mrs. Hannah Wiltbank of Federal Street is convalescent from a recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Welch and son, have returned from a visit to Philadelphia.
Rev. W. W. W. Wilson, of Brooklyn, N. Y., is visiting his brother S. J. Wilson, and other relatives.
Miss Virginia Brockington, a nurse in the Medico Chi Hospital[i], is spending her vacation with her mother.
Mrs. Laura Hickman is quite ill at her home on North Union Street.
Someone is poisoning the dogs. One or two met death at Sculltown last week supposed to have rabies. There are altogether too many dogs in town.
James Moulton, of Havre de Grace, Md., who superintends the Anderson Cannery, is again here, and is now supervising the putting in of machinery into the recently built cannery.
Robert Willey, six years of age, and son of Robert Willey, Sr., came near being drowned in the lake last week. He had fallen into the water, when the cries of his companions brought help, and he was rescued at the last moment. The services of a physician were necessary to resuscitate him. Dr. R. B. Hopkins did the work.
Dr. R. F. Wilson returned on Friday from a visit to the North.
Thomas R. Ingram is suffering from locomotor ataxia. A second attack.
Frank Murray Manship, the nine days old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manship, died at its home 6016 Haverford Avenue, Philadelphia, on Wednesday. The remains were brought to Milton on the evening train of Thursday and taken in charge by J. R. Atkins. The funeral service was held on Friday afternoon, and interment made in Odd Fellows Cemetery. Mr. Frank Manship, the father, accompanied the remains to Milton.
A merry-go-round is being introduced into the Goodwin Cannery, to facilitate the moving of tomatoes.
John R. Welch, Jr., has resigned his position as cutter in the Douglas White shirt and overall factory, and secured a position of a different nature in Philadelphia.
The Douglass White shirt and overall factory closed on Saturday for one week for camp meeting purposes.
Quite a little excitement was occasioned on Sunday over a temporarily lost child. James P. Leonard, on the morning stated, went to a neighbor’s after milk, and his grandchild followed him. Mr. Leonard’s hearing qualities are somewhat obtuse and he did not hear or know the child was after him; and returned home by another route. The child kept on. When its absence was discovered at home, there was much excitement and the neighbors turned out on a hunt. It was found after a short time on South Federal Street, taken home, and—there was much rejoicing.
Harry Robinson is fitting up a building at Broadkiln Beach, and the present week will open a hotel, or boarding house, and restaurant, etc.
Charles Veasey, formerly of this place, but later of Lewes, and still later of Coolspring, has returned to Milton and occupies one of W. W. Conwell s buildings on North Mulberry Street.
Charles Virden has his warehouse on the dock completed.
J. B. Welch conducted services at the M. E. Church on Sunday morning.
The Goodwin Canning Co., have received this week another invoice of empty cans and cases by train.
The grass and weeds have been pulled from the unbuilt-upon lots on Front and Federal Streets by order of Town Council; and thereby “hangs a tale.”
James A. Betts is doing repairing to the fence and grounds at the church of St. John Baptist.
Miss Letitia Black, assistant postmaster, has returned from her vacation. She was accompanied by a friend—Miss Blanche Montague—from Philadelphia, who is still her guest.
Rev. C. A. Behringer, wife and child, C. A. Behringer, Jr., of Swedesboro, N. J. , also James King, of Philadelphia, are being entertained by J. S. King and family on Chestnut street.
Miss Elsie King, who has spent her vacation at Swedesboro, N. J., returned home on Monday.
James Palmer has removed from Broad Street, North Milton, to the property he recently purchased on Chestnut Street, South Milton.
Captain James Kimmey, of Philadelphia, is expected to arrive in Milton on Thursday.
Elizabeth A. Conwell, relict of the late Robert Conwell, died at her residence on North Union Street, on Friday, aged 73 years 7 months and 1 day. Funeral held at the M. P. Church on Monday afternoon by the Rev. Frank Holland, and sepulture made in Zion M. E. Cemetery, by J. R. Atkins.
The M. E. Sunday School excursioned to Rehoboth on Tuesday. There were 193 persons.
Rev C. A. Behringer, of Swedesboro, N. J. will preach at the Church of St John Baptist on Sunday morning at 10.30.
[i] Medico-Chirurgical College and Hospital of Philadelphia, established 1848 and absorbed by the University of Pennsylvania in 1916