“While Shepherds watched their flock by night
All seated on the ground
The angel of the Lord came down
And glory shone around.”[i]
“Peace on earth and good will toward Men,” was the announcement made to the shepherds on the plains of Judea, one starry night over 1900 years ago. The proclamation then made to the world by God’s envoys, holds good to-day. “Peace on earth.” How terribly the world is prostituting that phrase, talk about peace and prepare for war. We refer to the Hague and build a dreadnought! But let all this moralizing for the present. This is the Christmastide, the season of mirth and festivity, the season when friend meets friend, and the absent ones once more return to the parental hearthstone. All should be joy and gladness. All should be happy. We are not, it may not be our fault, but very often it is. Christmas dawned under rather unpropitious circumstances. Cloudy and murky. And the day was rather dull. Many of those who have been from home during the year, came home; there are so many that it is too much of a task to individualize them. The Holy Communion was administered at the church of St. John Baptist, at 9.30 a. m.; and a Christmas treat was given to the children of the M. E. Sunday School, also. The M. P. Sunday School had their treat on Sunday afternoon. On Christmas evening the ladies of the M. E. Church rendered the play, “A Clergyman’s Courtship,” in School Hall to a large audience. Proceeds $74.10. The day passed pleasantly without incident, and but few drunks. On Sunday evening previous, the M. E. Sunday School rendered “The Feast of Light,” at the M. E. Church; and on Thursday evening the members of this organization will give a reception to their friends in the lecture room of the church. And Christmas Day is numbered with the past.
Edwin P. Johnson, engaged at railroading at White Plains, N. J., is home for the holidays.
Miss Maimie A. Conner, student at Strayer Business College, Philadelphia, is visiting her father, brothers and sisters.
We understand the Lewes agent for the Prudential Life Insurance Company does not like the remarks we made a few weeks ago regarding his early visits to Milton. That agent’s mental perceptions must be very obtuse that he could not comprehend that our criticism was upon the late risers of Milton, rather than upon himself.
John H. Davidson has completed his building on Lavinia Street.
The big white oak that was struck by lightning during the summer, and subsequently blown down across the road to Lavinia Camp ground, has been converted into wood and gotten out of the way.
Juniper Chase, on the Chandler Farm, has been ploughing out head rows, and utilizing the past good weather at various kinds of work incident to farm management.
It appears that the persons having buildings built in the late burnt district, have been unfortunate in getting leaky roofs. The roofs are of tin, and some of them leak badly, even during a moderate rain.
Ephraim Darby has been elected librarian of the M. E. Sunday School.
The Milton Times office has been repainted and re-papered.
A new curb has been put in front of the old academy building on Front Street.
Mrs. George G. Fomler, (nee Miss Elizabeth King) and daughter of Philadelphia, are spending the holidays with their parents, Constable and Mrs. Joseph 8. King.
Mrs. Elizabeth Chandler has presented to the town the piece of land known as “Chandler Street.” This is a lateral street running from North Union into the branch. It had become imperative that the town should own this street, as there were buildings on it, and the inmates of these buildings must needs have a means of egress from their homes.
Lieutenant Louis B. Chandler, of the 25th U. S. Infantry, stationed at Fort George Wright, Washington, has been home on a three month’s furlough. He left last week in company with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Chandler, for Scranton, Pa. where he will spend a short time with his brother Wm. H. Chandler, after which he will return to his command in the far Northwest. Mrs. Chandler will spend the winter in Scranton.
The contract for work on the jetty at the mouth of the Broadkiln River, has been awarded to the U. S. Drainage and Irrigation Co., of New York. The work must be completed by June 15, 1912.
At the sale of Mrs. George Rust last week, we hear that the “holy Democracy” and “the dollar a day pension bill” soured on “Paul Pry,” and he got to practicing gymnastics, in a peach tree nearby, egged on by a swarm of bees. Yes, Gaby, “Paul Pry” is the Ellendale correspondent for the Milford Chronicle, but subject to these ”turns.”
H. K. Wagamon on Thursday killed four hogs that weighed as follows: 477, 294, 395 and 390 [lbs].
On Saturday at noon Miss Elizabeth Johnson, of Millsboro, one of the teachers in the Milton public schools, was married to Mr. Peter Causey Lofland of Milton. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride’s parents at Millsboro, by the Rev. Wells.
The real estate of James Ponder and Linda Lea Ponder, situated in Cedar Creek and Broadkiln hundreds, was under execution process in front of Jester House, on Saturday. Lot No. 3 was sold first, and was bought by the T. D. Lumber Co. of Georgetown, for $16.10. Lots No. 1 and No. 2 were sold together and bought by the same company for $2,400.
The Christmas festivities were marred by the not unexpected death of William H. Atkins, which occurred on Saturday afternoon at the age of 57 years, 10 months and 2 days. Deceased had been suffering for many months, with brief respites, with diabetes, and his death had been expected for some time. Three children and a widow survive him. Funeral services were held at the M. E Church Tuesday afternoon by the Revs. Hurst and Holland, and sepulture made in the M. E. Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
William H. Davidson and wife came from Philadelphia on Sunday to be in attendance at the funeral of Mr. Davidson’s brother-in-law.
Postmaster John Black is improving in health and able to be out.
There will be watch meeting services held at the M. P. Church on next Sunday night, commencing at 10.30 p. m., and this meeting will be the beginning of a proposed revival service.
George Jones, of near town, had a heifer so badly gored last week that he sent to Milton for John Robinson, who butchered it.
A. G. Rought has returned from a visit to his father, who has been near death at his home in Pennsylvania.
Dr. James A Hopkins, who has been in ill health for some time, was taken worse on Saturday. He has been in a state of coma since. His son, Dr. R. B. Hopkins and Dr. Hiram Burton, of Lewes, are in attendance and doing all that can be done for the sufferer.
With this communication we close our correspondence for another year for the Chronicle. We wish all our readers a Happy New Year.
The drama “Imogene; or, The Witch’s Secret,” will be rendered Thursday evening. January 4th, 1912. The Lewes Orchestra will furnish music for the occasion.

[i] Excerpt from #29, Hymns for the Church of England, compiled by Thomas Darling, 1862