A picnic under the auspices of the M. P. Sunday School, will be held on Lavinia’s Camp Ground on the coming Fourth of July. Orations will be delivered by the Rev. Jesse B. Taylor, the Rev. L. P. Corkran, and the Rev. Mr. Johnson. Other speakers from nearby towns are expected. A brass band will furnish music, refreshments will be served, and a delightful time is anticipated. The camp meeting tents are standing at Lavinia’s and this renders the place peculiarly adapted for holding amusements at this time of the year when thunderstorms are proverbially frequent, as shelter may be sought within the tents at a moment’s notice.
Mrs. Susie H. Davidson, of Wilmington, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Conner.
Mr. Edwin P. Johnson, who has been engaged at railroading at Glencoe, Pa., is home with his family for eight days at the expiration of which time he will return to Washington.
The stockholders of the Milton Canning Company, whose building was recently burned, met on Thursday evening and resolved to disburse the amount of money remaining in the hands of the treasurer from insurance and other sources, pro rata among the stockholders of the company. The treasurer has about $900.00 to thus apply.
Mr. J. B. Welch, Milton’s musician, has composed another beautiful song entitled “Speak a Good Word for Jesus.” The words are prettily arranged and the music is superb. Favorable comments are being received by Mr. Welch daily from various parts of the country, or from whoever the “song” has been sent for criticism, and it is expected this pretty production will take a prominent place in the musical world. Messrs. Armstrong & Co., of Philadelphia, will furnish the plate for the music, and the printing will, most likely, be done by the “Milton Times.”
The Masonic Hall is now receiving the last finishing touches from the artistic hands of Messrs. Wesley Coverdale and Frank Outten, painters, and looks grand in its coat of spotless white and cream.
Contractor Isaac W. Nailor has the past week new roofed the home residence of the later W. R. Wilson-now in possession of Dr. R. T. Wilson-and is doing other work for the latter named gentleman. Mr. Nailor has also the new building of Captain H. P. Burton ready for the plasterers.
Mrs. Eliza Vaughn has had the large roots cut from the maple trees that grew across the sidewalk in front of her residence on Chestnut Street.
Captain John Fisher has had the sidewalk in front of his property, on Chestnut Street, repaired.
Supervisor of the streets, Abel Pettyjohn, has been, and is yet, working with a gang of men in various parts of the town, notably on Federal Street, South. Mr. Pettyjohn appears to be an efficient officer, and like the Yankee boy if you will give him a chance, he’ll “make things go.”
A survey of Wharton Street to Parker’s Bridge has been made with a view to cutting down the high embankments on one of both sides of the road en route to the bridge, and widening the same.
Prof. W. G. Fearing is raising up and building upon his back kitchen, and otherwise improving his property.
Mr. Thomas Atkins had some nice sweet potato plants growing in a lot along the street. The hills were mechanically made, and the sprouts were healthy and favorably looking, when a cow got in the enclosure and pulled them all up. Not one was left. And now someone has dubbed that spot “The Annihilated Potato Patch.”
Mrs. Sarah Warren, of Milford, eldest sister of J. B. Welch, is visiting her brother.
Mr. John Morris, a former citizen of Milton and Broadkiln hundred, but now of Camden, N. J., with his daughter has been visiting friends in and around town.
Miss Mary Hall, of Milford, is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. W. A. Hazzard.
Mr. James Ellingsworth lost a horse on Saturday from some unknown cause, or disease.
The hauling and shipment of puling has become one of the principle industries of Milton. Our docks are now covered, and many teams are daily adding more thereto.
There are a few cases of whooping cough in town, introduced by a visiting party from the city.
Wm. T., son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson, died at his home in Angola, on Friday, of scarlet fever, aged 7 years 1 month and 22 days. Funeral services were held at Conley’s Chapel on Sunday morning, and interment in that cemetery. S. J. Wilson funeral director.
Children’s Day was celebrated at Reynold’s M. P. Church on Sunday morning; at Zion M. E. Church on Sunday afternoon; and at Beaver Dam M. P. Church on Sunday evening. Many persons from Milton attended each of these meetings.
Eighteen suits of clothing were sold by the employees at C. H. Atkins’ mammoth store on Saturday. This speaks louder than words of the business done at his establishment.
The steamer General Dumont, now leaves Lewes every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday for Philadelphia; returning, the boat leaves the latter named city every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 3 o’clock p. m. each day. The railroads make good connection with the boat, and the boat returning, makes good connection with the morning trains going west and north.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Miltonians may go to Cape May, but no more on Sunday; as on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, the express makes no stoppage at Milton. Hence, Miltonians may go to Rehoboth on Sunday, but not to Cape May.
Asbury Willey was arrested on Saturday night for drunkenness and disorderly conduct on the streets, and confined in the lockup. On Sunday morning he was arraigned before Mayor Welch, who fined him $1 and costs amounting to $2. Mr. Willey is not unacquainted with the interior finish of the lockup.
For the fall and winter term of school Mr. E. W. Warren has been elected teacher at Beaver Dam, Mrs. Susie B. Davidson at Williams, and G. Washington Jones at Cave Neck.
A festival, or picnic, under the direction of Zion M. E. Church, will be held in the grove nearby on the afternoon of the Fourth of July. Speaking will be indulged in, and games and amusements will serve to enliven the day. Rev. L. P. Corkran will conduct the exercises, and all who know his humor and natural vivacity of manner, may anticipate a happy time. In connection with other refreshments which will be on the grounds, supper will be served from 5 to 8 o’clock.
It was Children’s Day at the A. M. E. Church, North Milton, on Sunday evening. After the exercises proper were over, the Rev. Mr. Helmsley took occasion to remind the congregation that he had come back to stay. It will be remembered that his reverence has been locked out of the church by the official board, but having gained over a majority of the Board, they entered the building two Sundays ago through a window and opened the door, and have since had possession. “Yes,” said Mr. Helmsley, “I preached at a little church over in Maryland, and the coons came and sat on the back benches and smoked their pipes. Tried to smoke me out! But I carried a gun in my pocket and stayed!!” By his own admission, Mr. Helmsley has not carried the affection of his former congregations. He did not say he had a gun in his pocket on Sunday evening.
A very quiet marriage took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. King, on Chestnut Street, on Wednesday morning at 6.30 o’clock, when their eldest daughter, Lulu May, was united in matrimony with Mr. George B. Atkins, of this town. The affair was strictly private, there being no invited guests. Re. L. P. Corkran did the work, and presumably made a good job of it, as he generally does on such occasions. The happy pair left on the 7.30 train for Philadelphia, where they will reside for the present. May their bold venture upon the matrimonial sea be prolific of joy and happiness.