The scarcity of houses in town, and the exorbitant prices charged for these that are for rent, have caused many men of moderate means to look about themselves. and inquire whether they had not better try to own a little shack of their own, and be it “ever so humble,” it would be a home; and relieve them of the task of every year, looking about for a home, and also of the fear of, every year, receiving “moving orders.” Acting upon a thought of this kind some have purchased a lot of ground, and are building, or going to build, for themselves homes. They have, also, had an eye to taxation, and have secured their land outside of the town limits. The late fires in Milton did a great deal of injury, not only to the town, but individually, and Town Council has intensified that injury and discouraged improvement and driven people from the town by its actions.
Early on last Wednesday morning the “bang! bang!” of the breech loader began to be heard in the land. But there are not so many gunners here as of yore. It is understood the many instances, have put their veto on
foreign gunners trespassing on them; and we believe this to be right. And there is not so much game being killed as in former years, at least, not yet. It is noticeable that our small men who are gunners, are not yet out, and we understand it is because there are some Jersey men over here gunning. It will be remembered men have been shot over in Jersey for deer, and our small men are afraid these Jersey men may shoot them for rabbits. Aren’t it awful Gaby that these men should be deprived of all the pleasure of gunning for fear of being shot?
One of our smokers was out on one of the windy days, and after smoking put his pipe in the breast pocket of his coat. When he got home, he smelled something burning, and was “like a chicken with its head cut off” flying around until he found it was himself on fire. His coat was burned considerably, and the man thought he came near being burnt to death. But Gaby! Would you believe it, he still smokes!
We clip the following from our Washington News: “Postmasler General Hitchcock declares that he has never
wed, he has no desire to wed and furthermore he is not going to resign. Postmaster-General Hitchcock says he has outlined a winter program of some exceptional measure, which he hopes to get thru for the Postal Service, and is interested in it that resignation is out the question. He furthermore said he is not going to be chairman of the publican National Committee, nor will he manage any campaign. He thinks this settles up all his denial cases for the current week.
J. Leon Black was in Philadelphia week.
C. A. Virden has enclosed his coal and wood yard with a wire fence.
Miss Clara Vaughan has returned from a visit to Middletown and Wilmington.
Schooner Annie Russell loaded piling last week for W. W. Conwell to go to Cape May.
John Megee’s new building on Lavinia streel is plastered, and ready for occupancy.
The sidewalk on South Union Street, between Carey & Darby’s store and the bridge, has been raised six inches with the dirt taken from the bottom of the river by the dredges.
A boat from the U. S. Engineer Department was at the dock for a time on Friday.
The large pile of sand that has been taken from the river and thrown on the north side, will be used to fill up the lagoon in that quarter.
A few people killed their hogs this week, and many more are killing next week.
Another clothing store has been opened in the old storehouse belonging to C. H. Atkins, corner Chestnut and Front Street. The parties are a man and woman, and they purpose on living in the upper room of the building.
The pocketbook that was lost by William Clements, containing $22.00, was found by Somerset Reed and returned to the owner.
There is a bad washout in the sidewalk on Lavinia Street, and this should be attended to. It is dangerous to pedestrians of a night.
On Thanksgiving morning there will be services held in the Methodist Protestant church. The Rev. Hurst, pastor of the M. E. Church, will preach the sermon. During the afternoon and evening the ladies of the M. E. Church will give a supper in the lower room of the Masonic Temple, to he paid for. Also, in the evening an entertainment in mimicry, will be given in School Hall; this to be paid for, if you get there.
James Collins, who lately came into possession of some property in and near town, is having it improved to some extent. On the lot lying on Broad Street and “Billy” Robinson Avenue, he has had an old and unsightly stable torn away, and the fences repaired around the residence, which adds much to the appearance of that locality.
Atlantic Street leading to Parker’s Bridge is in a deplorable condition. The sidewalks have been cut up by teamsters, and there are now three wagon tracks in some places, and this is one of the gravel
David H. Wiltbank has improved his sidewalk on Federal Street by filling it with gravel.
Clement Hart is building a new stable in the rear of his dwelling on Federal Street, in place of the one recently torn down.
Workmen on Tuesday commenced to put steam beaters in the Church of St. John Baptist.
The agent from Lewes, for the Prudential Life Insurance Company, arriving in Milton early on the morning of the days of his visit, and begins calling at the homes of his patrons. The people, many of them are not out of bed, at breakfast, and—well, they consider his visits altogether too early, and want him, after the train arrives, to hang around the station awhile, or go to the Jester House and take a nap until they get up and set their houses in order for the day. Then come.
William Maull and son contemplate building a blacksmith shop near the dock and on the property of Mrs. Emma Burton. Suppose it would be a wood frame covered with metal; for of such are buildings made in this locally.
On Thursday Miss Isa Black was stricken with paralysis, while sitting at the breakfast table. Her entire right side is useless, and since the occurrence she has not spoken nor eaten, nor drank anything, but lies in a state of coma.
On Monday Edward Robinson of lower Broadkiln, while handling an axe, had the misfortune to cut a gash in the top of his left foot, about two inches in length. He came to the office of Dr. R. B. Hopkins, who rendered the necessary surgical aid.
The third quarterly conference of this conference year will be held at the M. E. Church on next Monday morning. The District Superintendent will preach on Sunday evening.
From the attics the electric lights have cutting for the week past; some of the friends think they are practicing for Christmas. But why so early?
J. W. Betts, of Frederica, was a Milton visitor on Monday.
William Ingraham has the frame of his new building, near the railroad station, up and is enclosing it.
The Railroad Company is filling up tile low ground around the station with dirt brought from beyond tire western trestle. This is a big improvement, and one that has been needed for a long time.
The dredging machine has completed the work around the dock and has moved farther down the river below the lower cannery.
The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brittingham died on Saturday. Funeral at late home by Rev. Holland on Sunday, and interment in cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Since writing above item regarding the condition of Miss Isa Black, that lady has died at the age of 42 years, 2 months and 8 days, Services will be held at her late home on Federal Streel on Friday by the Revs. Hurst and Holland, and interment made in Coolspring Presbyterian Cemetery by J. B. Atkins