The Milton piscatorial club consisting in part of Captain Charles H. Atkins, Captain James Conwell, Captain Frank Lacey and the Rev. Jesse B. Taylor, went to Lewes on Monday evening of last week for some sport. After enjoying a night of rest preparatory to a day of unusual excitement, they arose early on Tuesday morning and prepared for the outing. Through the courtesy of Prof. Eugene Manning, who furnished them with bait and fishing tackle, they were taken on board of his yacht and transported to the fishing ground. After the usual manipulations they began their work, and with good success; for in about ninety minutes they caught one hundred trout. On returning to the shore, it is said, the wind was so light that the minister became sick, and the yacht was taken in tow by a passing launch. A part of that day’s work is unwritten history, and will most likely remain so as the gentlemen who composed the party are noted for their astuteness, and will not be likely to tell of any more of their exploits than they desire. The major part of the fish were brought to Milton, and as the trip was for pleasure, and not for profit, they were distributed with compliments among their many friends. As the club met with such good luck on this occasion, it is reasonable to suppose it will again visit the fishing ground before the season is ended.
Mr. Nehemiah Wilson of near the Sand Hills, brought a load of watermelons to town last week. While on Union Street, North, the horses became frightened and started in a run. After crossing the bridge, the headboard of the wagon dropped out and the team running upon the pavement of Mrs. Mary Fox threw Mr. Wilson out of the wagon upon the sidewalk. At this juncture one of the horses fell, and this brought the other to a halt. The team was taken in charge by the crowd that had assembled, and save a few scratches, Mr. Wilson escaped without injury.
The horse of Willis Patterson and Harry Fowler, of Frederica, became frightened on Front Street and ran away. In turning the corner the carriage was overturned and badly damaged. The occupants were thrown out but fortunately unhurt.
There are some sayings that become proverbs, and are made immortal: and judging-from the manner it is copied by the local papers of the State, that of Miss Linda Prettyman, who was married to Mr. A Wickey Prettyman, at the M. E. parsonage at Milton, by the Rev. L. P. Corkran, is destined to be one of them. “I am just going for a drive to Milton, but mother, I will not be gone long.”
Miss May Warren, of Redden, was recently married to Mr. Arthur Jones, of Milton. The ceremony was performed at the M. P. parsonage at Harbeson, by the Rev. Mr. Holland.
Captain George Kimmey and wife were the guests of Milton last week.
Mrs. Albert Prettyman and children, of Baltimore, are visiting the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Atkins.
Mr. Luther Pettyjohn, of Philadelphia, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abel Pettyjohn.
William Leonard[i], of Philadelphia, is taking in the camp meeting, while paying his respects to his parents in town.
Captain George Kimmey, of Philadelphia, is at present the guest of Captain John Fisher.
A great many of our citizens went to Atlantic City with the excursion on Wednesday. Too many to individualize.
Mr. John Wilson, son of S. J. Wilson, is quite ill with gastric fever at the home of his parents in South Milton.
Mrs. Sarah Hazzard disposed of a portion of her household goods and farming implements on Saturday and will shortly remove to Lansdowne, Pa.
Mrs. Fannie Davidson, of Wilmington, is the guest of her many friends.
“Simp,” who was implicated in the burglary of C. H. Atkins’ store, has so far proved his innocence as to be liberated from Georgetown jail on questionable bail. The impression prevails that “Simp” is the victim of the lies concocted by William Oliver.
Captain James Fowler is at home with his family.
Mr. J. P. Davidson, engaged at ship building at Cooper’s Point, N.J., came home on Saturday and will remain a week.
Miss Julia Hall, of Dagsboro, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wagamon.
Mrs. Annie H. Joseph, wife of D. Joseph, died near Hollyville on Wednesday, the 21st, aged 38 years. Funeral services were held at Coolspring Presbyterian Church on Saturday, by the Rev Frank Holland, and interment made in the adjacent cemetery. S. J. Wilson, directed the funeral.
Corn in Broadkiln and Lewes and Rehoboth hundred, is in a splendid condition, and reports come from all parts of the county that the prospect is for an abundant yield. Fodder saving will begin this week.
Sheriff P J. Hart was a visitor at Lavinia’s camp on Sunday.
The steamer Massapequa has the past week been more largely patronized than heretofore. On Friday she carried 1600 baskets of peaches from Milton, together with other freight.
Peaches are selling in the local market at 25 cents per basket.
Miss -Florence Wagaman, of Georgetown, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wagaman.
During the past week, Lavinia’s Camp has met the expectations of the management. The finances are in a healthy condition, and some spiritual good has been done, and perhaps the seed has been sown “that may bring forth its fruit in season.” On Sunday morning communion services were held on the ground. The camp closed on Monday morning.
A Milton man went to Lewes and engaged board where several other Miltonians were boarding. On going to bed the second night after his arrival, he was somewhat electrified to find himself suddenly in a couchant position with his head and shoulders on the floor and the rest of his body up on the bed. He was in a fix and yelled lustily. The rest of the boarders, who were awaiting this “faux pas,” came into his room and assisted him out of his dilemma; at the same time expressing great astonishment that the bed slats should slip out at that time. But the man on whom the trick was played merely said: “O. I see.” He don‘t go to bed any more without examining the bed slats.
The schooner Scarborough, Captain Jones, has finished her repairs, and been nicely painted. She certainly looks a beauty. There are three other vessels loading piling at the dock.
Mr. Fred Welch is papering the property recently purchased at public sale, and formerly belonging to Mrs. Matilda Wharton, deceased.
Mr. J. B. Welch attended the camp at Lavinia’s on Sunday evening. Now someone will think this is a new break on the part of our respected friend.
The Saturday midnight howling bickering, cursing and fighting is getting to be almost unbearable, say the parties living near the corner of Federal and Union streets, and they would like a stop put to it by some of the authorities.
Miss Annie Ponder, eldest daughter of Mr. John Ponder, of near town, is ill at the residence of her grandmother, Mrs. Sallie Ponder, in Milton.
Mr. Miers Reynolds, of Washington, D. C., is visiting his friends in town.
Dr. Joseph Conwell, of Vineland, N. J., has been in town investigating the case of John Hall, a youth from the Home for Friendless Children, and in charge of one of the families of Milton. Dr. Conwell left town on Monday morning via Ellendale.
[i] William Leonard was the brother of Fannie Leonard, the Sunday school teacher at the Milton M. P. Church