0nly a few days since we heard a merchant indulging in a sad lamentation, over the thought—as he expressed it—”That women, in a short time, would rule this country.” “Well suppose they do?” I remarked, “we shall not live to see it; and they could do no worse than some of the men are doing.*’
These are the days of athletes, and football and baseball clubs, and if a man is not proficient in these
accomplishments, he is not considered well educated. The women have, also, caught the fever, and are aspirants for all honors to which men are eligible. But they will have to be granted the right of suffrage before they are eligible to office.
We would rather see Ethel Barrymore, or one or two women around Milton, president of the United States, than Senator La Folette of Wisconsin, or Governor Wilson of New Jersey. They might not be as proficient in academics, but they would try to do their duty better than these presidential aspirants for 1912 would be likely to do. However, we must await events. “There’s a good time coming boys!” you may be sure of that. It may be the millennium in 1915 as predicted, and reduced to a mathematical calculation by Charles Russell, of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, N. Y., or it may be a war with Japan as foreseen by that “prophet of disaster,” Representative Hobson of Alabama[i], who sees this fun for the navy, only fifteen days away. We would not like to even suggest what this “good time” is going to be, or when; neither will we ever hint whether we shall be obliged to await the circuitous route of the suffragettes in obtaining the ballot, as preliminary to their eligibility to office and subsequent election thereto.
What we believe is
“There’s a good time coming boys,
There’s a good time coming;
We may not live to see the day,
But earth shall glitter in the ray
Of the good time coming.”[ii]
There was reported, last week, an accident, in Draper’s cannery, by lightning. On the following morning John Marker, also, was stunned by lightning, in the same cannery, and had to be taken to his home. He soon revived; and was able to go to work, the following day. And on the same day the above accident occurred,
one of Adolphus Palmer’s hogs was hurt by an electric current, taking off a piece of its ear and singing the hair on the animal’s face.
A stereopticon view of “Scenes in the Life of Christ,” was given at the M. P. Church on Wedneslay evening with the usual audience at such gatherings.
The Jr. O. U. A. M building has been repaired of the damages done by the late fire. The building has, also, been repainted; and a toilet closet put in.
Town Supervisor Mustard has been repairing Chestnut Street, the past week.
B. B. Walls is erecting porches around his new resilience at Stevensonville, Milton’s nearest suburb.
Rev. C A. Behringer and family, of Swedesboro, N. J., have been visiting Mrs. Behringer’s parents. They came via automobile, crossing the Delaware at Pennsgrove to Wilmington; and returned the same way, only crossing the river at Wilmington to Pennsgrove.
A mad dog scare was raised on Thursday morning over a poor old dog loping through town. As is often the case it was a false report; and the dog was scared as bad as the people.
”Flag Day” passed by unknown to most of our friend.
William Wagamon and bride returned home on Thursday evening, and are, at present, stopping with Mr. Wagamon’s parents. A reception was held on the evening of their return, and a great time enjoyed. Fireman Band was out in “all the pride of song” and music. During the course of the evening Prof. Fearing
was called on to play the piano. Prof. Fearing replied: “I beg to be excused, I’d left my notes home, and cannot play.”
“My bird is dead,” said Nancy Bay,
My bird is dead, I cannot play.
It sang so sweetly every day,
It sings no more I cannot play.”
But the professor the following morning took the bridegroom elect and showed him the new toilet room that had been put in the Jr. O. U. A. M. Hall, during his absence.
Anton Neibert is curing the pea vines—the refuse of the Royal Packing Co.—for feed. He spreads on the dock, and when the citizens of the lower part of the town, have fully inhaled all the stench in their decay, stacks them, and will eventually transport them to his farm near Vaughn’s Landing, for his stock to feed
Postmaster J. B. Black’s salary has been increased from $1,000 to $1,100 per year. This may be considered one of the proofs that Postmaster General Hitchcock is making the Post Office department pay.
Mrs. Deborah Vincent has been visiting in Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. William McShane, after a visit of two weeks, have returned to Camden, N. J.
Mrs. William Leonard and son, of Philadelphia, are the guests of Mr. Leonard’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James P. Leonard.
The school election of the consolidated school districts of Milton will be held next Saturday the 24th. There will be three commissioners to elect, vice, R. M. Collins, J. C. Lank and Dr. J. C. Wiltbank.
William Conwell’s new residence, near town, is nearing completion.
Frank B. Carey, National Representative State Council Jr. O. Ü. A. M. of Delaware, left Milton on Saturday for
Tiffin, Ohio, where he will represent the Delaware order at the annual session the National Council of that order. His wife accompanied him.
Miss Susie Carey, of Glenside, Pa., spent a few days in town last week.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Vaughn, Smyrna, have been visiting Dr. Vaughn’s mother and sister, on Chestnut Street.
Dr. and Mrs. Walter S. Hunter, Greenwood, were Milton guests last week.
On Thursday evening the Board of Education met and elected the following teachers for the coming school year 1911-12: Principal, J. E. Chipman of Laurel; vice-principal, William H. Welch of Milton; 2nd assistant, Miss Myra Shearer of Hurlock, Md.; 3rd assistant, Miss Elizabeth Johnson of Millsboro; primary, Mrs. Stella Bacon of Milton.
William H. Fox has bought of Mrs. Ida Fox, his mother, the confectionery store and bakery on South Union Street, near the bridge.
Handy Prettyman has a new ice wagon in which to deliver ice and cabbage to his patrons.
The family of John U. Jones, erstwhile mayor of Milton, has removed to Washington where Mr. Jones has a position on the cars.
The shirt and overall factory closed on Saturday evening for one week.
Miss Lida Black has closed her school at Bear Station and returned to her home in Milton.
On Monday evening John Clark, an employee of William B. Tomlinson, while coming down Federal Street, too fast, with a two mule team, and trying to make turn around S. J. Wilson’s business block, ran his wagon against a post and broke the tongue.
On Monday S. J. Wilson and wife returned from Milwaukee, Wis., where Mr. Wilson had been as representative of Milton Council No. 44, I. O. H. Sam didn’t know there were so many people in the world.
W. W. Maull, Sr., and wife are visiting their son at Swedesboro. N. J.
Miss Lina Pettyjohn is on a business trip to Philadelphia this week.
George Fowler, of New York, is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Mary Fields.
Thomas H. Douglass is attending the U. S. Court at Wilmington as juror.
Walter W. Crouch, editor and proprietor of the Milton Times, has turned that paper over to his brother, William M. Crouch, and accepted a position with the Milford Chronicle.
George B. Atkins is putting down a cement curb in front of his property on Chestnut Street.
Miss Mamie Conner made a business trip to Milford on Wedesday; also, Mrs. Hettie Wagamon.
[i] Rep. Richmond P. Hobson of Alabama held extreme views regarding the importance of naval power (among other things) and told a Congressional committee in December of 1914 that war with Japan had been narrowly averted two years earlier.
[ii] Excerpt from a popular poem written by Charles Mackay in the mid-nineteenth century and set to music by Henry Russell.