“Sometimes we see a ship sometimes we ship a sea.[i]” Perhaps we “shipped a sea” in our last week’s communication or the communication that was written for the last week’s issue of the Chronicle. That letter was certainly written, and I am not without hope that it will find its way to the Chronicle. I have a place to put my letters; and when my son goes to his place of business each morning, he takes my letter together with those of the family. On Tuesday evening of last week my wife said to me, “Have you your letter ready?” I replied, “I will attend to that.” Now, on Wednesday morning we have more mail to send than on any other day of the week. Presuming that some of my many daughters had gathered them up promiscuously, I interviewed the postmaster or assistant postmaster, who generally knows whether D. A. C.’s are mailed or not. Mr. Wilson cannot remember their mailing. It is presumed that by some unfavorable circumstance, the letter was either not mailed, or has been miscarried, If the Chronicle should receive it this week, we hope to see it published as No. 1 from Milton of the issue, for I pride myself on that letter, I have looked in every place in my escritoire and in all places that I use stationery, and it cannot be fou8nd, This is the second letter I have missed in eighteen months, and neither of these can be attributed to any fault of mine. All persons have their faults, and D. A. C. is no exception to the general make-up of the genus homo. We are hurt over the non-production of our letter, not so much for the sake of our readers, as for pride to ourselves.
Ex-Attorney General R. C. White, as attorney for Mrs. Hettie J. Dorman, administratrix of J. B. Dorman, deceased, sold in front of the Ponder House on Saturday the following real estate to wit: Lot No. 1, known as the home farm, containing 129 acres, bid off by John Black at $23 per acre. No. 2, 51 acres, situated along Mill Creek, to Ira Walls, at $9.25 per acre. No. 3, 23 acres, adjoining land of Burton M. Robinson, and containing a peach orchard, to Mrs. Burton M. Robinson, as $12.75 per acre. No. 4, a farm near Sand Hills, containing 91 acres, to E. M. Pettyjohn, at $13.05 per acre.
Mr. Z. P. Morgan, of Ellendale, was in town last week.
Mr. Harry Manship, working in Wilmington, is paying a visit to his family in Milton.
Miers Reynolds, of Washington, is visiting friends in and near town.
Mr. J B. Murphy, of New York, and Mr. Norman Beverly of the same city, were in attendance on the sale of the Dorman property on Saturday.
Rev. A. J. Perry preached at Hart’s Park on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Perry will continue these meetings as long as they are profitable, financially.
We see our much esteemed friend, Hon. Paynter Frame, has gone into the trapping business. Result of one night’s work: One bird dog, one fox and one opossum. Good for Mr. Frame; nearly as good as watermelon raising.
Sunday was Trinity Sunday at St. John-the-Baptist Church. The services were commemorative, and the songs and hymns were in consonance with the event.
A strawberry festival was held in the American Mechanics Hall, Angola, on Saturday evening. It was an enjoyable time. Mr. Tarr was there in all his happy humor.
Certainly, receiving no mail on Saturday night is a disadvantage to Milton merchants; yet “every cloud has a silver lining,: and what the merchants lose, pedestrians gain; as the sidewalk in front of the post office is clear of the young misses who formerly congregated there looking for beaux.
The official board of the A. M. E. Church, of North Milton, has locked the doors and nailed up the windows of their church against the Rev. J. S. Helmsley; and will not allow him to preach therein. This man during his pastorate of last year, made himself not only obnoxious to his colored congregation, but also to the white people of the town; and we are informed he was sent back to try his hand another year, against the protestations of the members of his church, and on the recommendation of four persons who are not in anywise proper authorities. It is hoped the members of that church will hold their vim and keep the “feller” out.
Mrs. Naomi Workman lives about five miles from Milton, She is the widow of Philip Workman, and was born May 16th, 1799. She is yet hale and hearty, is the mother of ten children, and her baby boy is over 45 years old. This account comes from her grandson, who says he has the chronology in possession. We have had a conversation with Dr. R. B. Hopkins regarding the age of the lady. Dr. Hopkins is medical adviser of the family, and will find out the chronological truth of the above the next time he has occasion to visit the family. Should there be any incorrectness in our report, we will correct it when we are aware of the fact.
Quite a number of citizens went to Rehoboth on the last Sunday train.
Mr. C. V. Williams gave a talk at the M. E. Church on Sunday morning on “Homes for the Homeless.” Mr. Williams is from Trenton, N. J., and his mission is to secure homes in Christian families for homeless children.
It is reported that Mrs. Mary Reed, widow of the late John Reed, was stricken with paralysis on Sunday.
Mrs. W. A. Hazzard, of North Milton, is quite ill.
The jurisdiction of Mr. E. W. Lofland as Justice-of-the-Peace for Milton, expired on the 30th ult. As far as our knowledge extends his successor has not been appointed.
The stench of the pond above Lake Fanganzyki is almost unbearable. Why it is that those in command should drain this pond of this season, is a matter of hygiene that sanitarians do not comprehend. If it was some poor man trying to raise a pug the Board of Health, if such a thing exists, would pounce down upon him like a vulture; but as this stench affects the whole community, it goes free. “Strain at a gate and swallow a saw mill.”
David H. Marvel, son of the late David Marvel of near Milton, died on Saturday of consumption aged 15 years, 5 months and 2 days. Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon at St. George’s P. E. Church, in Long Neck, the Rev. Jessie H. Taylor, of Milton, conducting the obsequies, and the remains were inhumed in that cemetery. S. J. Wilson funeral manager.
Robert Fisher, well-known farmer of near Lewes, died on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Fisher had been in ill health for quite a while, but no serious symptoms developed until Saturday, when he was stricken with paralysis while on his way home from Lewes. Funeral services were held on Thursday at the Rehoboth Presbyterian Church. Rev. L. C. Wainwright conducted the obsequies, assisted by the Rev. J. T. Outten, Sepulture was made in the cemetery adjoining. Mr. Fisher leaves a widow, a daughter, Miss Maggie, one brother and one sister, to survive him—Hiram Fisher of Rehoboth and Mrs. Lynch of Lewes. S. J. Wilson, of Milton, conducted the funeral.
James T. Reed died quite suddenly on Sunday of paralysis, aged 69 years, 2 months and 28 days. He was at the time visiting his son William Reed, in Cedar Neck. Funeral services were held at Sand Hill Church on Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. H. S. Johnson, M. P. minister of Milton, officiating, and the remains were deposited in the adjoining cemetery. S. J. Wilson conducted the funeral. The deceased was a brother of the late John Reed, who was killed by the train near Milton a short time ago.
Mrs. Prettyman, relict of the late Burton C. Prettyman, died at Hollyville on Tuesday morning, aged about 80 years. Funeral services were held at St. George’s P. E. Church, in Indian River hundred, on Thursday, and sepulture made in that cemetery.
Mr. William Chandler, wife, young son and daughter, of Scranton, Pa., are visiting the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Chandler.
[i] To “ship a sea” is a nautical phrase which describes the breaking of big waves over a ship in a gale.