The paragraph that follows is an editorial opinion of the Milford Chronicle that happened to precede David A. Conner’s letter.
The town of Milton—so says its local paper–has an illiterate Town Bailiff and Supervisor of Streets. This is a peculiar situation for an incorporate town to find itself in, and one that would not reflect credit in case of a legal complication as to facts; but the same local paper makes the statement that the county constable for that district is unable to read or write. This——if true—is a serious matter, and needs to be looked after.
The spring is again with us. Notwithstanding the cold and backward weather, all things will flourish in their season. As we pass along the streets, we notice the swelling buds of the maples, and the yellow daffodil peeping its head through the soil in the yards nearby. If we walk into the woods we shall notice the little blue bell just beginning to show itself on the sunny side of the dell, and if we remove the covering of decayed leaves that has been its shelter and warmth during the winter, we shall find the lovely arbutus prettily ensconced beneath and only awaits a few more days of the present weather to appear in all of the fragrance of its pristine loveliness. The trees will soon put on their holiday beauty, and earth’s flora will be clothed in its beauty of another resurrection, a prelude to the grander one, which shall be eternal. The grass is sprouting by the wayside; the herring has left its winter habitation in the Arctic seas, and again made its debut in the waters of the Broadkiln; and while he or she may not be the best of a nice menu, yet his presence is hailed in our waters as another harbinger of warmer weather. These things are not new. They have their beautiful succession——as each recurring year perfumes its cycle; and did they not occur we should be disappointed, and in our perplexity inquire what had become of Dame Nature, or what is the matter with the man at the wheel?
In connection with spring, we take pleasure to notice the beautiful floral display in one of the front windows of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Johnson, at the M. P. Parsonage in North Milton (Rev. H. S. Johnson). This display has been there all winter. They are exotics, and are really pretty. It is but little trouble for the citizens of the town when passing that way to notice these flowers. You will be pleased.
The service at the M. E. Church on Sunday evening, by local talent, was much admired. Mr. Asa F. Conwell made a great hit in his reading of the “Sermon on the Mount,” and his exposition of the same. Encomiums were much in order on Monday; not only in regard to Mr. Conwell’s rendition, but eulogistic to the ladies and gentlemen who codiciled[1] Mr. Conwell’s remarks.
Easter Sunday will be duly celebrated at the M. E. Church. The pastor will have returned from the arduous duty of attending the annual conference. He will preach, in the morning, an Easter sermon; and those who know Mr. Corkran can readily surmise that this will be done in his usual happy and flowery way. For further information, the reader is invited to apply at the M. E. Church on Sunday morning at 10.30. On Sunday evening a special programme will be rendered. Flowers will be furnished, and decoration made by the Epworth League.
Arthur Maull is having built a dwelling in North Milton. J. C. Clendaniel is the contractor.
S. M. Lofland and Anton Neibert made a business venture to Georgetown last week.
After several days of protracted illness, which has deterred him from duty in the school room, Prof C. B. Morris again took charge of his department on Monday morning.
Lieutenant Lewis B. Chandler, son of L. B. Chandler, of this town, and lately appointed to his present position, left Milton on Saturday and New York on Sunday for the Philippines.
Milton is getting to be quite a place for repairing vessels. The facilities are not numerous——you turn the vessel upon the sand bank and caulk that side; when the tide raises they wind the vessel and caulk the other side. Somewhat on the order of the Cape Cod girls when they are turning somersaults down the sand hills of Cape Cod or Cape Ann.
Clement Hart is having his building repainted. The job is being done by Wesley Coverdale, the proficient artist in that line of work
Rev. H. S. Johnson preached a scathing sermon on Sunday evening at the M. P. Church, on gambling in general, and the pool table in particular. A proper Easter service will be held in this church on Sunday next.
Isaac W. Nailor left Milton on Monday, in obedience to a telegram calling his attention to business purposes.
Mrs. Ruth, a dressmaker from Georgetown, will remove from the county seat about the first proximo, to this highly favored town, and occupy one of the buildings of C. H. Atkins on Federal Street.
“Simp” has again been in the toils. He was arraigned before Justice Collins on Sunday evening for stealing blocks from Contractor Workman who is building the cannery at the depot. The justice gave “Simp” a reprimand, ordered him to return the blocks in a curtain time and leave the town instanter. “Simp” is used to such things.
We have been much interested in the forthcoming history of the M. E. Sunday School, which Captain S. R. Bennett generously agreed to write for the information of the people of Milton, and a notice of which appeared in seyeral of the papers of the State a short time ago. Owing to other business, Captain Bennett has as yet been unable to gratify the intellectual longings of the Miltonians.
On Wednesday evening a social will be held at the M. P. Church. All are invited. A silver offering will be taken at the door. Refreshments will be served, and an enjoyable time is anticipated. On Friday evening, at this same church, a class leader will be elected for the Friday evening class.
Joseph Morris is engaged at carpentry for Charlie Donovan, near town, for a few weeks.
Our sick people are improving. Mrs. W. G. Fearing is convalescing, as is also Mrs. J. B Welch. Charlie Marker is able to sit up, and Christen Jensen can attend to outdoor business.
Mr. Bernes Pepper of Georgetown, has been selected by James H. Warrington, dealer in farming implements, hardware, and keeper of a general supply store, to supervise his extensive and growing business.
John Coulter of near town, has bought the Marshall lot, located on the corner of Federal Street and Simpler Avenue. We coin the latter phraseology for the lack of a knowledge of a better name.
Mr. Coulter will build a dwelling and remove to town.
Mr. John B. Lank, general manager of the National Electric Appliance Company, with office at 615 Walnut Street, and his brother Edgar W. Lank, attorney-at law of the same city (Philadelphia), will visit Milton on Thursday and spend a few days with their mother, their brother, their grandmother and other acquaintances and friends.
[1] In contemporary English usage, codicil exists only as a noun; it is not hard to see it used as a verb in this context, as a way of saying that members of the congregation expanded on, explained, or added their own remarks to Conwell’s sermon.