In noticing the improvements in and around Milton, and the shipping interest thereof, the enterprise, vim, and industry o Captain Scull looms up as one of the principal factors in these businesses. The two sluices that were used to launch vessels through into the river prior to Captain Scull’s purchase of the property, are now being utilized by him as docks, at which many vessels load their cargoes. He is building wharves on each side of these docks00four wharves in all—in order to make a better landing, and in this work he is employing many men, With two vessels of his own, he is running piling and other freight to Philadelphia, and his are the principle vessels that bring the return freight that is shipped to this town by water transit. Just back of his dwelling—which is situated on the main thoroughfare leading in and from town east, is a garden of vegetables, and on the untilled land between this and the dock, timber and other freight is lying for shipment. He has a splendid place here to raise pigs and fowls of all kinds, those that habitate on the land together with the swimmers and waders of various species. And he is raising these valuable productions, mostly for home consumption. Captain Scull has a mind that is ever active. When one thing is completed another is commenced. He appears to be working, not only for himself, but for those who may come after him. It has been said, “He who causes two blades of grass to grow where only one grew before, is a public benefactor;” and is not the man who gives employment to persons who raise families on the proceeds of that employment for future usefulness a public benefactor? Is not the man who builds wharves, and makes docks for the benefit of another generation, a public benefactor? Or is not his work magnum bonum?
When Mr. I. W. Nailor moved the building of Captain H. P. Burton, he was obliged to trim many of the shade trees along his route on Federal Street, Mr. Nailor before attempting the job obtained a permit from Town Council to use the street, although, as the President of the Council has informed us, there was as stipulation in the permit that if any private property was damaged the worn would not be responsible for the damage but would accept any damage done to public property. The owners of the shade trees that have been trimmed—if they be the owners—have now a part of them presented bills to Council for damages and if the ones who have sent in their bills succeed in collection, others who trees were trimmed and no damage done them, will send in their complaint, also. It appears from our conversation with President of Council, that the question to be decided is whether the trees are the property of the persons, in front of whose residences they are, or are they the property of the town. And here the matter rests for the present.
We have been informed there are parties–whether in this town, or elsewhere—who are selling extract of Tonka Bean to makers of ice cream, as a substitute for vanilla, in flavoring that article. The tree which grows the Tonka bean, is a native of the lowlands of Guiana, South America, and the extract, while possessing a taste similar to vanilla, is yet dead and afterward sickening. A physician, or druggist would know the two apart by their tastes, while the rest of us would not. It is believed the use of this extract in the cream sold around on the 4th of July was the cause of so much of the children’s sickness next day in Milton. Authorities sat it should not be used.
There is a practice prevailing in Milton which, we think, looks bad. This is the customs persons have of nicely painting their buildings and leaving the roofs unpainted, particularly a shingled porch roof. The Odd Fellows Hall, on the northeast corner of Chestnut and Wharton Streets, is an example in paint. The building is nicely painted and trimmed, but the porches which are low and extend on one end and a part of one side, the shingles of which are somewhat decayed, spoil the appearance of the whole building. The Hall would look better without any paint on it that with such an eye sore in front of it. By all means paint your porch roofs, if you paint nothing else around your house.
The people of the vicinity of Milton are getting exercised over a steamer to transport their peaches. Without going into any minutiae, we will simply say, that Captain Frank Carey informs us there will be a steamer put upon the Milton line within a week. Nuf sed.
Everett Holland, colored, a son of Jeremiah Holland, of near Oyster Rocks, was drowned in Broadkiln River at the mouth of the “new cut,” on Wednesday. He was 17 years of age and a deck hand on the schooner Reynolds Postles. The body was found on Thursday, and taken to the home of his father. The funeral was held on Saturday at St. George’s Church, and interment made at Lewes.
Under the auspices of the ladies of Zion M. E. Church, a Box Social will be held on Tuesday and Saturday evenings August 1st and 3rd. If stormy Thursday evening, on Friday and Saturday evenings.
Mr. Calvin Porter and Mr. Dotman Porter, of Virginia, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Porter.
Miss Marie Henant, of Norfolk, Va., is the guest of Miss Edith Fisher.
Last week the school Committee cut down the high portion of ground on the lot recently purchased, adjoining the school yard, and have nicely graded the whole, making what will be a beautiful playground for the children.
The Crouch Brothers, of the “Milton Times,” have put a partition across their office, thus separating the editorial room from the compositor’s and press room. This is an excellent improvement.
It is said our friend J. B. Welch has added to his other business that of the manufacture of bows and arrows. We are told he is buying all the umbrella ribs he can get for this purpose. His shop is on the steps of the M. O. Church and he works at this trade only in the afternoon, when his shop is in the shade.
We suppose there has been no innovation that has taken place in Milton for many years that is so much admired as that of the ladies going to church at evening service with uncovered heads. They look prettier, and must feel more comfortable, with their heads free to catch what air there may be going.
Edgar W. Lank, Esq., attorney-at-law of Philadelphia, is visiting his mother.
The A. M. E. camp is on and so is the Sand Hill camp. Sunday must have been a “big day: at the latter resort. The day was fine and many people with teams passed through town en route for this camp. Milton was—as it always is—well represented; all available teams and vehicles were pressed into service, and all went who could get any means of transportation.
At a meeting of the officials of the M. E. Church, held on Saturday night, to confirm the sale of a part of the church lot to the Sussex Trust Company, the church decided not to sell the lot at any price. And this deal is off.
Schooner James A. Carey, Captain Charles Mason, is at the upper part of the river for repairs—near the bridge.
A pavement has been put down in front of the Jr. O. U. A. M.’s lodge room.
The M. E. Cemetery has been partly cleaned of foreign obstructions. The work was done last week by Mr. Jacob Collin.
There was not hitching room at Atkin’s store last Saturday. We counted thirteen vehicles and one man had to go “over the way” to hitch his horse.
Monday and Tuesday were very hot days; and we close this letter under circumstances that would lead one to believe the hot wave is not yet ended. Everyone is seeking the coolest place he can find; business is at a standstill; the streets are deserted, and everything looks languid; the heat is shimmering in the air, and Nature appears to be trying to “bust” the thermometer.
The shirt factory closed on Tuesday at noon on account of the hot weather.