The town secretary, by order of Town Council, has issued a call for a “Special Election” to be held at the Mayor’s office on Saturday, June 3rd for the purpose of deciding by vote whether the town shall or shall not have a system of water works. All women, owners of real estate, have the right of suffrage at this election.
The court of ‘Squire Collins has been busy during the past week. There have been four cases before him—two civil and two for cruelty to animals. The first was that of Charles Shears vs. Joseph Walls, action for debt; tried before the justice. Decision reserved. The second was that of C. H. Atkins vs. John C. Wiltbank, Jr. action for debt. Tried before referees— A. L. Raught, C. G. Waples and D. A. Conner. Verdict for plaintiff. The third case was preferred by Agent Stout of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, against John Wyatt of Cedar Creek, whom he had arraigned before ‘Squire Collins, for “unmercifully” beating a horse belonging to Joseph Carey. The defended pleaded guilty and was fined ten dollars and costs amounting to $17.50. Agent Stout then visited the horse hospital of Fred Brinkley, colored. There were found this sanatorium four animals in various stages of decline. Brinkley was taken before ‘Squire Collins, and after a hearing, ordered to get clear of two of the horses within twenty-four hours, or pay a fine of $20,00 with costs. He disposed of them: one he killed, and the other—
John Wesley Derrickson is repairing and remodeling a building for Walter Wright on North Mulberry Street.
The widow of the late Peter West, colored, who recently had her property burnt on Mulberry Street, has purchased another building and had it removed to Mulberry Street; and William Megee is repairing and fixing it up for her future home.
The house cleaning business is still on and “goodness only knows” when it will end.
John Hall of Lavinia Street while handling lumber on Thursday at Atkins dock had the flesh mashed from the middle finger of his left hand.
Mrs. Elizabeth Fowler and daughter, of Philadelphia, after spending some weeks with her parents, has returned to the city.
Miss Laura M. Conner is visiting her sister, Mrs. Susie B. Davidson, in Philadelphia.
William Richards is digging a cellar under his property, corner Mulberry and Lavinia Streets, and the dirt is being utilized on the streets. Digging cellars under houses, after the houses have been built, is no longer considered a difficult task. We believe some builders prefer to have the cellar dug after the house is built: and there’s no accounting for taste.
Sloop Della Maude has cleared for Wilmington with a cargo of scrap iron.
George Martin has removed into the property late of J. C. Carey, deceased.
Edward Bailey has repainted his residence, corner Front and Chestnut Streets.
Honey suckles are gone; and the wild rhododendrons are in full bloom.
H. R. Draper is receiving cans for the coming canning season.
Walter Atkins’ new house in lower Broadkiln is nearly completed.
J. O. Hazzard has purchased the 57 acre farm of Mary C. Wilson in lower Broadkiln near Zion Church, at private figures.
George E. Fairly, a civil engineer from Baltimore, was here last week, making a plot of the town, for a water system.
Henry Atkins is convalescent from his illness of many weeks; and was out on the street on Friday.
Mrs. Stanton of Sculltown is much better, and will probable soon be out again.
B. F. Grav has been granted a permit to build a barn and stable on the rear of his dwelling on North Union Street. The body of the buildings will be of wood and the roof metal.
A permit has been granted Walter Wright to rebuild his residence on South Mulberry Street.
The Royal Packing Company saved a pea huller, in bulk, from the recent fire, and has it put together, and in place near the site of the late roller flour mill; and will build a temporary building, or shanty, without enclosure, except the roof, which will be of metal. A permit has been granted by Town Council, to the company, to this effect. The object of this is to get ready to can the peas for which they have contracted; and. it is believed they will do it. Since Wednesday of last week men with teams have been hauling away the remaining debris from the burned district—consisting mostly of metal, and cans, many of them yet filled with tomatoes—and dumping it into the lagoon on Magnolia Street, which will help to fill it up. And before this communication is read, it is probable the burnt district will be clear of the rubbish.
