The possessions acquired by this country by the Spanish American War and the new ideas we have received by our protectorate, or supervision over the Island of Cuba, have brought to us many strange notions, strange people and strange bedfellows. In the animal and in the vegetable world, we have Philippine canaries and the Manila bean, and in the world of disease we have Cuban fever[i].The latter-was a potent factor, prior to the war, in filling graveyards and was well-known to the southern part of this country; the two former may have been known in the land to which their paternal titles belong, but of that we are not sure. But as coming events cast their shadows before us, so these forerunners or invaders of American homesteads may be the precursors to a grander destiny for this country that only awaits futurity to develop. We must confess we are not particularly enamored of our new possessions nor with the productions they produce. If it were possible, we would bury Cuban fever in the land of its nativity; the other productions of these tropical and torrid climes we would act upon as occasions demand; but when we are introduced to the meteorology of the country and its climatic record, we would rather be excused from participating in its typhorus[ii] monsoons and tornadoes. Cuba, the “Queen of the Antilles,” may have its attractions for this country. It is near home, and when it recovers from the desolation that war has thrown over it, and its government becomes one of stability, then will the people of this country feel like shaking hands across the gulf, and Havana will become as near as New York But we are not tickled much over our possessions in Malapsia, or the Malay Archipelago[iii]; if we could have bought its 10,000 of little Malays at $2 apiece and dumped them into the China Sea, we would no doubt, have performed a more humane act to that people than we are at present performing, and our brave soldiers who have been killed in battle, or died of disease in that torrid clime would, many of them, yet be with their friends.
The many encomiums received, by J. B. Welch eulogizing his new song, “Speak a Good” Word for Jesus,” speak well for the production. The words as well as the music are captivating and are likely to attract the eye as well as the ear of connoisseurs in the musical world. It is believed the song is now being sung in many of the churches and Sunday Schools on the Peninsula and elsewhere.
On Wednesday, a boy, living with Charles Smith, in Broadkiln hundred, was kicked near the mouth by a mule, splitting open the left cheek and making an ugly wound. He was brought to the office of Dr. James A. and Robert Hopkins, who dressed the wound and rendered the necessary medical assistance.
On Thursday David Reed, who lives on the “Island Farm” near the mouth of the Broadkiln, had been cutting hay on the marsh. On coming to the house he commenced to cut some weeds around the premises. His little seven-year-old son, who had set out some tomato plants, went to show him where they were as he did not want them cut up. In doing this he got too near the mower and one of his feet was caught between the teeth nearly severing that member front the ankle. The little fellow was hastily brought to the office of Dr. J. A. Hopkins, who fixed the nearly dissevered member, and has hopes that it may unite and grow again. The boy was kept at the doctor’s office until nearly night, when he was removed to the home of his grandfather, Mr. John Green, in North Milton. This accident is a lamentable one, and the father is nearly distracted with grief over the occurrence.
Homer Rufant, son of Alfred P. Robinson, of Angola, died July 28th, aged 11 months and 4 days. Funeral services were held at Conley’s Chapel on Friday, the Rev. Mr. Outten officiating; and the remains interred in the adjacent cemetery. W. T. Atkins, of Lewes, funeral director.
It is reported that a merchant of Milford made the remark a few days ago, that he could make more money selling peanuts in a cemetery, than he could selling goods at his present stand. Presumably he has gone into the latter business, as since making the remark he has sold his stock of goods, and when last seen was going toward the cemetery on a bicycle.
Mr. E.W. Carey, of North Milton, has sold his stock of goods and mercantile business to Mr. W. R. Wright, of New York.
The teams that are hauling piling through town, and the work on the gutters of the streets, are about the only enlivenments to our present monotony. This will, however, be broken upon the arrival of the steamer tomorrow.
Mr. Wesley Coverdale has completed painting the dwelling of Captain George Reed at the end of Milton. Lane. The building presents quite a pretty appearance.
Potatoes are being shipped in large quantities from Milton and other stations along our line. They are mostly-shipped by growers – a few are bought by would-be brokers.
Mrs. Sarah Hazzard, mother of David Hazzard, deceased, has removed a portion of her household goods to Landsdowne, Pa., with the expectation of removing there herself in the autumn.
Dr. F. W. Tomlinson, of Wilmington, was a visitor to Milton on Saturday and Sunday last.
Mrs. Mamie Harris nee 0liver, of Baltimore, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Carrie Burris, and other acquaintances.
There were two watermelons in town on Saturday, the first of the season.
Mr. John Robbins was in town on Saturday, with his horse wearing a straw hat; and a very good arrangement it looks to be.
The bids for the privileges of Lavinia’s Camp were opened on Saturday evening. The confectionery and ice cream department was awarded to W. H. Warren and Harry Taylor for $30; and the food pound to Clarence Welch and Robert Palmer, for $8; these parties being the highest and only bidders.
There were no bids for the boarding tent; it is understood, however, that Mrs. Florence Johnson will take it at her own price—-whatever that may be.
Dr. R. B. Hopkins, Prof. W. G. Fearing, Misses-Lottie and May Welch, Sallie Fields, Annie Davis and others went to Cape May on Saturday and had a good time. They returned to Lewes in the afternoon and from thence went to Rehoboth, returning to Milton at night on the “moonlight excursion train.”
Our attention was attracted on Saturday by the old stereotyped[iv] notice signed by the Clerk-of-the-Peace appointing “fence viewers” for Broadkiln hundred. The persons appointed are, some of them, long since dead, and others don’t know what they are appointed for. The fact in the case is, there are no fences in Broadkiln hundred to view. Query: Does the Clerk-of-the-Peace get a fee for issuing these obsolete-notices; or these notices of an obsolete law?
Mr. G. W. Atkins, the hustler, was home again on Sunday. George tries to make it convenient to be in town on Sunday, for he loves Milton. Another ten days travel over the county and he will-take-a recess for Lavinia’s camp. George is one of the principals in running this meeting, and he expects to enjoy himself beneath the spreading foliage of these gnarled oaks and young hickories. We hope he may.
The Negro camp at the end of Milton Lane has been voted in nuisance by the people of the town. It closed on Monday to the relief of the people of North Milton.
Sand Hill Camp closed on Monday after a-ten day’s session.
The excursion to Wye Camp had no patrons from Milton on Sunday.
Steamer Massapequa arrived on Milton dock on Sunday, and left on Monday with a small cargo of freight. She will connect at Lewes with the steamer General-Dumont for Philadelphia. This arrangement is not what the people want, but must be accepted for the present.
Captain John Fisher arrived home on Saturday, and will spend some weeks with his family.
Mr. Theodore Messick and wife, of Camden, N.J., are visiting the former’s father and other relatives.
[i] Probably yellow fever or possibly malaria
[ii] Typhorus is probably a misspelling of “Typhoeus,” in Greek mythology a monstrous god of storms. The writer may have confused the etymology of “typhoon,” which more closely derives from the Chinese tai fung or Portuguese / Arabic tufan
[iii] This is an egregious factual error; the U.S. did not acquire any territory in Malaysia or the Malay Archipelago (actually a Peninsula) as a result of the Spanish-American War. The Philippine Archipelago is what the writer really meant.
[iv] In this instance, “stereotyped” means “printed” from a metal plate.