“God moves in a mysterious way[i]
His wonders to perform.
He plants his footsteps on the sea
And rides upon the storm.”
Mrs. Mary E. Conner[ii], after an illness of over eight weeks, died at her residence on Federal Street on Saturday, of gastritis, aged 56 years. The funeral services were held at her late home on Wednesday with the Rev. L. P. Corkran officiating, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Johnson. Sepulture was made in the M. E. Cemetery, S. J. Wilson funeral director.
“Why should we start; and fear to die?[iii]
What timrous worms we mortals are;
Death is the gate to endless joy
And yet we dread to enter there.”
“Jesus can make a dying bed
Feel soft as downy pillows are,
While on his breast I lean my head
And breathe my life out sweetly there.”
If I shall ever write an epitaph for the deceased, I shall inscribe upon the marble slab that shall mark her resting-place “She gave her life for her children.”
Deceased leaves a husband and eight children, the youngest of whom is sixteen years of age. Charles A Conner, and William W. Conner engaged in the mercantile business in Milton; Mrs. Sarah E. Johnson, Mrs. Susie B. Davidson, and Miss Hattie J. Conner, teacher in the public schools; Miss Lizzie M. Conner, Miss Mamie Conner, and Miss Laura M. Conner.
Every change of a railroad schedule appears to affect Milton adversely. By the schedule of the D. M. & V., that went into effect on the 25th inst., the train going north leaves Ellendale at 2.29, while the train of the Queen Anne’s arrives there at about 3 o’clock. Consequently no mail can go from Milton in the afternoon by this route. However, the genius of our postmaster and his little assistant, has partly overcome this. They now send the second mail from the office to meet the 12.30 train going to Lewes. The Milton mail, therefore, goes through the Lewes office, and northbound on the L32 train of the D M. & V. R. R. This whole matter is a system of contrariness on the part of these two roads. Why should a little trainway try to antagonize a mammoth organization, when the only result is a disadvantage to its patrons along its route? The Delaware Division has other roads which its lateral lines must cater to, and it is the duty of the Queen Anne’s to make its schedule to correspond and to suit the traveling people. During the summer the latter—mentioned road ran its afternoon train at a little after 1 o’clock, had it continued this schedule it would now supply present needs.
We were in error last week in stating that the entertainment to be given for the benefit of the Milton Fire Company, would take place in School Hall on Christmas night. The young people of the M. E. Church have the Hall engaged for that evening as well as for the evening of the 22nd of next February. Our young people have a good thing to render, “The District School at’ Blueberry Corner” will not fail to bring a good audience. The entertainment for the benefit of the Fire Company will take place on Saturday evening in Christmas, as we are informed officially.
We see by referring to our exchanges, that there is another “snakarist[iv]” making his appearance in Angola. We hope he has not been graduated from the same school as has the Bridgeville Annanias.
Beaver Dam M. P. Church, after having been repainted and repapered by the skillful hand of our esteemed friend, Prof. Fearing, was rededicated on Sunday. Rev. F. Bryan, of Georgetown, was in charge of the session.
Mr. Willard Cox is quite ill at the home of his sister, Mrs. Peter Welch, of pulmonary complaints. The writer is a visitor of Mr. Cox, and we think his condition is encouraging.
Thanksgiving was ushered in with snowy streets and a cool wind.
We summarize the following : A team with negroes, the advent of others, bound from Georgetown to some other point, of which the writer is not aware, in turning the corner of Federal and Union Streets, the rear horse on the left fell -down and the wagon caught him; after clearing the vehicle the horse was ungeared and gotten up. “Not hurt!” “O, No!” At least the parties continued their journey.
The fire company went to the depot to practice; the horse hitched to the ’bus of the Hart House became frightened and left his moorings; he was caught and no danger done.
Nathan Williams is building an addition to his dwelling, at the end of Milton Lane.
Mr. David Dickinson, the lamplighter of Milton, went his rounds on Friday morning to clean and replenish the lamps with oil (?) Will anyone believe it? The majority of the lamps were frozen. Mr. Dickinson could not get the wicks out until he had carried the lamps into a store and thawed them. I can certify to one, as Mr. Dickinson called me to take cognizance of it.
The slate has been put on the roof of the building of the Sussex Trust Company.
Mr. and Mrs. Asbury Brown, of Seaford, were the guests of Captain John Fisher last week.
[i] The first verse quoted here is from a Christian hymn, written in 1773 by the English hymnodist William Cowper.
[ii] The death of one’s spouse is traumatic for many; it is difficult to imagine how David A. Conner was able to report his own wife’s death in his weekly letter. Born Mary E. King in 1845, she married David A. Conner in 1865 at the age of 20 and, as he states in his letter, “gave her life for her children.” That sentiment was never made into an epitaph, however; the grave marker in Goshen Cemetery contains only her name and her years of birth and death. Conner displayed much more emotions in a Milton Letter two years later.
[iii] The quoted verses are the first and fourth from a hymn written by Isaac Watts ca. 1707. The lines “Jesus can make a dying bed — Feel soft as downy pillows are…” are also quoted in chapter 41 of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.”
[iv] Obscure term, perhaps of Conner’s own concoction.