Thanksgiving is over. And the people of Milton made the most of it. There was a union religious service held at the M. P. Church in the morning; participated in by the Rev. Hurst of the M. E. Church, the Rev. Holland of the M. P. Church, and the Rev. Behringer, editor of the Milton Times. Rev. Hurst preached the sermon. In the afternoon the ladies of the M. E. Church gave supper in Masonic Temple, which was largely patronized and continued late into the evening. A performance in mimicry was held in School Hall in the evening to a crowded house; and thus passed the day. Since the “Vale” performances and the post office burglary, Milton is forging to the front and this winter we are expecting amusements galore.
Miss Alexine Collins returned on Thanksgiving Day from an eight months ramble through the Middle and Eastern States.
The Milton Times issued its first edition under its new management last week. Both sides are printed in Milton, and the editor hopes to make a success out of his endeavor.
The Church of St. John Baptist, in which services have been held only at irregular intervals for a long time, on account of having no settled pastor, has been put into first-class condition, and will be reopened for services on next Sunday, the 10th inst. Rev. C.A. Behringer, who has already removed to the town, will serve as pastor.
Mrs. A. G. Raught and son Roland are-spending some time in New York City.
John and Columbus Welch were home at Thanksgiving visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Welch. They returned to the city on Monday.
Schooner Sand Snipe, Captain Warrington, arrived at the dock on Saturday.
From the inkling we are enabled to get, we are inclined to think our friend “Paul Pry” contemplates entering politics. He has written a letter to Editor Behringer suggesting that he—the editor—make of the Milton Times “a red hot Democratic sheet.” For shame, “Paul Pry’ not for a desire to enter politics yourself; that you have a perfect right to do? But for shame, “Paul Pry,” to tarnish your fair reputation, hard earned, and gained as a newspaper correspondent, by trying to seduce a minister from the path of rectitude into the slimy ooze of politics. Desist, “Paul Pry,” desist! Continue in your former paths of renown, that when the sods of Ellendale shall have closed over your mortal remains, it may be said of you, “He did what good he could.” The Milton Times has always been-—or tried to be—independent in politics, and we are assured it will continue to be so.
Benjamin Walls has re-roofed a small house he owns on Sand Street.
The sellers of meat are hustlers. There are four butchers in town. Three of them peddle in wagons; and the other takes orders. Well, the other is on the qui vive from “early morn’ till blushing eve,” and he generally gets there. Yes, Gaby, the calves’ foot jelly you speak about, is made of something- well, I’ll ask one of these butchers about it.
The job of installing the heaters in the church of St. John Baptist has been completed; and the chimney has been taken down from the north side of the building and put upon the south side.
Mrs. Eliza Robbins has removed from Broad Street, North Milton, into the property of Mrs. Hannah Carey, on Federal Street, South Milton.
David Dickenson, has been elected by the official Board of the M. P. Church, janitor of that building.
John Hall, of Lavinia Street, butchered a hog on Saturday, and on dissecting it a sewing needle was found in its liver.
At 6 o’clock on Wednesday morning, the 29th ult., Miss Clara Frances Waples, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Waples, of North Union Street, was united in marriage with Mr. C. Marshall Wilson of near town. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Hurst, pastor of the M. E. Church, in the presence of only a few immediate friends. The married pair slipped up on the inquisitive ones of Milton, and were off on their honeymoon before, but few were aware of their marriage. They left on the 7.10 a. m. train for Philadelphia.
On Wednesday evening, the 29th ult., at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Davidson, of Chestnut Street, their youngest daughter, Miss Adeline, was united in marriage with Mr. Floyd Hurley, of Georgetown. Rev. Hurst performed the ceremony.
Some of our business persons are showing their electric lights from the Georgetown plant to the Royal Packing Company plant. The latter has a shorter distance to run its wires, and from this reason it is inferred can give better service. The merchants want a better light service. They want a better light service than last Christmas.
President Taft is said to be looking around for a man to succeed James Wilson as Secretary of Agriculture. Capt. George E. Magee is somewhere around Milton.
Edgar W. Lank, Esq., formerly of Milton, but now an Attorney-at-law in Philadelphia, has been appointed by the new city government one of the sixteen solicitors of that city at a salary of $4,000 per annum; and this appointment will not interfere with his other legal business. Mr. Lank is one of the fine young men that this world produces, and we are glad of his success.
Justice-of-the-Peace Eli L. Collins, has now authority to issue marriage license. This departure went into effect Dec. 1st. This item is not published as an advertisement, but merely to facilitate the marriage boom that appears to be agitating certain circles of Milton society.
Postmaster John R. Black, Mrs. Hannah Carey, and Mrs. Annie Rust, went to Wilmington on Wednesday to attend the funeral of their uncle William J. Lank.
Walter W. Crouch, formerly editor and proprietor of the Milton Times, removed from Milton to Milford on Tuesday.
Merchants are getting in and making ready to display their Christmas holiday goods.
Real winter weather came to us on Monday. It rained and snowed all of the morning, clearing in the afternoon. That night Upper Lake Fanganzyki was frozen over—the first time this season. Tuesday dawned with rising temperature.
Robert Willey commenced on Tuesday to remove the building he recently purchased of Prof. Fearing, from Chandler Street to Clifton Street, North Milton.