October 27, 1911

The troubles in Europe, Asia and Africa are becoming serious, possibly, to the parties most directly concerned. The Moroccan imbroglio is engaging the attention of the political powers. The Hatian-Turko[i] war is watched with interest; and the “sick man” may yet die; and the old prophecy of years ago may yet be fulfilled. The Cross shall rise, the Crescent wane, grow pale and disappear.”[ii] For this war, if its fundamental basis is not now, it may yet result in a conflict between Islamism and Christianity. It’s got to come; and Tripoli may be the entering wedge. The revolt in China, and for a republic! Who would have ever dreamed of such a thing? And there shalt be “perilous times in the latter days. Wars and rumors of wars. Such times as were never known from the beginning of the world, etc.” The Rev. Charles Russell, of Brooklyn, N. Y., quotes all of the Scripture bearing on this point in support of his prediction that the millennium is near at hand; and in view of the world’s agitation at the present time, and that only three years more will elapse before the dawn of the millennium, the Rev. Russell may not be such a “crank,” after all, as many denominations of Christianity are pleased to call him! A republican China! Shades of Confucius! Why, we may yet learn that a Christian flag stands guard at the Dardanelles, and a Christian government reigns at Constantinople[iii]. Is that too much? Who shall tell?

Having taken a short vacation in the eastern hemisphere, we will now return to America and size up things, in, and around Milton.

The first thing we notice is the accumulation of piling on the dock, and some of its diminutive size, which leads us to believe that if the shipment of lumber from this district continues, in the future as it has done in the past, in process of time there may not be enough left to furnish a gad for a country schoolmaster.

Also we note that during the past week the leaves on the trees of the wood, particularlv oak, the hickory have changed— turned yellow-remarkably fast. And was not a good week for changing either.

For the past few days the nights and mornings have been cool. Straw hats have been discarded; and fires have felt comfortable.

Last week a boat from somewhere over in “the Jersies” was at Milton dock; the Captain went buying apples. Some people will sell the last thing they have for money enough. And we noticed after the boat had gone, that some apple trees near town had been beaten bare, and almost of their leaves; and if anyone thereabout were now into the apple dumpling business he wouldn’t find enough on these trees for a dinner.

Revival services began at Weigand’s Chapel on Sunday evening.

Mrs. Eva Smith paid a business visit to Philadelphia last week.

Miss Lillie Davidson of Chestnut St. is convalescing from a recent illness.

Louis B. Chandler, a First Lieutenant in the Regular Army and stationed at Spokane, Washington, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Chandler. Lieutenant Chandler’s last visit to Milton in almost six years ago. He now has a leave of absence until January.

The Royal Packing Company put up a few more tomatoes and some pears on Friday.

About the middle of September the enterprising trucker and ice man, J. H. Prettyman, sowed in rows, about seven pounds of cabbage seed, which are now between four and six inches high, and looking pretty. Last week he commenced to transplant part of them into ground, that they may become hardened by the winter and reach for the early spring.

Dr. R B. Hopkins has been suffering for many days with a carbuncle boil on the fore finger of his right hand.

There were matinee races held at the Milton Driving Park on Thursday the 26th inst.

A young woman from Wilmington visiting in town had an epileptic fit in front of the post office on Saturday evening, her limp form was taken to the office of Dr. R. B. Hopkins and soon restored to consciousness.

The electric light wires hung so low from the poles in North Milton on Monday as to be almost within reach of a person walking along the street.

In our travels through the woods and elsewhere we have found but few hickory nuts, and acorns. Quite a difference from last fall when there were plenty of both.

Rev. Frank Holland made a visit to Philadelphia this week.

Rev. J. W. Early representing the Wilmington City Missionary and Church Extension Society preached at the M. E. Church on Sunday evening. His prolixity was the subject of remark on Monday. Yet, it is said he expressed a desire for three hours to fully sentilate [sic] his subject. Many were tired out with one hour and a half.

John Walls, who has been confined to his home for some time is now suffering with dementia.

Grand Master Cooper, of the A. O. U. W., was in town on Wednesday evening the 8th, for the purpose of installing officers of the order.

C. E. Bacon Deputy Grand Master, A. O. U. W., visited Lewes on Tuesday evening of last week, and installed officers of that order; and was to have visited Milford on the following Thursday evening, for a similar purpose, but the condition of the weather prohibited.

A couple of Milton girls went to Milford on Saturday to buy their winter coats, returning toward home, they were in an ecotaez [sic] of spirit over their pretty garments, when lo! and behold when arriving near Marshall’s Mill they looked for their garments under the carriage seat, and discovered they had forgotten them. A drive back to Milford was necessary.

On Wednesday the 25th inst, Captain Henry Hudson celebrated the 94th anniversary of his birth. Captain Hudson is yet strong and active, though a little wandering in mind, but with proper attention, a little “spirits” occasionally, and a residence amongst congenial company, he may pass the century line.

The vestry of the Church of St. John Baptist has contracted with a company to heat the church by hot air process; and the company has guaranteed to give a temperature of 70 degrees on the coldest day in winter.

John Megee is building a barn on his lot on Lavinia Street. The workmen on the job say “it’s to keep his barber tools in.”

The section gang on the M. D. & V. R. R., at the Milton station is keeping the roadbed, west, in splendid order.

As is the usual custom among the merchants at this season, they have clubbed together and bought a carload of salt from Watkin, N. Y. This is cheaper for the merchants, but we don’t know that it is of any advantage to their customers.

George B. Atkins has sold his property on Chestnut Street to Robert Lingo. Possession will be given in a few weeks.

Walter Crouch has sold the plant, good will, etc., of the Milton Times to the Rev. C. A. Behringer, of Swedesboro. N. J. The Times will print its last edition, under its present management, on November 24th, and Mr. Behringer will take possession between that time and December 1st. Mr. Behringer is not only a minister, hut a practical printer, and will continue the paper at its present location. The Milton Times was pioneered into Milton by Henry Wilkinson, now of Ridgely, Md., in 1897, and the paper was printed where Clendaniel & Davidson now’ operate a meat market. In 1899 Theodore Messick bought the plant and it was removed into the lower room of the J. O. A. M. building, on Front Street. In 1901 Walter Crouch,
then of Milford, purchased the outfit and now Mr. Crouch turns over to the Mr. Behringer the paper and will remove back to Milford.

Miss Susie Carey, of Glenside, Pa., was a Milton visitor this week.

[i] This should read “Italo-Turkish war,” 1911 – 1912, during which Italy seized Ottoman territory in present day Libya.

[ii] This quotation comes from the cover of a lengthy pamphlet titled Cross or Crescent – A Review of the Eastern Question by J. Lewis Farley, published in 1876, featuring page after page of atrocities committed by Ottoman Turks against their Christian subjects.

[iii] The Byzantine Empire’s name for modern Istanbul.