September 15, 1911

On Thursday morning for the first time this season, the six different factories of Milton were blowing their whistles at the same time, calling employees to work. And in view of this work, we imagine the town visitors were inclined to remark: “Manufacturing Milton! Happy little town!” But this is not always thus. While the shirt and overall factory is most of the-time in operation, the fertilizer factory and the canneries are not so. During the present season the canneries have had little to do up to last week, and the tomatoes have been of the most inferior quality imaginable; and bringing good prices, at that. Now, however, they are recovering from the effect of the late storms of rain, and the quality has noticeably improved and the quantity quadrupled.

Samuel Fithian’s new building, and also that of Virden & Hazzard’s, are nearly finished. The interior of these buildings is metal lined against the walls and partitions. The porch in front was built last week.

Fred Pepper is building for John Clifton a building of wood on Mulberry Street, North, the dimensions of which are: Front building, 14×20 ft., back building 14×14 ft.

At the ghetto on the dock, foot of Chestnut Street, the Italians, who are good dancers, as well as good musicians, have their fun in the cotillion and the waltz; and strange! Strange! Some of the young girls, residents of town, have been with them. This conduct is up to the parents of these girls.

H. K. Wagamon has run a brick wall in front of his property on Federal Street, that a parterre may be formed between said wall and the building—the prevailing style in Milton.

The street supervisor has been busy with his corps of workmen repairing the damage done by the storm to our streets. And, by the way, another bank of dirt has been found, which the town assayer has pronounced to be superior to that formerly for street purposes. It lies along Lake Fanganzyki[i], to the left of the Lavinia road; and the only superiority we can see existing in it over that along Lavinia road, is that it is farther to haul and harder to get at.

And now the musical notes of the mosquito is heard again in the land. Plenty of them.

There are races advertised to take place at the “Milton Driving Park” near town, on Thursday, September 21, the same day as the election for or against reciprocity in Canada. There ought to be a good turn-out—at the races.

There ought to be something done with the three unoccupied corners in the lower part of the town -on Front and Federal streets. They are a disgrace to the whole locality. They are the eyesore to visitors, and the disgust to citizens. They are the bugaboo to teams, and the byword of loafers, and—well Town Council should clean them off, remove all the bricks, old lumber, and everything that makes these corners look mean, and make the owners pay the cost of doing so. It is awful to allow the property holders .or beneficiaries of these town lots to disgrace a whole locality. There is a remedy, Council. The people demand that they use it.

Samuel Smith has been engaged as watchman at the Anderson cannery; and William Johnson at the Royal Packing Company plant.

A young lady from Georgetown, while being chaperoned around Milton by a gentleman, exclaimed: O, I didn’t know Milton was near so large! Just so; people who are strangers don’t know how large we are! Come over and look at us.

That part of the direct road between Milton and Milford, near “Bonder’s Old Mill,” which has been closed for some time pending reconstruction, was opened for travel on Friday. Levy Courtman Alfred King, of this district, and Dora Warren, overseer, have been engaged at the work for some time, and it is hoped the new road may meet the expectations of the traveling people.

The sidewalk in front of John Megee’s barber shop, on North Union street, owned by Thomas H. Douglass, has had a cement curbing put in front, extending also in front of the dwelling occupied by Jo]in Crouch. This, it is hoped, will prevent the overflow of the gutter during rain at this point, and the consequent wash in the sidewalk.

Last week an elderly woman, one of the employees at the Anderson cannery, developed symptoms of dementia, and was sent back to her home at Baltimore.

Ralph T. Coursey, Jr., of Wilmington, is among the Milton visitors this week.

The coal that has been burnt near Ingram’s Branch, is now being hauled to Lavinia Switch and shipped north.

Two cases of typhoid fever are reported— one on Federal Street, the other on Mulberry Street.

Mrs. E. W. Warren is confined to her home, corner Mulberry and Broad streets, with Bright disease.

C. A. Thackery is suffering with an abscess on one of his toes.

Columbus Welch left on Thursday to enter Goldey College, at Wilmington.

Mrs. Susie B. Davidson, after spending several weeks amid the scenes of her childhood, returned to Philadelphia on Monday. She was attended by her sister, Miss Mamie A. Conner, who will enter Strayer’s Business College.

It is stated that Charles Jackson, of near Reynolds, lost $38.00 while in town Saturday night.

J. B. Welch visited Fleatown on Sunday.

For threatening to kill his daughter, D. Frame was arraigned before ‘Squire Collins on Saturday and required to give bond on the sum of $500, or go to jail. He declined to do either, and skipped.

Frank Simpler, alias “Babe,” appeared at the mayor’s office on Monday morning and answered to a charge of disorderly conduct, preferred by tile Mayor, Saturday night. There were no witnesses summoned, as the Mayor was an eyewitness to the allegation. He was fined $5 with cost.

We read that the annual convention of Governors of States meets this Tuesday at Spring Lake, N. J. We don’t wish to .disturb the equanimity of this august assemblage; but, as “little Delaware” is always to the front, we suggest that the next “meeting of governors” be held in Delaware, and at Fleatown.

Instead of commencing the public schools on Monday, the 11h inst., the Board of Education, in view of so many children being at work in the canneries, at a special meeting decided not to open until next Monday, the 18th inst.

David Jefferson has been shipping pears this week.

We noticed a considerable excavation, or as some people would call “a hole,” in the ground on the Lavinia road. Mentioning the circumstance in a general conversation, Harry Robinson remarked, “Bet Dr. Leonard’s been digging gold again!”

Robert Stevenson, of New York, is visiting his father, Peter Stevenson, of Stevensonville.

George H. Waples has bought the good will and goods of C H. Thackery’s hardware store in the Palmer Block, and has taken possession.

Harry Robinson has bought of C. H. Atkins, the old store house, corner Front and Chestnut streets, now occupied by Joseph Walls as a meat market, and will re-arrange it and remove his pool room and restaurant therein, at the beginning of another year, or sooner, if possible.

Mayor William H. Stephens has rented the room in the Conner Block, now occupied by Samuel Fithian, and will begin business about the first of October, or as soon as Mr. Fithian’s new building is completed and he removes from his present location therein. John D. Smith has rented the wheelwright shop now occupied by W. H. Stephens.

J. B. Wharton, oyster revenue collector, of Dover, and A. E. Archer, of Milford, formerly fish commissioner, were in Milton the early part of this week. The Oyster Commissioner has appointed Harry Robinson deputy for Broadkiln River.

Harry Robinson has sold to Mrs. Samuel J. Wilson his restaurant building on Broadkiln Beach. It is understood Mrs. Wilson will make of it a Salvation Army rendezvous.

[i] An alias for Wagamon’s Pond that sprung entirely from David A. Conner’s imagination.