It will be remembered by the readers of the Chronicle that two or three years ago we wrote about the celebrated pumpkins grown by James Leonard, of near Parker’s Bridge. The silence regarding these pumpkins that has intervened until now must not be taken to mean that they have depreciated in variety, nor that Mr. Leonard has become indifferent to their propagation. The fact in the matter is, Mr. Leonard has been, and is yet, experimenting. From what inkling we can get, he expects to make a pellet from these pumpkins known as “Leonard’s Condensed Come Again Whiskey Pellets.” (The reason why “Come Again” is incorporated in the land is, when a person has once ‘used this pellet he will come again for more). The merits claimed for this pellet are: They will be made the size of _a large bean, and done up in small boxes each containing one dozen. One of three pellets dissolved in a glass of water, will make of it a glass of first-class whiskey. Thus, it will be seen, that for travelers it will supersede the common bottle and for economy in space, a man can carry a barrel of whiskey in his vest pocket. As it will be neither brewed, fermented, nor distilled, it will require no government license and hence can be put upon the market cheap. There are several persons who are trying to get a chance to take stock with Mr. Leonard in this enterprise, but he has suddenly become very reticent, and will have but little to do with his interrogators. I, myself, have tried to get some shares with him, but the only answer I can get is, “You tend to your business, and I’ll tend to mine.” in vain I have urged upon him the necessity of making his venture public, and have offered in consideration of a certain share in his profits, to advertise his business freely, but the only answer I can get is, “You tend to your own business and I’ll tend to mine.” But I‘m not going back on my old friend. The prospect of this bonanza has somewhat unbalanced him, but I have faith to believe he will come out all right when the project fully materializes. He thinks he has a “good thing” in view, and there are many who share the belief with him. We have no doubt but that the introduction of this new substitute for the common whiskey of the day with its economy, condensation, and all that this implies will increase the cause of intemperance; but its votaries may know one thing, and that is, “Leonard’s Condensed Come Again Whiskey Pellets” will contain no drugs nor poisonous ingredients. It will be made from the mammouth [sic] underground pumpkin, which, when ripe, requires to be dug from the ground, and the manufacturer’s affidavit will accompany each box.
The September opening of the “Big Store-” presents many attractions. The millinery window is beautifully and artistically arranged. Miss Carrie Johnson, who is an adept in the art of decoration, has spent much time and study on this window. It is indeed, pretty, and must appear as such to all lovers of the beautiful. The other window is equally beautiful of its kind, it being of a different variety and style of arrangement. To add to the “set off” Prof. Fearing has repainted the exterior facade of this building——beneath the porch-—which enhances the appearance of the interior finish. Owing to the parsimoniousness of the owner of this property, the occupants and renters thereof, to keep their business standing before the people in a proper light, were compelled to furnish material and have the painting of the front done at their own expense–J. R. Seligman, proprietor of the “Big Store,” and W. T. Starkey, proprietor of the drug store.
After spending several weeks at their country residence in Milton, Mr. B. Davis Carey and the Misses Susie and Sallie Carey with their two nephews, returned to their City home on Friday.
Conwell & Co. have paid as high as 35 cents per basket for tomatoes during the past week.
Lourine Mustard, who has been living in Wilmington with his family during the summer, removed to his former home in Milton on Saturday.
New corn is retailing at 40 cents a bushel, and white potatoes at $1.00 per bushel.
A street lamp has been put along the sidewalk in front of the residence of Wesley Coverdale.
On Thursday. Mrs. L. P. Corkran entertained her sister, Mrs. Sansom, of Ellendale.
That industrious and ingenious colored man, Handy Prettyman, is now building a windmill for use at his hothouse or other purposes, on his lot on Federal Street; and he will build it all himself, with the assistance of a younger brother, except the wheel.
Dr. W. J. Hearn’s family and visitors came to Milton on Thursday from Broadkill Beach in his naptha launch. From Milton the Misses Maggie and Matilda Wharton were driven to Ellendale where they boarded the train for their home in Philadelphia. The remainder of the party returned to the beach the same afternoon.
The empty cans from Isaac Robinson’s cannery, in this town, have the past week been hauled to Messrs. Ward & Merritt, at Ellendale.
Mrs. Ida Fox, who has for some time been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wilson, returned on Thursday with her children, to her home at Charlottesville, Va.
Mr. J. C. Hazzard has had the sidewalk to his property on Chestnut Street repaired. That of the late Theodore Wilson, on the same street, has also been attended to.
Mr. J. B. Mustard, who has been here for three weeks, visited his children and recuperating his health, returned to Philadelphia on Thursday. Mr. Mustard said: “I was in a bad state of health when I came to Milton, but I now feel as though I can go back to the city and work another two years.” So much for the salubrity of Milton.
It is seldom one sees a man hunting for another to pay a bill he owes, but it is sometimes the case. It is not uncommon to hear a man inquiring: “Have you seen Ike Nailor? I want to pay a bill I owe him.” Sometimes he finds Mr. Nailor, and then it is uncertain whether he has time to take the money, and will postpone its acceptance to a more convenient season.
Mr. Nailor is now building the porches around Capt. H. P. Burton’s new building, and will finish the interior as soon as the necessary material arrives.
Mr. Wesley Coverdale commenced on Monday to paint the dwelling of Captain George Megee, between Milton and Harbeson.
Milton Public Schools opened on Monday morning, with the following corps of teachers: Prof. C. B. Morris, principal: Miss May Megee, Miss Martha Calhoun, Miss Hattie J. Conner and Miss Hollie Hazzard, assistants. There were 215 pupils in attendance.
The squirrel season is now on. Mr. James Palmer leads in shooting, Mr. John Welch comes next, and the invalids and the sick of the town should feel very grateful to Mr. Welch for his generosity in distributing these delicacies to them to tempt their appetites.
Mrs. Alena Richardson, who has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Atkins, returned to her home at Dover on Monday.
Two of “Slmp’s” sisters (colored) concluded they would go to the camp in Slaughter Neck on Sunday night. “Simp” having gone, they got out his old mule and hitching it to a wagon, started. They got where they could hear the singing, but could not find their way into the camp. After fruitless attempts to get on the ground. They started for home and got lost. They beat about in the woods and along the road nearly all night, and found their way home about 5 o’clock the next morning.
Emilie Esther, the 7-month’s-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anson G. Raught, of New York, died at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Emelie Jones on 8unday.of brain fever. The funeral obsequies were solemnized on Wednesday morning at Mrs. Jones’ residence, and interment made at the Presbyterian Cemetery at Lewes. S. J. Wilson conducting the funeral, and the Rev. Jesse Taylor the obsequies.
A force pump has been placed in front of the Ponder House.
The contract for building the bank for the Trust, Title and Safe Deposit Company of Sussex, in this town, was on Monday awarded to Isaac W. Nailor. Undoubtedly Mr. Nailor is the lowest bidder, but for reasons other than this he should have the contract. Mr. Nailor has been indefatigable in his efforts to get this company to locate a bank in this town, and it is principally through his exertions and push that the thing has been accomplished. The building will be 20×40 feet, and 14 feet pitch; it will be built of brick and finished with all the modern improvements in bankology. (If the reader cannot find the latter word in Webster, he, she, or it, may ascribe the philology or etymology to D. A. C.