It would be hard to find, in this enlightened day, a person whose heart is so indurated that it does not soften when you talk to him of his mother. The love of mother, and the reverence in which she was held, appears to have been a principle characteristic of the ancient world. In the Bible account of the history of the Kings of Israel and Judah, we read that a certain King reigned so many years, and his mother’s name was-giving her name. This system of biography is adhered to throughout the history of the Kings, and also in the ‘’Chronicles’’ of their deeds. Certainly, then, the reverence due to the name of mother must have been more than a mere form, even amongst the wild races of the primeval world. This love of mother appears to have pervaded the minds of all races, as far back as history extends, and through the medieval ages it gained prestige, which has lost none of its luster in its contact with modern times. Many of us remember the refrain: “Go tell my mother Edwin died a soldier’s death at Waterloo.[i]” And during our Civil War how many ballads were written of which mother was the radical part? The ballads, we are aware, were a composition, and many of the-them, sentimental, having their origin in the mind of the author. But there were many which had their counterpart on the battlefield and in the hospitals. Many a soldier boy has remembered his mother when for the last time be has stretched himself on his hospital cot and turned his weakened eyes to heaven; and has sent his dying farewells, to his mother, through some good sister of the Sanitary or Christian Commissions. Incidents of this kind were familiar to those whose duty kept them at hospital work, and they are the ones who can relate scenes that have really tram-spired more heartrending and pathetic than any ever heard in song or story. The love of mother, we believe to be an inborn principle, a God given principle, and we don‘t think much of the man or boy who does not think a great deal of his mother. “By their fruits ye shall know them[ii],” will apply to this subject, as well as to any other.
On Christmas night the young people of the M. E. Church rendered “The District School at Blueberry Corners.[iii]” The performance took place at School Hall. The Fire Company entertainment will take place on the evening of the 31st in School Hall. This promises to be a grand affair, as much home talent that has been lying dormant for a longtime, will be brought into use for the amusement and delectation of the audience.
Appearances indicate that Friday night was the coldest of the season. The river was frozen tight up to the bridge on Sunday morning, which has not been before this winter.
During the past week, the boys and girls, young men and misses, have been seeing fun on skates, on the upper part of the lake. The water having been run off the lake on account of work on the mill, thereby exposing the stumps, makes it dangerous for skaters at that part bordering on Mulberry Street.
Mrs. Susie B. Davidson left town on Saturday to spend the holidays in Philadelphia.
Captain Frank Carey arrived home on Monday.
Miss Edith Fisher, a student of Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., came home on Friday to spend the holidays.
The cold weather of the past week stopped work on the Wagamon mill for the time. It was resumed on Monday.
The safes for the Sussex ‘1‘. T and S. D. Co. have arrived, and been placed in position.
William Smithers, Esq., attorney-at-law of Philadelphia, spent Sunday with his mother.
The officials at the Milton post office are not exempt from the trials and tribulations that attend other officials. A man from the country came into the office one day last week to get a money order. After having made his application, the order was made out and handed to him. While the officer was attending to his books the man left, and it was discovered he had not given the postmaster the money. William started for the man, who was in the act of driving off. “Say, look here! You did not give me the money for that order.” “I put the money in the envelope,” said the man. “What did you do with the order?” “That receipt you give me I’ve got in my pocket.” The man had put the money in the envelope to be sent, and the order in his pocket. This was arranged by breaking open the envelope and getting the money, and enclosing the order in another envelope. Another case occurred some time ago, when a man got an order and gave the postmaster the money, but kept the order, thinking it was a receipt. The party to whom the order should have been sent kept writing for the money, until the man at this end of the line went to the office to investigate. The investigation proved that the money was at the office, and the sender had the order in-his pocket nearly worn out.
Mr. Walter Hunter, a student at Jefferson Medical College, is visiting friends in Milton.
The Shirt Factory closed on Saturday, until Monday, the 30th inst.
We are requested to state that the women had no announcements to make at church on Sunday.
The Sr. 0. U. A. M., attended the M. P. Church on Sunday morning in full regalia; and listened to a sermon delivered by the pastor, the Rev. Mr. Johnson.
The Milton schools closed on Friday for a vacation of two weeks. Some of the schools in the country have done the same thing. It is noticed, however, that those who are teaching to make time, have their schools open this week, thus far.
James Jester, the express agent, lost one of his horses on Sunday night. The animal was choked by the halter.
“Simp’s” horse was down on the street on Monday. Through the kindness of neighbors and a moderate help, he was gotten on his feet. “Simp” holds the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in contempt.
Ice harvesters were at work on Monday. Three inches thick is about the average.

The stockholders and directors of the Sussex Trust, Title and Safe Deposit Company, met at their new building at 11.30 a. m. on Monday, and adjourned to the parlors of the Ponder House, where the following directors were elected for the Milton Branch of the company: Charlies H Atkins, Isaac W. Nailor, Joseph L. Black and Captain Frank Lacey.
[i] From Drummer Boy of Waterloo, written pseudonymously by “Woodland Mary” and published in many songbooks of the 19th century in both England, where it originated, and the United States.
[ii] Quotation from Gospel of Matthew 7:16
[iii] The full title of the play is The district school at Blueberry Corners : a farcical entertainment in three scenes, written around 1894 by Laura Matilda Stephenson Parsons (1855 – 1925), author of a number of comedies and farces..