The last four weeks—probably five—we have been awaiting a chance to [pluck the] spring lyre; but there has been easterly weather, that we could not get the right focus. Now, however, things are beginning to look differently. Trees are beginning to bloom in the […] of the town. The pear orchard [of] W. H. Chandler is full blown; and is a pretty sight. We speak of this orchard particularly, because it is the largest hereabouts; and the beauty of it [worth] some mention. The trees of the [town] are partly in leaf—the poplar and maple being the farthest in advance. [Just] a few mornings ago we strained our eyes to gel a sight of some buds among […] but in vain. As our observation goes we are of the opinion that […] beginning to bud.
And […] of spring’s advantages, […] an influx of fish—[…] [drumheads] and trout, the latter […] Slaughter Beach mostly; and …] moderate figures. […] we are not in that line […] been and know something of which we are writing. But we think that spring is here to stay; or believe so, anyway. And notwithstanding the blackbird storm, the catbird and the pokeberry storm, things I heard about since I have been in […] and knew of while in Kent, we […] say “Let her come!” By the way, Mr. Chandler’s peach orchard, which he is at so much expense to try and save from frost, is looking favorably; from […] looks it may flower before this letter goes to press. Certainly everyone must hope that Mr. Chandler may have good luck in this innovation of his.
J. B. Welch has a wire escapade—for lack of a better name—in front of his house on North Union Street, ostensibly [to protect a] young tree.
Joseph E. Lank, who left for Silver City, New Mexico on Saturday, and was met [by his brother] Edgar Lank, Esq. for Philadelphia, goes to New Mexico to […] sick son—William Lank, […] who has been confined […] several weeks with […] be out.
[…]on is painting the property of […], on North Mulberry Street.
[…] has his new residence on […] Street stuccoed, and is […] the inside joiner finish.
[…] is on again. There’s a wood near Milton where one can hibernate during this time.
[…] Welch, of Manchester, Pa., spent a few days last week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Welch.
Charles Davidson is having a story put on a part of his property on Chestnut Street and doing other work.
[…] S. Wilson is repairing the property he lately purchased at the extreme end of North Union Street.
W. W. Conwell has sold his former […] on the corner of Federal and Front Street to John Wiltbank; and Mr. Wiltbank has removed the building into lower Broadkiln. The lot has been enclosed with a wire fence, and […] will plant it in vegetables.
[…] Hood has removed his dwelling on Poplar Street to Chestnut Street.
[…]P. Morgan was stricken with […] on last Wednesday, and is in a […] condition.
[…] & Co. shipped five car loads of […] to Pennsylvania last week.
Lofland Brick Company have been shipping several car loads of bricks to various parts.
It is understood J. T. Davidson has contracted with Captain Potter, of Lewes, to build a boat 65 feet long, 16 feet beam, and 8 foot hold. Mr. Davidson built the Breakwater for Captain Potter about four years ago. Captain Potter having sold the Breakwater to the Lewes Fisheries will now replace her with this contemplated one. Mr. Davidson is now laying down the vessel, and will begin to build on the Atkins yard at an early date.
The Milton Light and Power Company have erected poles at their new plant at Ingram’s Mills […] this town.
A newly improved plant has been installed in the grist mill building, to be fed by a large over-shot water wheel.
While burning off the baseball lot last week, the tire got beyond control of the boys and for a while threatened to communicate with the shirt and overall factory. By herculean efforts on the part of the boys, and the male workmen of the factory, the fire was put out. A stack of hay and some fodder were burned.
George Burton, colored, was committed to jail on Wednesday, on the charge of purloining a pair of gloves from George L. Short, of Overbrook.
Samuel Fithian, of the Central Cigar Store, was in Philadelphia last week.
William Jefferson, son of J. H. Jefferson, has secured a position with an ice cream manufacturing establishment in Chester, Pa.
Mrs. Priscilla Stockley, who has been spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Lydia Ellingsworth, has returned to Philadelphia.
A Milton real estate broker’s firm has been organized in town to facilitate the business of the Board of Trade. Its object is-to interest people—particularly people with capital and business ability— to gain a foothold in this community, and help to develop much undeveloped territory; and thereby enhance the value of the whole neighborhood.
The causeway extending from the town to the Goodwin canning works, has been repaired.
A part of the crowd that went to Fisherman Island to work on a government hospital have returned. You can’t hold some people long at anything.
The first quarterly conference of the conference year was held at the M. P. Church on Monday evening. Beyond organization, but little was done.
An adjourned meeting will be held Sunday evening, the 15th.
A camp meeting will probably be held at “the old camp ground” at Lavinia this year. Due notice will be given of the occurrence, and another matter along that line. The tents are getting in a dilapidated condition, which will necessitate repairs; but this will be only a minor consideration, if those who may be interested desire to have a camp.
John G. Clifton has sold his farm of fifty acres lying on the main road between Milton and Harbeson, to George H. Maples, late of the hardware firm of King & Waples.
Dr. Irvin V. Yokum will move his goods from Philadelphia this week to the farm he has rented of Wilbur Hunter, near Hunter’s Mill. The doctor has been selling his medicine around the locality for some time, and is much pleased with his success.
Mr. James K. P. Jefferson died Tuesday. May 2d, at his home in Milton of paralysis, aged 64 years, 2 months and 5 days. Funeral at Reynolds M. P. Church at 3 o’clock Friday. Interment in cemetery adjoining the church. Revs. Frank Holland E. W. Simms officiating. He leaves a widow, three sons and two daughters. S. J. Wilson & Son funeral directors.
Mrs. George H. Waples has been elected to represent the Milton W. C. T. U. at the State Convention to be held at Bridgeville on Friday next; and Miss Mary Robbins will represent the Y’s.
A letter was received to-day by Mr. Virden from Captain Richman, of Philadelphia, who was here a few weeks ago as a promoter of a steamboat line between Milton and Philadelphia, stating he had bought the boat and would have her here in two weeks. Welcome the boat.
Ex-Judge Charles V. Holland, of Salisbury, Md., died suddenly in Philadelphia on Sunday, aged 71 years. Mr.
Holland was born and raised near Milton. He was a soldier in the Civil War and was wounded in the side in a bayonet charge at the battle of Antietam. He subsequently married Miss Arabella Welch, daughter of Nehemiah Welch, of this town. In 1868 he removed to Salisbury. He then became editor of a weekly paper, and being educated in the law became judge of the First Circuit Court of Maryland, which position he held for twenty-nine years. Being first appointed Gov. McLane, and afterwards twice elected, resigning a short time before the expiration of his second term of office. The remains will be brought to Salisbury, Md., on Thursday, and inhumed in St. Peter P. E. Churchyard. Mrs. Holland’s remains are interred in the M. E. Cemetery of this town, having preceded her husband many years ago. Judge Holland was an uncle of the Rev. Frank Holland, pastor of the M. P. Church of Milton, who was present at the funeral.