Grecian mythology tells that Vulcan, the son of Jupiter and Juno, and husband of Venus, was so deformed and ugly that Jupiter kicked him out of heaven into the isle of Lemnos, where he set up his smith‘s shop and forged thunderbolts for his father. While there is but little credence to be put in the mythology of the Greeks and Romans, it must be admitted that ugliness goes a great way, in this world, in the formation of opinions regarding persons unknown to us. Many are judged by their physiognomy, sometimes correctly, often the reverse. The most beautiful people we have seen have been the greatest frauds and the biggest devils. Particularly is this the case in women, though not always. A beautiful face is not always an index to a beautiful soul or a beautiful character, but is likely to be otherwise. Pretty people rely upon their prettiness to carry them through life, and are often imperious and overbearing to such an extent as to render themselves obnoxious to all with whom they may come in contact. On the other hand the ugly person knowing herself or himself to be such is likely to be the very opposite of the one just mentioned. She cultivates a good disposition and tries to excel in everything she does; is pleasing and consequently beloved by all. We have known persons, whom upon first sight we thought ugly, and almost hideous, who, after an acquaintance and association, became in our eyes really good looking. This change of opinion was not brought about by any metamorphose in the physiognomy of the persons, but was induced by a further knowledge of the persons. That sweetness of character and a lovable and obliging disposition are worthy of admiration, and are admired, is proverbial. These graces will change the contour of the form, they will hide the hideousness of the countenance, they will metamorphose the whole person. ,‘
We admire a pretty face; but when we find that behind that face: there lurks a disposition of envy, moroseness and a desire to do injury to others, the countenance loses its enchantment, and becomes ugly; on the contrary, when we see a homely face, and upon acquaintance become aware of the matchless grace and beauty of soul that characterizes the person; when we see the sweetness of disposition that appears to be natural, and not borrowed, that face becomes angelic. Other items now follow.
Rev. J. A. B. Wilson, known to every person in Milton, and possibly to all scholars in these United States, late of San Francisco, Cal., arrived in Philadelphia a few days from London, whither he had been attending the Ecumenical Council, to which he was a delegate. Mr. Wilson is expected in Milton on Friday, and will preach at the M. E. Church on Sunday. A large congregation will be present. Mr. Wilson, because of illness, has cancelled all engagements on the Peninsula except Milton, his old home.
Edgar Lank, attorney-at-law of Philadelphia, paid Milton a visit on Saturday evening, returning to the city on Monday.
Some people have a natural appreciation for that which is pretty. It is an inborn principal with them, and will crop out whenever opportunity gives it a chance. Witness the pretty exotics in the windows of the Lewes National Bank in this town, and anyone will know that no one but those who are born for such work can do it. This remark will apply and, perhaps; is pertinent to what a professional gentleman once wrote to me. Said he, inclusion to a very pretty letter: “Newspaper correspondents are like physicians, they are born, not made.”
I. M. Lank, of Philadelphia, who comes down occasionally to see the girls, is here now, and took in Lewes on Monday.
Rev. A. W. Lightbourne, a former pastor of the M. E. Church, will deliver a lecture in the above mentioned church on Tuesday evening, the 29th inst. Anyone who has heard Mr. Lightbourne speak could not but be captivated by his eloquence. As an orator he is hard to -beat; as a scholar he has few equals. We have no doubt that the young man of twenty years ago will find many of his former admirers among his audience.
Mr. Lightbourne is now editing a paper at Easton, Md.
In our last communication, we inadvertently made a mistake, in reference to Mr. Frank Manship’s purchase of the meat market of Mr. Paul Will. It should have read, 1245 in place of what it did.
I. W. Nailor says: “One sweetly solemn thought comes to me o’er and o’er. If I can’t get anyone to do my brick work, I can do it myself. “And he has been at it this week, laying the foundation of the bank.
Peter C. Parker, of Philadelphia, died in that city on Wednesday, the 16 inst, of Bright’s disease, aged 45 years. Funeral services were held in Philadelphia, and the remains were brought to Coolspring Station where they were met by undertaker and taken to the Coolspring Presbyterian Church and inhumed in that cemetery. Mr. Parker was a brother of H. F. Parker of the late firm of Parker & Chandler, of this town; also a brother of Mrs. Alexine Collins, of this town. S. J. Wilson conducted the funeral.
May Prettyman died of old age on Sunday at the residence of her daughter at Whitesboro, aged 81 years. The funeral ceremonies were performed by the Rev. Frank Holland at Beaver Dam M. P. Church on Tuesday, and sepulture made in that cemetery. S. J. Wilson directed the funeral.
[The item of last week in our Milton letter regarding the “girl in the black dress” and “Will,” etc , etc., was received from Milton. In making up our form by mistake put it in “D. A. C’s.” letter. We understand it has caused some of the Milton “Wills” to think, which will do them good. The author of the paragraph desires to remain unknown.—-Editor]