August 8, 1902

The camp at Lavinia‘s began on Saturday, as per previous announcement. The moving out began on Friday, and a few families spent Friday night in the woods. The tents were not all completed until Sunday; and why people put everything off until the last moment and are then compelled to hurry-scurry to get it done, is a mystery we cannot comprehend. The regular preaching services began on Sunday; the Rev. C. L. Cullum preaching in the morning and evening, and Dr. Mills, of Baltimore, in the afternoon. The attendance in the morning was not large, and about one o’clock p. m., a heavy rain storm, attended with lightning and thunder, deterred those who expected to visit the camp in the afternoon, from doing so. This rain, however, was beneficial in laying the dust, and cooling the air, so that the evening’s services were large. The camp is being held under very auspicious circumstances, and was inaugurated with all the “clat”[i] that its many patrons could give it. There are twenty—eight tents; nice drinking water; a splendid wood; a lake nearby to water teams; plenty of Chiggers, and what more can one desire. Success to the camp.

Mrs. Harry Manship was taken on a cot and carried by Mr. John Sockum to Harbeson on Monday, and put upon the train and conveyed to Jefferson Hospital, Philadelphia, to be treated for internal tumor.

Tuesday was W. C. T. U’s day at Milton camp[ii].

The Sand Hill camp has not been largely patronized from Milton this year. It closed on Sunday evening.

They say the “papers are not read” but publish something someone does not like, and you will soon find out they are read.

Joshua Clendaniel, of near Ellendale; while trying to stop a runaway team on Thursday, was struck by the tongue of the wagon, and died in about twenty minutes. Funeral services were held on Saturday at his late home by the Rev. V. E. Hills, and interment made in the Clendaniel burial ground under the direction of S. J. Wilson, funeral director. Deceased was 20 years, 6 months, and 25 days old.

A new floor has been laid on Milton bridge.

Several dogs that were bitten by a supposed mad dog, were shot last week.

There are many dogs running the streets without muzzles. The new fad of catching the canine has lost its attraction.

There are but few peaches being shipped from Milton. It is said by those who are presumed to know, that there is only about one-third of a crop in this locality.

Mrs. P. W. Tomlinson, of Wilmington, has been visiting her father, Mr. J. C. Hazzard.

Saturday was registration day in Milton. James Collins was around about 7 o‘clock, and when the officers arrived an hour later, was the first man registered. There were 56 persons registered and they were about equally divided politically.

Will Lofland, who shot himself in a fit of despondency, is about to recover. We have something to say further on about this. We are overrun with news this week and must “boil down.”

A man came four miles to register on Saturday. Said he: “I propose to be there.”‘

Stephen Palmore has’ completed the barn for Mrs. John Reed near Milton.

Vegetables are plenty. Potatoes 25¢ a basket. Tomatoes were sold at 50¢ a basket, but as they rotted on the dealers, they may now be bought at 10¢ cents a basket. The fact is, nearly every family in town has a garden, and raise tomatoes. Indications point at 5 cents a basket for tomatoes before the season is over.

It is an open secret in Democratic circles that the friends of Charles G. Waples propose to back him tor Slate Senator from this district.

George M. Russell, who conducted a distillery near Georgetown, committed suicide on Friday by stabbing himself in the stomach with a butcher knife. It is said, one of the knowing ones of the section gang of the Queen Anne’s Railroad, knew of the tragedy two hours before it occurred.

The horses of Mr. Rust became frightened in front of King’s blacksmith shop last week, and dashed down Chestnut Street at a furious gait. They were stopped on the wharf by colliding with piling. The damage was slight.

Mr. Benjamin Palmer is operating the bakery formerly owned and managed by Robert Conwell.

It is reported that large quantities of Irish potatoes are being grown in Indian River Hundred. William Reynolds, near the potnets, has in twenty acres which are looking fine, and several other persons have ten and fifteen acres each.

Captain John Fisher and friend—Mr. Sandman, oi Philadelphia—are visiting the captain’s family.

Peaches that were brought to our station on Monday, were compelled to be carried elsewhere on account of no train connection north.

Schooner Golden Rule, Captain Scull, is loading with a cargo of pine wood for Nathan Williams.

Isabella L. Goetz, died at the home of John Abbott in Georgetown, on Saturday, of brain fever[iii], aged 10 months and 1 day. Funeral at Beaver Dam on Monday, by Rev. Frank Holland, and interment in cemetery adjoining. S.J. Wilson director.

Sarah Polk Burton died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Brereton, on Saturday, aged 86 years. The funeral was held at St. George’s Chapel on Monday, the Rev. Jesse Taylor officiating, and sepulture made in the cemetery nearby. S. J. Wilson conducted the funeral.

The camp meeting has brought many former residents of Milton back to their old home. Many who have not been here for a long time. Too many for us to individualize, lest we should miss some and thereby give offense.

Rev. Nehemiah Bennum passed through Milton on Tuesday morning in a rather peculiar constructed “rig”—an open dearborn with a carriage top about half way it. Possibly he was going to the camp.


[i] Probably a shortened version of “éclat” that would be equivalent to “hype” today.

[ii] Lillian Cade was president of the Sussex County WCTU at that time, and was likely to be the speaker.

[iii] “Brain fever” is NOT meningitis; the Victorians categorized any disease of which they did not know the cause or treatment as “brain fever.”