When Postmaster Black entered his office on Friday morning the Interior presented a chaotic mass. Yeggmen[i] had entered the building the previous evening, by prying open the back door, and had blown open the safe and rifled its contents. The front and Interior of the safe were blown to smithereens, and its contents and other paraphernalia of the office were scattered helter-skelter over the floor. The letter boxes were uninjured. Mr. Black Immediately telegraphed Post Office Inspector Plummer, but to the present writing that official has not arrived. Baker Dawson Is said to have seen two men on the street about 1.30 o’clock, each with a sack on his shoulder- The robbers secured about $100 in money and $800 in various denominations of postage stamps, besides all of the books belonging to the office, including the postmaster’s private bank book.
As the year draws to a close, persons are hustling to get their work completed that they may enter upon a new year untrammeled. Those who are depending on the completion of new buildings for a future home are necessarily anxious for the present good weather to continue. The new residence of James Van Is enclosed and has painted. John Megee is painting his new building, and, unlike others, is painting the roof.
Isaiah Young is enlarging his building.
Wm. G. F earing is doing a job of painting for Mrs. Emma Burton, on one of her farms near town.
Geo. B. Atkins has removed from the property he recently sold to Robert Lingo to the home for of his lather and Mr. Lingo has taken possession of his purchase.
W. G. Fearing has sold to Robert Willey the dwelling he recently purchased on Chandler Street. Mr. Willey will remove the building to other quarters and make of it a home. Mr. Fearing will tear down the old stable that now occupies a part of the lot on the above mentioned street, and fence the whole.
The terracotta on the north side of I ne A M. E. Church was blown off during some of the recent winds.
John crouch’s big hogs weighed 400 and 420 pounds respectively; and Cora Clendaniel’s big one weighed 500 lbs. Which beat?
The Misses Sallie and Susie Carey, of Glenside, Pa., after spending a few days in Milton, returned to their home on Friday.
Supervisor of Street Mustard, among other improvements, made some new wood crossings to span the gutters completely.
Someone is supposed to be borrowing fodder from Mrs. Emma Johnson without her knowledge.
James Palmer has built a creamery in the rear of his dwelling, and it has a cellar.
B. F. Gray has sold to Jessie E. Bibbert the farm near Old Mill Creek, known as the Paynter farm; and James Lindaie has bought of the same party, the Anderson Farm, near Cedar Creek, on the road from Milton to Milford.
The funeral of Miss Ida Black, where death was noticed in the Issue of this paper last week, took place at her late home on Federal St on Friday afternoon, but owing to the stormy weather, the burial was procrastinated until the following Saturday morning, at which time it took place at Coolspring Presbyterian Cemetery, a short distance from Milton.
The Milton Times issued its last edition under the management of Walter W. Crouch on last Friday. On Saturday the Rev. C. A. Behringer, formerly of Swedesboro. N. J., assumed ownership, having bought the plant recently. John Crouch, who occupied a part of the Times office as a shoe shop, has exchanged with H. H. Draper; Mr. Crouch moving into the office of Mr. Draper, which he will occupy the coming year; and Mr. Draper removing his office into the Times office, which he will occupy only until the end of the present year. Mr. Behringer will continue the Times in its present location—Jr. O. U. A. M. building—the coming year. The room is being repainted and repapered and will have a glass door In the rear. Also any other improvements that may be needed for light or convenience will be made. Mr. Behringer, who is a practical printer as well as a minister, will edit the paper, and we wish for him success in his newly adopted field of labor.
One person was admitted as a probationer of the M. P. Church on Sunday.
Miss Lydia Black, of Bear Station, and Thomas Black, of Philadelphia, attended the funeral of their aunt, Miss Ida Black, on Friday.
The Royal Packing Company canned pumpkins last week.
District Superintendent Stephenson preached at the M. E. Church on Sunday evening. The Third Quarterly Conference of this year was held on Monday morning.
An enthusiastic “men’s meeting” was held at the Jr. O. U. A. M. Hall on Sunday afternoon.
Wm. Ware, a professional opera singer, of Philadelphia, who has been here for over a week on a gunning trip, entertained the congregation at the M.E. Church on Sunday morning and evening with an exhibition of his vocal powers.
Sam Smith has a wire screen at his back door, the meshes of which are an inch square. They must be a large breed down there.
J. B. Welch made a trip to Wilmington on Saturday; and from Wilmington to Philadelphia on Sunday, returning home on Monday.
J. B. Atkins has repapered the lower part of Mrs. Thomas Ingram’s residence on Federal Street.
J. A. Johnson has removed from the country into town and his father-in-law, Captain Henry Hudson, has removed with him.
[i] Old term for “safecrackers”