All persons are not altruists. Most men try to do that which appears most advantageous to themselves. This is equally true regarding pensions. There are many men who, now, have their eyes on the House of Representatives at Washington and more particularly on the House Invalid Pension Committee. There are several pension bills pending, but it appears to be difficult to get any one of them before the House. The most likely one, perhaps, is that of Carl C. Anderson’s of Ohio, one of the members of the House Invalid Pension Committee. A few weeks ago Representative Anderson made a motion to discharge the Invalid Pension Committee. A majority vote to do this would simply get the entire subject of pension legislation before the House, for a full and honest expression of opinion as to what the House is willing to do for veterans. A majority vote would send the Anderson bill to the calendar where it could be reached in due season without regard to other matters. “Unanimous Consent Monday” in the House is the first and third Monday in each month, when such notices can be gotten before the House. Apparently to prevent this, Representative Underwood of Alabama, floor leader of the Democrats in the House, has introduced a motion on the Friday preceding “Unanimous Consent Monday” that the House adjourn from Friday till next Tuesday, or take a recess from Saturday over to 11 o’clock or thereabouts on Monday,” which would continue the legislative day of Saturday, and thus avoid “Unanimous Consent Monday” of this technicality. This action has been carried three times during this extraordinary session of the House, and what appears the most extraordinary of all to we Delawareans is that Representative Heald of Delaware sits in that Representative Hall, and on such occasions as those mentioned, allows his name to he recorded amongst these ”not voting.” On June 2nd Representative Underwood made the motion to adjourn over until Tuesday, when he and Representative Mann of Illinois, had a little spat over the “motion being debatable,” when Mr. Mann demanded the yeas and nays. According to the Congressional Record the vote stood yeas 154, nays 67; and Representative Heald of Delaware was recorded amongst the 160 “not voting.” Now Mr. Heald is being paid $7,500 a year to do something. Mr. Heald should vote “for” or against. He should show his colors. We know that Mr. Heald’s small majority in this election district was due to the votes of Democratic ex-soldiers, who voted for him, and the Republican legislative ticket, purely on the grounds that he and Delaware’s Senators would be supposed to vote for pension legislation. We say “’we know,” and we say this on authority we have no reason to disbelieve.
The Organ Fund Committee of the M. E. Church proposes to have a gala time on the Fourth of July. It will be called “Social Tag Day” or something else, they don t know exactly what vet. There will be baseball and tagging and many other things too numerous to mention, the proceeds of all to go to the “Pipe Organ Fund.” And in the evening there will be the climax capped, on the lawn adjoining the church. Refreshments will be for sale. Firemen Band will be there,—or, I think it will.
The Lofland Brick Company have received the contract to furnish the bricks for the school building to be built at Harrington.
James A. Johnson has sold his farm near Ingram’s Mill to John H. Lynch of Georgetown.
The road from Milton leading to Broadkiln Beach is now in a good condition for travel.
Workmen have the old cannery of Anderson Company torn down, and putting up another, and it is hoped a safe one. Dimensions 50×20 feet.
John Clendaniel of near town lost a valuable horse on Friday evening. He left town with it about 10 o’clock, just before the storm came up, and when arrived home the horse died.
During the storm of Friday night, Saturday morning, lightning struck a large white oak in Lavinia Woods, shivering it up badly.
An accident to the mail train on the M. D. & V. R. R. at Hickman delayed the passengers to Milton on Saturday noon.
Rufus EIlingsworth and daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, have gone to Philadelphia to visit Mr. Ellingsworth’s other daughter, Mrs. Mary Green, ill with typhoid.
The last pea canning was done on Friday by the Royal Packing Company; and the company is now shipping its goods. The season has been short and the pack poor; and unless there is more in the business than appears on the surface, it was hardly worthwhile for the company to build up again.
Chandlers peach orchard has enough peaches on its trees, though, perhaps, none too many. By the way, the man who is supervising Mr. Chandler’s farm, is trespassing on the duties of the town’s supervisor of streets. Mulberry Street to the town limits is a “street” and not a “road,” and is under the jurisdiction of the town. A few years ago considerable money was spent on this street for sidewalk, and gutters. Now from the entrance to Mr. Case’s residence, north to the peach orchard, a distance of three or four hundred yards, the sidewalk has been ploughed with the field, clear to the street. The town is entitled to six feet of sidewalk, and it is the duty of Town Council to see that the town gets it; as well on Mulberry Street as on Federal Street. If this farm is unfortunate enough to be within the town’s limits it must be subject to the town’s ordinances. Now what is Town going to do about it?
David Clendaniel is suffering with a very troublesome boil on his right hand.
Robert Walls is painting his new residence at Stevensonville.
John Barker bas completed the plumbing in the toilet room of the Jr. O. U. A, M. Hall.
John Bailey has laid a pavement in front of the meat store of Clendaniel & Davidson, corner Federal and Mulberry Streets.
A large snake was killed near the iron bridge on Friday. It is said to have had
a catfish in its mouth, and—O, we’ll say no more of what we have heard about it, lest someone may say “that’s another snake story.”
As the Pipe Organ Fund Committee, the Rev Hurst, S. L. Black and J. L. Black went to Philadelphia last week and returned home safe. We understand they were like unto a celebrated general of France, “who with 40,000 men marched up a hill, and then marched down again.”
The Sunday morning class at the M. E. Church has been discontinued for two months. Commencing nest Sunday morning the Sunday School at this church will hold its session in the morning during the months of July and August commencing at 10 a. m.
Rev. Frank Holland and family are visiting in Maryland. Owing to the fact there were no preaching services at the M. P. Church on Sunday,
The Shirt and Overall factory, [after] a ”shutdown” of one week, resumed operation on Monday.
J. F. Chipman, who was elected to serve as principal of the Milton Public School, has declined the position and Howard Williams, of near Georgetown, has been elected as principal.
At the school election held on Saturday Dr. R. B. Hopkins, Dr. J. C. Wiltbank, and John B. Mustard were elected commissioners to serve for three years; vice, B. B. Collans. J. C Lank
and Dr. Wiltbank. The whole committee met on Saturday evening and perfected an organization by re-electing Thomas H. Douglass, president, Chas. E. Darby, secretary and J. M. Lank, treasurer.
To satisfy a skepticism that we evinced when George A. Wilson of Stevensonville told us he had ripe peaches to eat last Sunday, he brought two to town on Wednesday and showed them to us, and we were convinced.
A colored minister. Rev. Johns, from Boston, Mass., has removed to Milton and will reside on Federal St. and preach in the M. E. Church, in South Milton.
On Tuesday Samuel Fithian commenced the brickwork on his new building, near the bridge.
Elsie L. Walls, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Walls, died near town on Wednesday, aged 13 years, 4 months and 4 days. Funeral at Beaver Dam on Friday afternoon by the Rev. Simms and
burial in Beaver Dam Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Sarah B. Hastings died near Robbins on Wednesday of tuberculosis, aged 50 years, 10 months and 12 days. Funeral services were held at Faith M. E. Church on Saturday morning and interment made in Odd Fellows Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Marshall W., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wilson, died at Lewes on Friday of measles, aged 2 years and 22 days. Funeral at residence on Sunday afternoon n by the Rev. Johnson, and remains deposited in M. E. Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Mary S. Stanton died at her home in Sculltown on Saturday evening, after a lingering illness of dropsy, aged 56 years. The funeral was held at the M. E. Church on Tuesday afternoon by the Rev. Hurst and sepulture made in Odd Fellows Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son. Deceased leaves one brother and two daughters, all of Milton.