The dry weather of the past 41 days, and the constant travel on the streets, […] reduced the grains of sand infinitesimally in size, and the winds have blown them, in the form of dust, perhaps, into [] needed place. Twenty years ago, more or less—or both—it was the custom [upon] the election of a new set of “town commissioners” for said commissioners to commence work on the streets ; and almost, always, on the hill on Federal Street, and on the hill on North Union Street. They would haul dirt on the top of these hills; and ex-Governor Ponder would “cuss” at the uselessness of their doings. Well, he was right. After the hills were duly raised, the heavy rains would wash the dirt down the streets into the river. When the river was sufficiently filled to make it almost impossible for a vessel to get to the dock a government appropriation was asked for, to clean the river out, and usually received. The river was then cleaned out and the detritus therefrom—the identical dirt, in part, that the “town commissioners” had put on the two hills mentioned–was thrown into the lagoon on the Chandler property on the opposite side of the river from town, and thereby a good road has been made; and the owner of this property was the only one benefited by the town’s work. In fact, the town and the United States Government have made that road. But the people know better, now. It is now “Town Council,” in lieu, of “Town Commissioners”; and we have a Mayor, also, who is presumed to know something. And it is an augury of good sense to know that “Town Council” does not have dirt hauled on top of hills to make them higher, and to furnish detritus for the bottom of the Broadkiln, and material to keep in repairs the road the four “town commissioners” of Milton have made. But, allow us to suggest that the culverts on Union Street, both north and south,
that drain the water from the gutters into the head of the river are fast filling up the stream, near the mouths of the culverts. For be it remembered, that during a heavy rain the waters come down the gutters of these streets and through these culverts, like the waters do at Ladore; and carry a great deal of dirt with them. But this accumulation at the mouths of the culverts may be thrown out of the river at any very low water, dried, and again used on the streets. “A word to the wise” etc.
The late drought is now happily over. On last Wednesday evening a nice gentle rain, unaccompanied by any hard wind, or terrible lightening or thunder, visited us; and while it was not all we needed it did great good, and enlivened vegetation, which was drooping and beginning to need moisture badly. We think, however, that no vegetables, around town have suffered much, except peas, which, in some gardens will produce but little; and are about dead.
[..section cut off..] cobbling again, in town. Mr. Neiberts, a first-class workman, as the ladies of the town have found out, long ago.
The property on Chestnut Street advertised by John U. Jones to be sold at public sale on Saturday, was offered on that day; and struck off to James Palmer for 12,500.
The new electric light plant of the Milton Light and Power Company has been completed.
Sunday excursions on the M., D. & V. R. R. from Baltimore to Rehoboth, commenced on the 4th.
The town election that was held on Saturday to decide, by vote, whether we shall or shall not have water works in Milton, was decided in the affirmative by a majority vote of 223. It was the largest election ever held in Milton. There were 231 votes polled, and only eight cast against a water system. Nearly all the women real estate owners—though not all—voted, either by proxy, or direct, at the polls. Town Council held an informal meeting on Saturday evening when it was decided local) another meeting for next Monday the 12th, to formulate a plan of procedure, and make arrangements, for raising money to begin work.
Children’s Day services were held at both the Methodist Churches on Sunday, when a splendid program was rendered. The usual decorations of flowers and ferns were in evidence and everything passed harmoniously, except the crowded condition of one of the churches produced, some ill feeling. At the afternoon service of the M. P. Church the Sacrament of Baptism was administered to one child by Holland.
And now we are going to have a water system; and be it remembered we have quite a large town. We are over a mile from north to south, and three-quarters of a mile from east to west. According to the engineer’s report it will take 16,600 feet of water pipe, of different diameters—over three miles—to pipe the town; thirty-five plugs; two artesian wells, eight inch in diameter, one hundred and fifty feet deep; and many other things. And now all we need to do is to get about it.
With the mercury trying to creep out of the top of the thermometer one day week before last, it is said, there was not a smile in the Senate when that body passed a bill providing for the removal of snow and ice from the streets and sidewalks in the District of Columbia, next winter.
Prof. W. G. Fearing and Co. are painting the residence of Joseph Black, on Chestnut Street.
H. R. Draper commenced canning peas on Tuesday.
The Royal Packing Company is completing it new cannery,—not shanty, as erroneously stated some time ago. It is neither of brick, stone nor concrete; but altogether of wood, except the roof which is of metal. The company is getting in its machinery, and hopes to get started soon.
Miss Mattie Moon of Denton is a guest of Miss Lottie Welch.
George E. Watson’s horse is dead on Lavinia Camp Ground; where he has been stabling at for a time.
George Davidson, for over nine years, chief salesman in the C. H. Atkins Store, has tendered his resignation; to take effect soon. Mr. Davidson will enter into partnership with James Clendaniel, in the butcher and meat business, corner Federal and Mulberry Streets.
The Fifth Annual Commencement of the Milton High School was held Monday evening in the School Hall. Prof. Alexander L. Harrington, a former principal of the Milton High School, but now of Seaford, delivered the baccalaureate address to the graduating class, which consists of four females, and five males, viz :—Misses Harriet M. Wilson. Sarah L. Atkins, Annabelle D. Gray, Naomi Robinson, and Messrs. Charles A Bums. Thomas R. Wilson, Raymond M. Conwell, Daniel W. Wagamon and Hammond M. Warrington. The diplomas were presented by Superintendent Hardesty, and the music furnished by the Lewes Orchestra.
Allison Blizzard and wife are now guests of J. B. Welch and family. They came from Wilmington on Tuesday to witness the marriage of Mrs. Blizzard’s sister, Miss Lottie K. Welch, to William Wagamon, which took place early last (Wednesday) morning, at 6 o’clock, at the home of the parents of the bride. The nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. Hurst, pastor of the M. E. Church; after which the married pair departed on their honey-moon trip which will embrace O, we don t know how many places!.
Stephen Hickman, wife and two children, of Harrisburg, Pa., have been the guests of W. W. Conner and family.