July 19, 1901

“How sharper than a serpent’s tongue it is, to have a thankless child.”[i]

When the report that Thomas B. Windsor had been shot by his son, Edward, the news was so astounding that it could hardly be credited[ii]. That a child endowed with any humane feeling should so far forget his filial obligations as to be guilty of patricide, is a mystery of wickedness too deep for the comprehension of an enlightened mind. Does anyone suppose that Edward Windsor, now a fugitive from justice, with the brand of Cain upon his brow and a price set upon his head, with “his hand lifted against every man, and every man’s hand lifted against him,” does anyone suppose that remorse now haunts his dreams and disturbs his waking hours? Does anyone suppose that he ever thinks of his infancy, when a kind father carried him in his arms delighted in his infantile prattle, and ministered to his every want; an during all of the years from childhood to manhood, has been his prop, stay and support? Is the vision of his dastardly deed photographed upon the retina of his mind? If Edward Windsor has a mind, remorse has a victim. Without attempting to ameliorate the crime – for it is unparalleled in the history of our recollection in this State – we may say, the father is in part to blame for his own death, and the crime of his unnatural son. Had the son been raised under different circumstances, and amid different surroundings, doubtless Thomas B. Windsor would be living today, and Edward Windsor would be among the members of the home circle. We sorrow for his bereaved family-for the doubly afflicted widow in the loss of her husband, and also in the loss of her son 0 virtually lost to the family-whom, whatever be his crime, she doubtless still loves; we sorrow for the brothers and sisters in the loss of a father, and in the contemplation of the fearful fate that is handing over their parricide brother. This tragedy that has shocked the county and State, is only another item to be credited to “Rum’s” long calendar.

The School Board of the consolidated districts of Milton met on Tuesday evening of last week and elected the following named teachers for the fall and winter term of school: Principal, C. B. Morris; 1st assistant, Miss May Megee; 2nd assistant, Miss Martha Calhoun; 3rd assistant, Miss Hettie J. Conner; 4th assistant, Miss Mollie Hazzard.

Miss Fannie Welch, of Bridgeville, is the guest of Miss May and Lottie Welch.

The monthly meeting of the Sunday School Missionary Society was held last Sabbath, at which time about $7 was raised.

Prof. Fearing chaperoned a party of young misses on a huckleberry expedition last week. The fruit was scarce, but the chiggers plenty. It is said the party came home with more of the latter than of the former.

Mrs. W. A. Hazzard is confined to her home by illness.

Mrs. C. T. Megee, of Philadelphia, with two children, is visiting friends in town.

The A. M. E. Church will hold a camp meeting in “Hazzard’s Woods,” near the end of Milton Lane, beginning on the 27th of the present month and ending on August the 4th.

The proprietors of the shirt factory, who some time ago adopted the plan of commencing work at 6 o’clock a. m. and quitting at 5 o’clock p. m., have rescinded that order, and on Monday went back to the old regime commencing at 7 o’clock and quitting at 6 o’clock. Reason: could not get the employees there in time.

Mrs. Lillie Megee, nee Robbins, is visiting her mother, Mrs. S. R. Robbins.

We have been asked the question: “Do delivery wagons pay?” This can be best answered by those who send them out on the streets, or the drivers thereof.

The heavy rain of Friday night and Saturday partly undermined the pavement in front of Mrs. Hannah Carey’s property on Federal Street. It also shipped a lot of the dirt and clay that has been recently put upon Federal Street into the river at the public dock. Next winter it will be in order to petition Congress for an appropriation to clean out the river in front of the dock, and till up the lagoon on the other side of the river. There is nothing like pushing the business and giving employment. Milton’s treasury is full of money, and Milton’s Town Council are the men who know how to spend it.

Captain Charles Mason, Captain Joseph Warrington, Captain Charles Burris, and Captain Jones, are all at home at the present writing.

“My Recollections of Olden Times in Murderkill Neck,” by Burchenal, which commenced in the last issue of the Chronicle, possesses quite an interest for me. Not only on account of the personal acquaintance I have had with the writer in the days that are gone, but because on family mentioned in the latter part of his first communication was known by myself, and doubtless others that he will write of may come under the memory of my recollection.

Mr. G. W. Atkins and Mr. Fred Pepper have each taken a little boy to raise from the “Home for Friendless Children,” at Trenton, N. J.

Mr. George H. Hall and family spent a part of Sunday in Milton.

Mr. Clement Hart, who has been quite ill, is convalescing.

A festival will be held in the grove near Cave Neck Church on the 25th, 26th, and 27th of the present month.

The camp meeting which will begin at Lavinia’s Woods on the 19th prox., bids fair to be a grand affair. The meeting will be under the direction of the Rev. H. S. Johnson, pastor of the M. P. Church of this town, assisted by able committees. A large tabernacle has been built in front of the preachers stand, and other necessary work is in progress. Those wishing sites for tents, should apply early to Prof. W. G. Fearing, or Mr. Thomas Ingram, the committee having this matter in hand. The committee having the disposal of the privileges in hand, propose to deviate from the original manner of selling these rights, viz: Sealed bids for the privileges of the camp – boarding tent, confectionery stand, and horse pound, etc. – will be received unto; August 4th, and on that day they will be opened and the privileges awarded to the highest bidder, provide, other things are satisfactory to the committee. All bids should be addressed to Prof. W. G. Fearing, secretary of committee.

Doubtless, Lavinia’s Woods is one of the finest places for holding a camo in the county. The woods is large, the ware food for man and beast, and plenty of it; during the holding of the meeting the trains of the Queen Anne’s R. R. will stop at the southern part of the wood, and from thence to the camp a path eight feet wide, shaded by oak and hickory, leads through this sylvan scenery to the circle of the encampment. What more need one desire?

On Friday of last week, Mr. David Hazzard was taken alarmingly ill, and on Saturday symptoms of appendicitis developed. Dr. W. J. Hearn was telegraphed and arrived in Milton on Saturday night per steamer via Lewes. After a consultation with the physicians of the town, Dr. Hearn deemed it inexpedient to attempt an operation at that time. On Sunday morning Dr. Hearn, in company with Drs. James A. and Robert Hopkins, the attending physicians, made a further diagnosis of the save of the sick man, with the same result as of the preceding evening. On Sunday evening the Drs. Hopkins considered Mr. Hazzard some better, and has continued in this condition to the present writing (Tuesday evening). It is the earnest desire and prayer of the people that Mr. Hazzard may recover, as he is one of Milton’s honored citizens. Dr. Hearn left Milton at noon on Sunday for Lewes, and from thence took passage on steamer for Philadelphia.

Lydia May, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Lingo, of Long Neck, died on Sunday aged 4 months and 28 days. Funeral services were conducted on Tuesday by the Rev. W. D. Wilson, at the home of its parents, and interment made in the Lingo burial ground in Long Neck. S. J. Wilson funeral director.

Mrs. Estella Darby, nee Atkins, of Camden, N. J., is visiting her parents. Mrs. Darby will be the guest of her friends until the autumn, when she will permanently locate in Milton.


[i] From Shakespeare, King Lear

[ii] Thomas B. Windsor, proprietor of the Hotel Windsor in Milford, DE, was shot by his son, John Edward Windsor, on July 4, 1901. At first it was reported that the dying father exonerated his son, saying the shooting was accidental, but witnesses testified that the men had had a loud argument and the son had threatened to kill his father. John Edwards escaped from the hotel where he was under surveillance, reportedly faking a suicide, and became a fugitive. A $500 bounty was offered by Governor Hunn for his capture. No report of his capture has been found in a search through the newspapers of the day.