Undoubtedly Mr. George W. Atkins[i] is one of the busiest men of the many who call’ Milton their home. Formerly he was manager of ex-State Treasurer C. H. Atkin’s mammoth store. Upon Mr. Atkins adding to his former business that of wholesale dealer in shirts and overalls, Mr. G. W. Atkins was appointed wholesale agent for Delaware for the sale of these articles. In the discharge of this duty he has been successful in building up a good trade. When not engaged in this business, he is traveling through contiguous states introducing his patent buggy top, in which line his success has been equal to his anticipations. On Mr. Atkins retirement as manager of the store, Mr. James Mason assumed that position and has full charge of that emporium. He buys all the clothing, boots and shoes, dry goods, and, in fact, everything that is needed in their line. He also supervises the sale of the same. He is assisted by handy clerks, among whom we may mention Mr. George Porter, “fat, fair and forty.” Porter always has a smile upon his countenance, is always in good humor, and was never known to get in a passion. On entering-the store one sees the portly form of Porter looming up, and the conclusion is, he is a well fed man. The dry goods and notion department are presided over by Miss Maggie Ellingsworth, a charming brunette, and these ‘departments with their display windows are metamorphosed and rearranged whenever the sameness becomes too apparent. There are several “extras” who are called in to further assist Mr. Mason on busy days. The proprietor, owing to his multiform business in various parts of-the county, as well as at Milton, is busy exercising a general supervision of the whole; this, together with his voluminous correspondence, occupies all of his time. On Saturday afternoon the writer counted thirteen vehicles hitched near the store. These brought trade and money which were exchanged for goods; and this should be some index to the business that is being done at this establishment.
The gentleman who met the Board of Trade recently, and was to have appeared before it last week, failed to be present. In lieu thereof, a letter was received from him stating “he could not locate in Milton,” giving as a reason that there are many canneries in Delaware and Maryland fully equipped and for rent. It is to be inferred that he would rather take one of these, than go to the trouble of putting machinery into a new building. We, with many others, are sorry that the attempt to induce him to locate here is a failure.
Andrew Willey, a collier, was arrested on Friday evening for drunkenness and disorderly conduct on the street, and confined in the lockup. On Saturday morning he was arraigned before Mayor Welch who fined him $1 and costs, amounting to $1.50.
“O, thou invisible spirit of wine,
If thou hast no name to be known by
Let us call thee devil.”[ii]
Mr. Walter Crouch of the Milton Times, had the misfortune to tread on a nail last week He now walks with difficulty.
The Milton shirt factory (Douglass & White, proprietors) is running on full time, and a full complement of employees.
Mr. Frank Holston, who resided in this town eighteen years ago, but is now located in New York City, is visiting the scenes of former years.
Mrs. Lydia Ellingsworth has built an annex to her dwelling on Federal Street, with a gable on it.
Rev W. S. Johnson, the M. P. minister, assigned to this charge, arrived on Friday evening. He preached his introductory sermon on Sunday morning.
The order of the State Board of Health regarding vaccination is being obeyed in this town and vicinity.
Mr. Will Fields, who recently removed with his family to Philadelphia, has removed back again. “There is no place like Milton.”
Mr. Elmer Dickerson, engaged on Fenwick Island Light Ship, No. 27, is home visiting his wife and friends.
The barge that was built for a band wagon some years ago, has for a long time been relegated to a lime shed on the dock. As there is no probability of launching it soon, it might be utilized as a place for hens to nest in—about the only thing it ever was fit for.
Our docks are again strewn with piling; and there are not enough vessels around Milton for the transportation of this lumber.
Mr. R. C. Beardsley is arranging for the making and burning of a kiln of 150,000 bricks.
The Milton Public Schools will close on the 8th prox.
On account of there being no examination for teachers held here on the 13th, as per advertisement, Mrs. Susie B. Davidson attended that held at Lewes on Saturday, the 20th inst. She left Milton for Wilmington on Monday.
Mrs. Emma Jones and daughter, Mrs. Nettie Wraught, left town on Wednesday for New York City. The former to visit son; the latter to visit her husband.
Mr. Isaac W. Nailor has contracted Mr. Thomas A. Carpenter of Philadelphia to build a dwelling house at Lewes. The building is to be ornate, of a beautiful design, and finished with all the modern improvements. Contract price $5,990. He has also contracted with Captain Charles Cannon, of the American Dredging Company, and living at Camden N. J., to build a house in Milton. The building will be located on Chestnut Street, adjoining the public schoolhouse. The main building will be 24×34 feet, and the L will be 16×24 feet. This will also be finished in modern style, and with all the latter day conveniences. It is understood the building will cost $2,500.
John Conoway and Edward Calhoun have been elected to represent Milton Council, No. 14. Sr. O. U. A. M., at the State Council of Delaware, which meets in Wilmington on the 25th and 26th prox. Mr. J. H. Davidson, vice-councilor, will also attend ex-oflicio.
Bishop Coleman held services at the M. P Church on Sunday morning, and on Sunday evening he held a confirmation service, at which four persons were confirmed—three ladies and one gentleman.
Mrs. Mamie Brockinton and Miss Mamie Moors, have been elected by the M. E. Sunday school as delegates to attend the State Sunday School Convention to be held in Milford May the 25th and 26th prox.
Prof. John H. Wiley, Superintendent of the Free Schools of Sussex County, will hold an examination for teachers in Milton, whenever the authorities of Milton are willing he should do so. Mr. WiIey’s time, as superintendent, expires on the 9th of July. Those interested in an examination will readily see what the latter sentence of this item means.
Mr. J. D. Vincent and wife have purchased the Ellegood property, situated near the end of Milton Lane. Mr. Vincent is engaged in the morocco business in Wilmington, and will continue to reside there. He will remove his family to Milton where they will occupy the lately purchased property.
We expected to be able to publish the program of the Sussex County Bible Society this week, but are unable to do so; owing to the fact that there are parties in the county who have been scheduled to take part in the proceedings who have not been heard from, and it is not known whether they will accept the [….]
[i] George W. Atkins (1852 – 1915) appears to have been a personal friend of David A. Conner, and he is written about fairly frequently in the Milton Letter. He was the father of Mary E. M. Atkins.
[ii] Quotation from Othello, by William Shakespeare