“When marshalled on the mighty plain,
The glittering host bestud the sky;
One stay alone of all the train,
Can fix the sinner’s wandering eye.
Hark! Hark! To God the chorus breaks,
From every host, from every gem;
But one alone the Savior speaks,
It is the star of Bethlehem.”[i]
The above quotation from White, is as old as the hills; yet it fitly introduces Easter. Easter this year—-by no means of the best – yet it was observed in an appropriate and becoming manner. The churches, the most fitting places—and may we not say the only fitting places – to commemorate this day that gave to the world a redeemer, were decorated with exotics, and a few flowers indigenous to this clime. The ladies were out in all the glory of Easter hats, and certainly looked bewitching in their new gowns. The M. E. Church had a large congregation, many of whom were, no doubt, present ostensibly to properly celebrate the day, while many more came to size up the new minister, the Rev. L. P. Corkran, who preached his initiatory on that morning. As we were not present, we cannot give any comments– “and thereby hangs a tale.” Milton has three churches and six sermons, each and every Sunday, unless something prevents. Three of these sermons are preached at the same hour on Sunday morning, and three at the same hour, Sunday evening. Now we naturally think that the astute reader will see that a newspaper correspondent with all his ubiquity is not omnipresent, i. e., cannot be at three places at the smile time. However, there were no preaching services at the M. P. Church on Sunday. The Rev. H. R. Nelson, pastor, being absent attending conference at Easton, Md.
At the M. E. Sunday School on Sunday afternoon, the juvenile Missionary Society elected the following officers: President, Robert Palmer; 1st vice-president, William Lank; 2nd vice-president, Charles Atkins; secretary, Miss Sallie Polk; treasurer, Miss Asa King. The collection on Sunday amounted to $8.
The high prices asked for shad has made herring a favorite article of diet the present season.
Mr. Irvin King’s team got scared on Sunday while he and his best girl were riding out. In front of Joseph Field’s beef office the horse capsized the wagon. Fortunately, Mr. Walter Megee, who was nearby, caught the horse; the carriage top was torn off, one wheel broken likewise both shafts. Mr. King was slightly hurt on the head, and the lady had one of the corpus bones of the right wrist broken. Notwithstanding this, the couple were at church on that same evening.
Mr. John Ellingsworth has added to his business a delivery wagon. It is a pretty thing, and will no doubt captivate many of the MiItonians. It needs to be seen to be appreciated.
Mr. Burton M. Robinson, engaged in government service at Washington, D. C., is home on a short leave of absence.
We were astonished, the first part of the week, to take in the various paraphernalia that S. J. Wilson has in the vehicle line. Carriages of all descriptions are here to select from and if a man wants a wagon or even an ox-cart or a horse-cart, it is here.
The maple buds are failing on the streets of the town, showing that the leafy time will soon be here; and our friend Coverdale was noticed on Sunday with a bunch of arbutus in his buttonhole. That heats the writer. But my friend—and he is a particular one – is what General Wayne told the Indians at the battle of the Maumee: “I am a man who never sleeps.”
Wm. Wright, Henry Sockum and Mark Harmon, Jr., left town this week for various points.
Frederic. L. Harder died at Lincoln, April 4th, aged 2 months, 6 days. Funeral on Friday. Interment in Lincoln Cemetery. S. J. Wilson funeral director.
Samuel W. Deputy died at his home aged 52 years. Rev. G. E. Hilles conducted the funeral. Interment: at Lincoln Cemetery. S. J. Wilson, funeral director.
[i] White, Henry Kirke: The Star of Bethlehem, late 18th century