The camp at Lavinia’s has closed. While it has not been as great a success, financially, as might have been desired by the management, the receipts have liquidated the expenses, and small balance remains in the treasury. As social gathering it has been enjoyed by the many who have taken the time and the trouble to tent on the ground, and have given the camp their attention. During the latter part of last week there were breezy days and the young people enjoyed themselves in sailing across the lake to the camp. There were several boats out, and both sexes were participants in this exhilarating sport. Fanganzyki always presents attractions for boat sailing, and during camp meeting time the passage to the wood can be made with pleasure; tree from dust and any other concomitant that may arise by a land passage. However, there has been but little dust at this camp. It has rained showers on half of the days and cool weather and eastern breezes have mitigated the heat and made a pleasant time. The last of anything is often the best, and so it was with the camp at Lavinia‘s for 1903. Sunday was a big day. There was no other meeting near to antagonize it, and people from far and near were on the ground. This day ended the camp. On Monday morning the parting came, and if there were any on Lavinia’s ground who experienced the pangs that I have experienced in parting with friends on Spring Branch-Camp Ground, in Kent County, they know what it is. It is all over now, and so it will be with you in time my friends. The bright light of the morning sun will dispel the gloom of the darkest night.
“And now farewell! Time unrevoked has run
His wonted course, yet what l wished is done.[i]”
So says Cowper.
Will Johnson, who has been engaged at Bryn Mnwr, Pa., for four months, paid a visit to Milton on Saturday evening, returning to his place of business on Tuesday.
The excursion to Atlantic City last Wednesday was well represented by Milton parties.
Mrs. Susie B. Davidson, of Philadelphia, is visiting her relatives in town.
Travelers for pleasure, or for business, in this locality, are now availing themselves of the cheap route from Lewes to Philadelphia, via Cape May. A ticket can be bought from Philadelphia to Cape May for $1.25, and one from Cape May to Lewes for 75 cents, good to return on both lines any time during the season; thus making the fare from Philadelphia to Lewes and return $2.00. The fare from Milton to Lewes is 60 cents both ways. Thus it will be seen the passage from this town to Philadelphia and return, can be made-for $2.6o. Considerably cheaper than it can be made via the P. W. & B. R. R.
The swallows have commenced to hold their migratory meetings on the church spire. We think they are earlier this year than usual; but they may be seen these mornings in conference, discussing the problem of their migration south. This is a yearly occurrence with these birds.
We understand it has been decided to build a school house at Harbeson, or rather at Beaver Dam. Those who are hugging the old ideas of fifty years ago appear to be in the majority, and have voted to build a house 18×22 feet, and locate it at Beaver Dam branch near the site of the present one. The building to cost $250 or $300. The citizens of that district of progressive ideas, favor building a house of modern style capable of accommodating the present contingent of children, and any others who may be raised, or may remove into the growing town of Harbeson, for some years to come. They also favor locating the building between Beaver Dam Church and the town. The progressive men are in the minority, as all men of good and generous ideas usually are. They think the building with moderate furniture should cost between $600 and $700. When the matter is fully understood, it is thought the vote will be reconsidered.
Forty-two Poles, with their families, amounting to about 75 in all, arrived at Harbeson last week to work in the canneries. They have been provided with barracks. The canners will begin operation in a few days.
With two bosses and three laborers to do the work the platform on Milton bridge was completed last week. The county should investigate such work as this.
The family of Dr. W. J. Hearn arrived at Lewes last week via Cape May. They immediately proceeded to their cottage on Broadklln Beach, where they were joined by the doctor on Thursday. Dr. Hearn’s launch is being remodeled at Milton.
The Milford Chronicle is as eagerly looked for on the day of its publication as are the dailies. It contains the local news of the county, in which the people are actually more interested than they are in the news of the dailies, and they read it with avidity.
While Dr. David Wolfe-had stopped his team to talk with a friend on Federal Street last week, Jester’s ’bus made a turn and smashed the left hind wheel of the doctor’s carriage. He was compelled to obtain another wheel with which to return home.
Beardsley & Lotiand are now burning a kiln of 60,000 bricks.
The Milton canneries will begin business about the 15th inst.
Miss Edna Coverdale is quite ill with gastritis.
Capt. Dutton, of the schooner Annie Russell, will load a cargo of marsh hay, now being cut by Edward Reynolds, and sold to parties above Philadelphia.
On Sunday evening Mr. Beswick, of near Milford, after leaving the camp ground and entering the town, overturned his vehicle by running over some stones, throwing himself and lady friend out. The shafts were broken and the carriage badly smashed. The lady jumped up bewildered and started on a run back to camp, a distance of about half a mile, and when she arrived fainted in front of S. J. Wilson’s tent.
The camp being over many of the city cousins and others, left Milton on Monday for their homes. A few yet linger, engaged in business ventures and other pastimes.
John A. Marsh died at his home in Angola on Tuesday of Bright’s disease, aged 77 years, 1 month and 9 days. Funeral services were held on Sunday at Conley’s Chapel, Rev. Mr. Strickland officiating, and the remains inhumed in the cemetery adjoining. S. J. Wilson conducted the funeral.
Rev. Frank Cain, who was billed by the president of the conference to attend Lavinia’s camp as one of the officiating ministers, was unable to be present until last Sunday, on account of the protracted illness of his wife. He arrived, however, on Sunday, and Mrs. Cain, who is convalescent, joined her husband on Monday at the residence of her father, Mr. Purnell Bennett.
George W. Atkins is having a brick wall, covered with concrete, run in front of the parterres on either side of his front porch. Mr. Atkins left Milton on Tuesday evening for Baltimore, from whence he will make many business calls during the week, and return home via Wilmington on Saturday.
Dr. Sheridan P. Manship, of Denton, paid Milton a visit on Sunday. This is the first time the doctor has been here for several years.
Rev. H. S. Johnson left on Monday for a visit to North East, Bay View, and other places Cecil County, and elsewhere, in Maryland. Mrs. Johnson preceded Ms. Johnson on this visit.
[i] Excerpt from On the Receipt of My Mother’s Picture, William Cowper (1731 – 1800).