The beautiful weather of last week makes one really think this December almost “as pleasant as May ” The cool morning air creates a halo that spreads over the town, and when viewed from short distance, the smoke from a hundred chimney tops lazily curling through this haze or halo resembles scenes we have often seen on spring mornings up the Hudson River. Those who have prognosticated a hard winter, may yet be mistaken. What is a remarkable fact is the absence of high winds, and most persons are glad of it. And the frosts of last week! O, my! They were equal to small snares.
The annual election of officers for M. E. Sunday that was announced to take place on last Thursday, had been postponed until last Wednesday evening.
William Fosque, bookkeeper at the Jester House, was granted leave of absence on last Friday that he might act in an official capacity for the Ernest Conwell Holly Wreath Company.
Anton Neibert, our Bohemian shoemaker, and president of the Asphyxiation Association for Disabled Cats, desires all persons who have business with the association to call at the electrocution office between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. daily.
Mrs. Hettie Wagamon and Miss Laura Cannon were in Milford on Thursday.
John Reynold and family have removed from the country into town and now occupy one of the houses of John Hickman on North Union Street.
W. W. Conwell loaded the Schooner Annie Russell last week with piling for Cape May.
Isaiah Ellingsworth and brother Noble are home with their mother to spent [sic] the winter.
The dredger is moving slowly down the river. It is now below Heavalow Landing and, it is said, the channel from Milton to that point is 40 feet wide and 6 feet deep at mean low water. This is probably sufficient depth for any vessel that may have business in Milton.
The Milton buyers are shipping many holly wreaths in thousand lots to various northern parts. And yet, there is no holly in the land (?).
The broken automobile of an insurance agent from Lewes was towed to the latter port last Wednesday by horse power and James Jester. The machine collapsed the day previous near town.
We read that “Gov. Woodrow Wilson wanted a pension because he needed the money.” There are several in Milton in the same condition.
The man who fought himself near the Bowery, got a black eye and had his bottle broken.
The merchants are trimming their front windows in gay style this early, and indeed they look pretty. These on Front street are exceptionally beautiful, and the nearer we approach to Christmas, the more beautiful they appear. So it seems!
We had the pleasure on Friday of meeting G. R. C, the Lincoln correspondent of the Chronicle, for the first time. We were very favorably impressed with the gentleman’s appearance, and hope to meet him many more times in the future.
“Buckwheat cakes and sausages!” Ah! That’s the breakfast menu now!” And, look at it we may, discuss it as we must we, all of us, are almost certain to devour our quota of that “bill of fare” without regard to consequences, or without fear of that thoroughly Americanized complaint—dyspepsia, or indigestion.
Milton is turning out a lot of mechanical engineers (?) at present, as well as “Captains.” Of the latter we will write at a future time. Of the former we will say they are being learned and graduated by “Johnny” Brittingham, and his wood sawing engine.
Mrs. Eliza Carey has moved from Cave Neck and will make her home with her sister, Mrs. Florence Johnson on Mulberry Street.
George Carpenter, engineer, who been “tugging” during the summer, is home with his family for the winter.
A permit has been granted to William Maull & Son to build a blacksmith shop on Mrs. Emma Burton’s property on the dock. The work began on Monday.
John H. Davidson is building a stable and tool house on the lot of ground has bought of W. W. Conwell on Lavinia Street.
The porches have been built in front of the recently repaired property of Mrs. Susie Carey on North Union Street.
Another layer of a different quality dirt has been put upon the walk between the bridge and Carey & Darby’s store on South Union Street.
The recent raising of the sidewalk from the A. M. E. Church to the railroad station, and the filling up of the holes around the depot, has much improved the situation thereabouts.
The ‘Men’s Meeting” at the Jr. O. U. A. M. Hall on Sunday afternoon was largely attended. Rev. C. A. Behringer addressed the meeting. Ed. Bacon said: “Mr. Behringer preached the biggest sermon that was ever preached in Milton.” Mr. Bacon is supposed to be a judge.
Owing to not being able to get the church in proper order the reopening of St. John Baptist did not take place on Sunday as had been announced.
The third quarterly conference of the M P. Church will take place on Monday, the 18th.
Ike Bailey was out early on Sunday morning, investigating a man’s tracks in the soft dirt on Front Street. The shoe worn by the maker of the tracks had a peculiar mark on its bottom. Maybe the “Wandering Jew” has paid a visit to Milton.
Rev. Lord, agent for the Delaware and New Jersey Home for Friendless Children, preached at the M. E. Church on Sunday morning, and at the M. P. Church on Sunday evening.
Carey & Darby have the upper window of their storehouse nicely trimmed for the holidays. This is the only store whose upper windows are trimmed prettily in town.
It is said, the choir at the M. E. Church was non est on Sunday evening. Or, to put it in the words of another, “It was lost, strayed or stolen.” Can’t do much at church now without the choir and organ. God’s out of date.
On Tuesday morning at 11.30 o’clock the marriage of Miss Amanda M. Johnson to Mr. J. Leon Black was solemnized at the home of the bride’s parents near town. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Hurst, pastor of the Milton M. E. Church. After the ceremony, which took place in the presence of the immediate friends of the families, the wedded pair were taken to Ellendale, and went north on their bridal tour. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Johnson, of near town; the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Black, and assistant Trust officer of the Trust Company Bank of this town.
Clara H., wife of J. A. Dockety, of Wilmington, died at St. Joseph Hospital, Philadelphia, on Wednesday, the 6th, from the effect of an operation. Her remains were brought to Nassau on Saturday and met by S. J. Wilson and conveyed to White’s Chapel, where, after funeral services, the remains were deposited in that ceremony.