The first 13 lines are badly obscured, but appear to be addressing the question of conflicting railroad schedules taken up in the previous week’s letter.
Its time schedule of late has been to the detriment of Milton, both in mail facilities and passenger traffic; it is said the president of the road was expostulated with, and asked to hold the Saturday evening train fifteen minutes at Ellendale, or until the train of the D. M. and V. arrived, that passengers bound for Milton might come on their train, and be saved the expense of hiring private conveyance. It is also said the President replied, “The schedule of the Q. A. R. R. has been made out and will be adhered to.” And perhaps the president has heard of the mutterings in the Milton camp, for the citizens have been talking seriously of going back under their old route, via Ellendale. Be this as it may, on and after Monday, the 8th inst. The schedule is changed for the afternoon train alone, going west. This train will leave Milton at 2.06 p. m., instead of at 2.51 p. m., as heretofore, thus making connection with mail and passenger train of the D. M. and V., and landing passengers in Philadelphia at 5.46, instead of at 7.48 – a difference of two hours. Certainly this change can interfere but little with the workings of the road, and is of great advantage to the business men of the town, and to the travelers who visit Milton.
A large and enthusiastic meeting of the Milton Board of Trade was held in School Hall, on Thursday evening of last week. Reports show that there was at that time, $750,000 of stock taken to build a cannery at the railroad station, and a considerable sum taken to erect another along the river front, on the sight [sic] of the one recently burned. Prospects are very flattering for plenty of work in this line on our town the coming year.
The largest hog killed in town, as far as we have learned, is that butchered by Mr. John Sockum. Its weight was 430 pounds.
The Rev. L. P. and Mrs. Corkran attended the Teacher’s Institute held ant Milford, last week.
Mr. G. W. Atkins, the hustler, left on Tuesday on a business tour through Maryland.
Mr. Edwin P. Johnson, after spending a few days with his family, returned on Saturday to his business at Roxborough, Pa.
Mr. William Davidson returned to Wilmington on Monday.
The building of the Sussex Trust, Title and Deposit Company is approaching completion. The management intend to open for business on January 1st, 1902.
Mr. David Dickenson, who attends to lighting the street lamps, and generally makes his rounds with a horse and buggy, has been compelled to talk for several evenings past, on account of the sickness of his horse. It is a long way to travel over Milton twice in one evening.
Mr. Joseph M. Lank, at present engaged with the Sussex Trust Company at Lewes, spent Sunday in Milton.
Mr. W. W. Conwell, manager of the Milton Depository of the Lewes National Bank, and Captain George E. Megee, attended the annual dinner given by the Sons of Delaware at the Hotel Stratford, Philadelphia, last Saturday evening.
Some party, or parties, were shooting in the southern part of our town at a late hour on Sunday night. We have endeavored to inquire into the matter, but all whom we have interrogated, appear to know nothing about the occurrence.
On Sunday a cave-in occurred in the pavements that join the Milton Bridge. One at the southern corner of the bridge facing down the river the other at the northern corner of the bridge facing up the river. As this is not the first time a similar occurrence has happened there is evidently a leak in the abutments through which the water enters and washers away the dirt beyond, thus causing the cave-ion, and it may ultimately become dangerous. The excavations were filled up on Monday morning, but in its present condition no one can tell how long it will remain so.
Lumber has been hauled to curb, preparatory to guttering the sidewalks leading from the “Big Store” to the public wharf at the foot of Federal Street.
On Wednesday afternoon, at 1.30 o’clock, at the home of the bride’s parents, near Milton, Miss Sallie Wiltbank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Wiltbank, was united in wedlock with Mr. Walton Thomson, of Harbeson, The nuptials were solemnized by the Rev. L. P. Corkran, in the presence of the relatives of the contracting parties.
Post Office Inspector Maxwell visited the Milton office on Monday, and found everything in a straight condition. He complimented the postmaster and his assistant on their efficiency in business and correctness in accounts.
Mr. Edward Blizzard has removed from the southern precinct of the town to a building belonging to J. A> Warrington, located on Mulberry Street and Lake Fanganzyki.
On a windy day, such as Tuesday last, that portion of Federal Street between Mrs. Hannah Carey’s and Dr. J. A. Hopkins, is the Cape Hatteras of Milton. It appears that the wind whiffles over and around the M. E. Church, on the opposite side of the street, and catching some unlucky pedestrian on the route above named, will raise his hat quicker than Lord Chesterfield ever did his to a bevy of ladies. By some power of whirlwind or eddy, the hat goes skyward, and as the victim is holding his hair on with one hand and sweeping the other in serpentine curves, the hat comes down near his feet. The writer in this paragraph is only relating his experience.
Mrs. James Palmer, mistress of the Ponder House, is quite ill.
C. A. Conner’s new storehouse is about completed, and will be opened for business in a few days.
Nathan Williams has the addition to his dwelling, at the end of Milton Lane completed.
Christmas is drawing near, the merchants are aware of this, and the children know it also; surely, one would think so by their actions.