The Fourth of July, 1902, is numbered among the days that are past. There was no demonstration in Milton, patriotically, to commemorate the event that separated this country from that nation that broke the power of the mighty Napoleon upon the plains of Belgium. One thing that makes our hearts feel glad, and causes the blood-to circulate through our arteries, is that on a day of freedom all political feuds and estrangements are forgotten, and the “stars and stripes” are unfolded by the two grand political parties of this nation. Both of these parties claim “Columbia” as its own, and truly she is. Notably was this recognized by the writer, when on Friday morning we went walking down Federal Street. The only display of hunting we noticed was in front of the homes of Dr. James A. Hopkins and Captain C. H. Atkins. One of these gentlemen as sound a Republican as the State can produce, the other as strong a Democrat. They live, opposite each other; and agree on everything with perhaps the possible exception of politics. But this has nothing to do with today. Continuing our perambulation, we passed up Chestnut Street, and really, we must say, there were more demonstrations of patriotism in the M. E. Cemetery, than any we had seen on this street, thus far—the recent flags put upon the soldier graves were in evidence. Farther up the street, however, at the homes of Benjamin Walls and Postmaster Manship miniature “old glories” were waving. In the afternoon–the train was late—the Milton Fire Company and many of the citizens, and pretty ladies of our town, went to Lewes as the guests of the town of Lewes. It would be impossible to convey a fitting appreciation of what the citizens of Milton who were on this excursion, and particularly of the Milton Fire Brigade, feel toward the people of Lewes. Their entertainment exceeded expectations. To the officers of Lewes, and particularly to Mayor Thompson, with whom the writer has been acquainted, possibly longer than with any other officer of the town–over twenty years–we extend thanks in a private capacity. Encomiums are not needed. This Lewes excursion, to many of the people of Milton, was not merely a holiday, but an epoch in life. In the future years they will look back to it as one of the pleasing reminders of their existence, and wish it may return again. Everything passed off nicely. There were no casualties, as far as known, to mar the happiness of the occasion, and this is something new in the history of the Fourth of July.
Beardsley & Lofland’s brick yard is now in full operation. We visited the plant on Saturday afternoon, and to us it is something new. The machinery is something complicated to an amateur, like myself. Sixty bricks a minute, according to our time. The firm, however, calculates 40,000 per day of ten hours. They have a nice location on the Queen Anne’s railroad; a natural deposit of clay that will last for years, and other facilities that it would be utmost impossible to find in combination elsewhere. Messrs. Beardsley & Lofland are full of push and deserve much credit for their enterprise in this move, and should have success. We hope and believe they will.
At the sale of the privileges held on Saturday, the boarding tent brought $1; the food pound $9; these were purchased by Prof. W. H. Welch. The confectionery department was bought by John Barker for $5. One of the officers of the church requests the writer to say that the small prices these privileges were sold for was due to the action of the church, which will not allow anything to be sold on Sunday; and the two Sundays that include a part of the camp are the best days the proprietors of these privileges can have. This may be all right from a moral standpoint; but as these meetings are held more for sociality than for spiritual comfort, you had better get all out of them that you can.
At the sale of the privileges for the colored camp at Hazard’s Woods, near the end of Milton Lane, the confectionery stand brought $36; and the boarding tent $12. Witness the contrast, when viewed from a financial standpoint.
It must be remembered that while Lavinia’s Woods is the most attractive spot on the Peninsula for a camp meeting, its contiguity to town makes it impossible for anyone to pay a fabulous price for the privileges of keeping accommodations. With Milton within a half mile, persons are liable and will naturally go there for dinner-and possibly there may be some refreshments in a liquid form that would he agreeable to a thirsty traveler. While this is not meant as a matter of advice, it is simply thrown out as a matter of suggestion. In view of all considerations, if you are going to have a camp at Lavinia’s, if they are permitted in any form, according to the ritual of the church, do as Thomas Jefferson said they were compelled to do at the purchase of Louisiana: “Strain the Constitution until it Shows its Teeth.“
We are credibly informed there were services held at the M. E. Church on Sunday at which song and prayer were had, three collections taken and no regular service. That no one may be misled by this item, we will say that the Rev. L. P. Corkran was sick. However, we met him on Monday morning, and he is improving.
Capt. Charles Darby, of the American Dredging Company, of Camden, N. J., spent the week with his wife and relatives in town.
Mrs. Estella Darby, wife of Capt. Chas. Darby, and daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Atkins, is the happy possessor of another one thousand dollars. It’s a boy; a quite lively apparatus, but we don’t know its name.
Edwin P. Johnson, building a railroad in Pennsylvania, visited his family in Milton on Thursday and returning on Monday.
Conwell & Company have received from E. Reed, of Ellendale, 20.000 peach baskets, which they will furnish to their patrons.
Post Office lnspector Maxwell was in town on Wednesday, looking after the business of the Milton office. Everything is right as far as we can learn,
Mr. J. T. Davidson, doing business at Cooper’s Point, N. J., spent the Fourth with his family.
Since the recent order of the Secretary of the Board of Health regarding “hog pens,” Mr. B. Morgan says; “I have one, but I’ll not move it; as there is nothing in it, and it hurts no one.
Mr. Emma Burton has had erected a wire fence as a partition between her wharf and that of Mrs. Sallie Ponder. Truly where discrimination is used between widows, the surrounding country looks serious.
Our town in overstocked with cabbage and early vegetables.
Potato bugs, of which we were so beautifully scarce, a short time since, are now in evidence.
Dr. David Wolfe lost his valuable driving horse on Sunday. It appears, from what we can learn, that the horse’s foot became fast in one of the chestnut trees near the doctor’s home, and before any assistance could be given him, beat himself to death. He was given a decent burial by the doctor on Monday.
It is rumored on the street that Dr. Leonard, of the Milton Sanhedrin, is applying for a captaincy in the Salvation Army. The Doctor has a reputation behind him as a soldier of the Civil War, and there is but little doubt but his application will be favorably considered in this new role.
James D. Hart died at his home in Philadelphia on Friday, the Fourth of July, of gastritis, aged about 62 years. The remains were brought to Georgetown on Tuesday and taken in charge by S. J. Wilson, funeral director of Milton, and conveyed to McColley’s Chapel. After funeral services by the Rev. Adam Stengle, the body was inhumed in the cemetery adjoining. Mr. Hart was a brother of P. J. Hart, sheriff of Sussex County, and Clement F. Hart, of Milton; also of Mrs. Kensey Jones, residing near this town, and Mrs. Oliver Greenley, of Milford.
Capt. S. R. Bennett went clamming on the Fourth at the mouth of Prime Hook Creek, and caught thirteen. This is as many as the captain wanted at one time.
Charles C. Conley is quite ill at his cottage at Broadkiln Beach.
Dr. W. J. Hearn is building a stable at the same resort of pleasure.
E. N. Lofland and James D. Morris were the guests of the beach on Monday.