After mature deliberation, we have come to the conclusion that insomnia, with its father, dyspepsia, is a curse of civilization. We many of us, have no regard to the quality nor to the quantity of what we eat, nor to the time at which we eat it; we load our stomachs with all manner of indigestible compounds and go to bed; but sweet refreshing sleep will not be wooed by a brain acted upon by an overloaded stomach. Instead of sinking into the realm of unconsciousness, our minds become abnormally active, we catch up some little train of thought, and the first thing we are aware of we are in the Arctic Highlands or the Siberian Tundras, from thence we are transported to Singapore, and go on a surveying expedition from Cape Cormorin to the Himalayas, and in this mood of wandering thought we traverse sea and land, history and biography, poetry and fiction. If we try to avoid Scylla, we will run upon Charybdis.

The “Goddess of Atvatabar[1],” and Jules Verne’s “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea,” loom upon our minds with all the vividness of the author’s imagination. And when we get to thinking of Shakespeare with his loved Jesse on the banks of the Avon, and the last meeting of Burns with his Highland Mary on the banks of the Are. In our semi-nocturnal condition we are on the field of Burmymead[2], where the Barons forced the unwilling King John of England to grant them Magna Carta. We are with Coeur de Lion, and Geoffrey de Boulilon as crusaders before Jerusalem, and with Oliver Cromwell at his first appearance in battle at Marston Moor. These thoughts, and many others, force their way through our brain before our stomach becomes normal and we sleep. And this is insomnia, super adduced by dyspepsia, is it? Well! It’s a curse to humanity.
The ejectment suit brought by Mrs. Louisa Burrell, of West Philadelphia, against Elihu M. Lynch, of this town, for possession of the Hart House, was decided on last Friday in favor of Mr. Lynch. It is remembered by many that, about the first of May, Mrs. Russell purchased of Sheriff P. J. Hart the Milton Hotel, then in tenure of Elihu M. Lynch, who had previously bought the good-will and fixtures of Louis Fox. Mr. Lynch claims at the time of purchase that he bought the property for one year from the day of his purchase, from Mr. Hart, while Mr. Hart, who had to give Mrs. Russell possession, claims the property was rented to Mr. Lynch on Mr. Fox’s lease. The case came for trial after a postponement, before his Honor Charles T. Purnell at Georgetown, and was decided by referees in favor of Mr. Lynch. Mr. Lynch will, therefore, remain in possession of the Hart House until November the 15th of the present year.
The most desirable mill property, perhaps, in this country has been bought of the Paynter heirs by the Wagaman Brothers. It embraces two ponds, and although at the present, the property is in a state of dilapidation, it is susceptible of improvement to the greatest extent. The Wagaman Brothers are running a steam flour mill in Milton, and what their future intentions are, is most likely known to themselves but if the price–as we have understood it to be—is correct, it is cheap, and they will make the property pay. A little financial enterprise is what we want in Milton.
Mr. William Lockerman, who was hurt some time since by a runaway of his team, is out and improving.
Mr. Frank Davidson, of Wilmington, is a Milton visitor.
Mr. William T. Parker, formerly of the firm of Parker & Chandler, of this town, is visiting Milton.
The birds are getting ready for their migratory expedition. Almost any morning, at this season, they are seen on the vanes of the church steeples, presumably electing their officers, and getting other things ready for the campaign. A pretty sight was seen a dew mornings ago when these birds covered the springstay[3] and halyards of the schooner Scarborough. They were thick and pretty, and much admired by many persons.
Dr. James A. Hopkins has been improving the looks of his property with another coat of paint.
Mr. Harry Robinson has loaded the schooner Scarborough with corn for Philadelphia.
Mr. James Robbins, of Cooper’s Point, N. J., is visiting relatives.
Mr. Alfred Wilson is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson.
Philip Wert, who was in town during Lavinia’s Camp, returned to Philadelphia, and one week from last Friday he died of smallpox; and some people in town are now uneasy.
The pipe fence in front of the P. E. Church is being finished this week by Mr. Peter Welch.
Charles F. Norwood, son of William Norwood, Jr., died at the home of his father in Long Neck on Tuesday, aged 19 years, 7 months and 27 days. Funeral at Wesley on Thursday, and interment at Israel. Rev. J. T. Lee conducting the services, and S. J. Wilson directing funeral.
Oysters are on; and crocus, although the latter are so poor and small, that the Milton people are beginning to look skinny from their excessive use.
Mr. Andrew Bryan and Captain Jackson Vent, formerly in command at the Point Pleasant quarantine, went to the beach on Monday and brought home two bushels of oysters each.
Mr. Andrew Bryan and D. A. Conner attended a Court of Inquisition held at the office of Sheriff Hart in Georgetown, on Tuesday, in the case of the Delaware Hardware Company, of Wilmington, the defendant at the suit of the National Bank of Chester Valley, use of William S. Hill. Mr. Bryan was a former agent of the property, and D. A. C. is supposed to be not unacquainted with the Delaware business of the firm.
The steamer Massapequa, owing to her non-connection with the Lewes boat, has caused considerable loss to some of our fruit shippers. Hence, since the 1600 baskets shipped last Friday week, that failed to arrive in market on time, most of the fruit has been shipped by rail. Tomatoes are coming to the station in large quantities, and from my position in my front porch, I counted ten double0decked loads going there this morning, Mr. D. M. Conwell, the principal buyer at our station, paid twenty-nine cents per basket on Monday for some. The average price is twenty-eight cents.
Mr. Wesley Coverdale paid a visit to his children in Philadelphia, the first time in nine years.
Mr. J. T. Conwell, our aged friend of near Milton, was in town on Tuesday looking well.
The Sunday School Missionary Society of the M. E. Church, was held on Sunday afternoon. Collection: $8.00. The pastor of the M. E. Church did not preach on Sunday morning; instead, communion services were held, and an “old-time” experience meeting followed, and some of the luke-warm took a new start, much to the wish of Mr. Corkran.
[1] A character in the science fiction novel The Goddess of Atvatabar: being the history of the discovery of the interior world, and conquest of Atvatabar, by William R. Bradshaw (1851 – 1927).
[2] The name of this location is actually Runnymede
[3] Actually two words – spring stay- this is a heavy wire rope running horizontally between the mastheads of a schooner