Our merchants have their holiday goods in, and the front windows of the stores present an attractive appearance. You may find in these displays, almost anything to suit old or young. The sweetmeats and bonbons, confectionery, and firecrackers, toys of all varieties, and little wagons to pull them in, are only too apt to attract the eye, and please the fancy of the little ones; while the adult portion are catered to in various lines that carry with them more substantially than the sweetmeats and trinkets which are intended for the children. But the children are the ones to enjoy themselves, while they may; and it is the duty of the older ones to see that they do so in a becoming manner; for the days will come when they will occupy the positions we do now, and their boisterousness and hilarity will have passed away with their childhood. So let the children enjoy themselves.
J. H. Davidson, contractor and builder, is building the mill house for the Wagamon Brothers. The frame is raised and it is a heavy one. The building is 36×40 feet, and three and one-half stories high.
On January 11th, Sheriff P. J. Hart will sell in the Hart House, the property of the “Kent Iron and Hardware Company,” of Wilmington, situated in and near Milton.
There were fourteen persons from town who took advantage of excursion rates to visit Baltimore on Thursday.
The entablature and other metal work has been put upon the building for the Trust Company, by workmen from Wilmington. “It looks bully now,” said a fellow along the street. “Yes, it’s a daisy,” retorted another. “lke’s getting there: there’s not another mechanic in Milton who would have contracted for that work but he. He alone, has the vim to scare up business, and the courage and confidence in himself to put it through after it is scared up.”
Meal is retailing in our local market at eight cents a pound. That we may not misunderstand and incur the charge of being another Ananias, we will explain that this meal is made into what is called scrapple. Persons who make this stuff, for sale at the stores, make it—if one may judge from its taste—of sever parts meal to one part of something else. The stores buy it and retail it out for eights cent a pound. Bah!
A heavy rainstorm occurred on Saturday night. On Sunday morning its effects were seen along and across the streets. No damage was done, but the gutters were thoroughly drenched and nicely washed.
The engine house is to be built soon. A part of the frame is already on the ground, near the Mayor’s office.
The disadvantage of having no Saturday evening mail at Milton, is only too apparent. On Monday morning last, a business man received a letter which had gone to Lewes on Saturday night, on the D. M. and V. railroad, and had lain at the Lewes office until Monday morning, when it reached Milton in the Q. A.‘s mail train. Had the gentleman received his letter on Saturday evening, he could have contracted for an amount of lumber and made something thereby. As it was, he lost the contract.
Mrs. James Palmer is convalescing from her recent illness.
C. A. Conner has completed his new store, and his brother William has opened it for business. Both he and his brother are making a specialty of confectionery and other desirable and attractive articles during the Christmas time.
Our places of business are all aglow with the real sentiment of the holidays. J. B. Welch, Chas. Atkins and the “Big Store,” are the great Christmas marts for Milton, while all the smaller stores are reaching out into holiday trade.
One day last week a bundle of gray flannel was found on Front Street. The loser can obtain the goods by calling at J. B. Welch’s drug store.
While driving on Front Street about two weeks ago, Captain S. R. Bennett lost a pair of pantaloons in front of J. C. Ellingsworth’s store. He is waiting for the fellow who picked them up to bring them to him, as he don’t know the fellow’s whereabouts.
Rev. A. W. Lightbourn, of Easton, preached at the M. E. Church on Sunday, both morning and evening. While in Milton Mr. Lightbourn was the guest of the Rev. L. P. Corkran. He left town on Monday morning.