The surveyor and party who are running the line of the du Pont boulevard route from below Millsboro northward stopped over Sunday at the Jester House. There were five of them. The route they are now surveying comes within a mile and a half of Milton, and will go near Milford. We hope this line chosen; but it is hardly likely, as the party say there is more opposition to the road in the locality of Millsboro than they have met with anywhere else.
Post Office inspector Plummer paid the Milton post office a hurried visit on Friday, though not an official one.
Miss Esther Robinson, who has been in Philadelphia for many months, is now home with her parents.
Milton Public Schools will close on Friday, June 2nd. The Commencement Exercises of the “High School” will be held on Monday evening, June 5th, in School Hall. Following are the names
of the graduating class: Harriet Wilson, Sarah Atkins, Annie Gray, Naomi Robinson, Charles Burris, Thomas R. Wilson, Raymond Conwell, Daniel Wagamon and Hammond Warrington. Ye gods.
George A. Wilson, at Stevensonville, is having his residence repainted.
A members meeting of the M. P. Church congregation will be held on Saturday evening, 17th, to consider the subject of raising the church higher from the ground and repairing the building. The ground on which the church is located is very low, and the heaters during wet weather are partly in water; and this can be remedied, only, by raising the building that the heaters may be raised also.
District Superintendent Stephenson preached at the M. E. Church on Sunday evening. On Monday morning a Quarterly Conference was held, at which time it was voted to pay the pastor $1,000.00 as salary for the present year.
Edgar Lank, Esq, attorney at law of Philadelphia, spent Sunday at Milton.
Captain William Lank, of Philadelphia, has been visiting relatives in town.
Decoration Day was as of old. The same stereotyped routine. Early in the morning the graves of the soldier dead were flagged and flowered. In the afternoon there was speaking in School Hall, at which meeting Firemen’s Band was in evidence. Private dwellings on nearly all of the streets of town were profuse with bunting; and so the day passed into evening, when the famous trip “Around the World” that has been so much talked about by the Methodist Episcopal Church of Milton, and for the benefit of the “Pipe Organ Fund” commenced precisely at 7.30 p. m the first train pulled out from the M. E. church en route for Venice—trains left every twenty minutes thereafter for one and a half hours. The first stop was made at San Francisco (Mrs. Virgie Mason’s) of where the reception committee was dressed a la Americans, for refreshments. From thence the train proceeded to Yokohama (Mrs. Lotta Black’s) where the reception committee was dressed in Japanese costume and refreshments served. Onward the train sped to Bombay (Mrs. Annie Carey’s) where the English costume greeted them, and the hungry mouths were fed. Again the train drew out for Copenhagen (Mrs. Mollie Waples) where the reception committee wore the Danish garb); and appetites were again appeased. From Copenhagen the route was around to Berlin (Mrs. Lizzie Wiltbank’s) where the fashion of the “faderland” greeted the excursionists, and catered to their appetites. Again the train started for its destination and reached Venice (Mrs. Maggie Waples) without accident or hindrance; and in that Latin land were welcomed by their Italian friends, in costumes such as only they do wear. This “Tour of the World” was a thrilling excursion, and greatly enjoyed. And when it is remembered that the fare, “including meals,” was only 25 cents, remarkably cheap.
John A. Argo died at his home in Slaughter Neck on Friday evening of senility aged 75 years and 10 months. Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon in Slaughter Neck Church by the pastor, Rev. \V. P. Taylor, and burial made in the adjoining cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Another time table went into effect on the M., D. & V. R. R. on Monday morning; whereby trains leave Milton, going west, at 7.10 a. m. and 5.20 p. m.; going east at 11.37 a. m. and 7.45 p. m. The 7.10 a. m. train connects at Ellendale with trains going north. The 11.37 train and the 7.49 train connects at Ellendale with trains for Milton. The 5.20 p. m. train from Milton makes no connection at Ellendale.