It is related that once upon a time a school teacher, wishing to get his disorderly pupils into one “harmonious whole,” said to them: “Now, children, get still, keep quiet, keep so quite that you can hear a pin drop ! ” All were instantly quiet, and were continuously so, when a little fellow hallowed out: “Let her drop!” Now, we don’t care much for the stillness, but, as Christmas, all there is to do is to “let her drop.” The few days intervening between now and Christmas Day, is the “gladsome season when the small boy beginneth to root around for the biggest stocking he can, and weraeth [sic] the recall on his former words of scorn when he referred to his sister as a big fat thing.”[i] Harmony there, as elsewhere.
As some persons, who are unacquainted with our town, appear to be confused over the location of the colored churches, we will state there are two: one in North Milton, the A. M. E. Church, under the control of a colored bishop and a colored conference; one in South Milton —the colored A. M. E. Church, under the control of a white bishop and conference. It will thus be seen why we sometimes mention a colored church in North Milton, and at other times one in South Milton. We have also three churches for the white people.
On last Wednesday evening the M. E. Sunday School elected the following officers: Supt., W. W. Davidson; first assistant supt. Miss Sallie Lofland; 2nd asst. supt., Joseph L. Black; secretary, W. T. Starkey; asst. secretary, Edward Sharp; treasurer, Chas. Davidson; organist, Miss Verna Fithian; chorister, Edward Davidson; cornetists, William Wagamon, J. Leon Black, Norman Black; temperance work, Miss Lillian Cade; supt. of home dept., Mrs. Annie Ellingsworth; asst. supt. Mrs. Clara Starkey. A majority of the above are old officers re-elected. Frances P. Hurst was elected superintendent of the primary department, and Mrs. Carrie Hood assistant superintendent.
Mrs. Hettie J. Wagamon has a lemon tree which is kept growing up in her room. There is now on it a lemon that measures longitudinally 12½ inches and latitudinally 11¼ inches. There is one other lemon in the tree, not so large, and lots of blossoms. Last year this tree grew a lemon that weighed 17 ½ ounces.
In repairing the eaves of the roof of the Church of St. John Baptist last week, John Coulter smoked out a swarm of bees and obtained several pounds of honey.
The stage in School Hall has been raised five inches higher than formerly, and the back seats have been elevated in a corresponding ratio.
Captain Frank Outten is painting a property of Mrs. Susie Carey on North Union Street.
Mrs. Alexine Collins is visiting relatives in and around Broadkiln Station.
A brick pavement has been put in front of Harry Robinson s restaurant on Front Street.
Firemen Band reorganized last week for the holidays, Christmas marriages, and possibly for the coming political campaign.
John Waplcs, of Waples Mill was considerably bruised last Monday a week since, when a horse he was driving ran away and threw him out of the carriage.
William Ingram has his building near the railroad station enclosed and ready for the mortar.
Robert Willey is repairing the house he recently removed to Clifton Street, and will move therein.
Superintendent of Streets Mustard has put a gutter down the right side of South Mulberry Street.
Charles Wilson has removed into the Lacey property lately vacated by Walter Crouch.
Mrs. A. G. Raught and son have returned from a visit to New York City.
William Clements has been quite ill, but is now better.
On Sunday night, the 10th, two seines were stolen, or taken from the landing at the Goodwin cannery. The seins belong to George Harrington, and were being used by Benjamin Carpenter and Samuel Bailey. On this occasion they were spread out to dry. Suspicion rested on certain parties, and Detective Walls, of Georgetown, was summoned. He searched the house that was under suspicion, and found them not, but was almost sure the party suspected got the goods.
H. B. Tomlinson has had some repairs made around his property on Federal St.
The Blacksmith shop of William Maull & Son is about completed.
There will be entertainments given by the Sunday Schools of the M. E. and P. E. Churches during Christmas week, and a Christmas treat to the scholars will be given by all the churches.
At the meeting of the Quarterly Conference at the M. P. Church, held Monday evening, it was decided to put a new roof on the tower of the church and to repair the heaters. It was also voted to send a barrel of supplies to the Home for Aged Women, at Westminster, Md. The latter will be done, principally, by the Sunday School.
Isaiah Young’s house on Clifton St., is ready for the plasterers.
Last Thursday Dr. Robert B. Hopkins sketched a winter scene on one of the front windows of Welch’s drug store. It consists, in part, of a one story house, the roof, covered with snow, and children peeping through the front window at a snowman they had made; and crows picking around at the bare places of ground. It is natural, and so realistic that we really fear it may be the means of conjuring up a snow storm before the holidays are over.
The Church of St. John Baptist was reopened for services on Sunday. There was preaching both morning and evening by the Rev. C. A. Behringer.
Postmaster J. R. Black has been confined to his home for ten days with the grippe. He is better today and able to sit up a little.
Henry Atkins is said to be again convalescing from his malady.
Yes, Gaby, Chestnut Street near the corner of Front does look pretty, does it not? Those show window are beautiful, those cedar boughs that are wreathed around the porch columns are pretty indeed. And Front Street is there also. We’re all ready for Christmas now. Gaby, you touch her off.
J. Leon Black and bride returned from their honeymoon trip on Tuesday evening. A reception was given them at the home of the groom’s parents, where they will reside for the present.
On next Wednesday, the 27th inst., the writer of the Milton communications for the Milford Chronicle will (D. V.)[ii] will celebrate the 70th anniversary of his birth.
“Time, like an ever rolling tide,
Bears all its sons away,
They fly, forgotten as a dream,
Die as the opening day!”[iii]
[i] The “gladsome season” appears to have been a common phrase, but the quotation Conner is using pushes the paraphrase of it to the breaking point. The Harvard Lampoon of 1911 (October 21, 1887, page 51) may have been the source for the little boy’s thoughts during the “gladsome season.”
[ii] Abbreviation for the Latin “Deo volente” (God willing)
[iii] Excerpt from the Protestant Episcopal Hymnal (1872), hymn #29.