May 30, 1902

On Monday evening the clouds were hanging in the western sky; and about thirty minutes after the sun had been lost to vision, when suddenly one of my little daughters came hurrying in, and half frightened, explained: ‘’O, pop, see that yonder ! It’s coming from the sky! Is it a volcano eruption?” l arose and went in the yard. Indeed, there was a peculiar demonstration, and the rift in the clouds, and the half disappearing twilight made it appear to our imaginations who had been reading of recent volcanic eruptions as though this peculiar panorama might be one of them. However, we were soon undeceived. A colored man west of our home had made a mop and saturated it with coal oil, and tied it to the end of a long pole. He had set this on fire and was burning out the caterpillars in the trees. He being between us and the rift in the clouds, made it appear as though the blazing mop was actually near the sky.

“Billy” Robinson has built a boat house on the river bank above the bridge. “Billy’s plan of carpentry is somewhat different front many architects. For instance, in building this house “Billy” put his boat in position and built the house around it. Now there is no danger but that the boat will go in and out. “Wisdom.” “Yes, indeed!”

Prof. W. J. Fearing has been awarded the contract for painting the school building. It is understood Prof. Fearing’s bid was $328.

A remarkable fact, and one that truckers are glad over, is the scarcity of potato bugs. There are none in the gardens of town, and but few-as we hear-are bothering the potatoes of the farmers nearby. “Burt” Carey, of near Jefferson’s Cross Roads, says he has about a quart, and he is going to can them and keep them as a curiosity of the latter part of the Nineteenth and the beginning of the Twentieth Century.

Olister Moore, of Harbeson, will make some additions to the property he recently purchased.

Mr. Silas Warrington, postmaster at Harbeson, has his storehouse about completed and a dwelling well under way.

Mrs. May Reed, widow of the late John Reed, will build a barn 18×35 feet, two stories. Stephen Palmore will boss the job.

Mrs. Susie B Davidson, having finished her school near town, joined her husband in Philadelphia on Thursday.

Schooner R. Reynolds Postles, is overhauling near Milton Bridge.

The three-year-old daughter of John Clendaniel, of Prime Hook Neck, had a grain of corn to lodge in her windpipe. The physicians here being unable to remove it, she was taken by her father and in company with Dr. R. T. Wilson carried to Jefferson Medical Hospital, Philadelphia, on Thursday. An incision was made, by the medical faculty, in the windpipe and the grain of corn removed. Dr. Wilson and Mr. Clendaniel returned home on Friday evening, but the little sufferer was in it condition that it was deemed best to leave her at the hospital.

The engine house that is built on piling has been settling deeper and getting out of shape. Workmen have been raising it and putting more piles under it. It is claimed that the addition of the second-story has caused this, but we think if the piling had been driven to a proper depth, or until they had collided with hard bottom, they would have borne any reasonable weight that might have been put on them. Maxim: When you want a thing done, get someone to do it who knows how. If it costs you more at first, it will be cheaper to you in the end.

Mrs. Clement Hart has a fine collection of growing roses in her garden on Federal Street. The perfume arising from them in the early morning, or late in the evening, is exhilarating and pleasant to the olfactory nerves.

It is said that fish are a good brain food; that the action of the phosphorus contained in them, is better adapted to the cerebral nerves than any other kind of food. But Theodore E. Primrose[i] says: “If some people were to eat a whale, they wouldn’t have any sense.”

The west end of Magnolia Street has been clayed, and the prospect of a good road is new assured.

James A. Betts, who has been engaged with Dr. W. J. Hearn of Philadelphia doing carpenter work, has returned home and repainted and made other improvements to his property on Union Street.

Mrs. Joshua Carey has new roofed the property she recently purchased on Broad Street.

There is more piling along the docks at present, than we have seen for a long time. There are not enough vessels to freight them away.

Prof. Clemson, a professional soloist of Baltimore, sang at the M. E. Church on Sunday morning.

Weighton Bryan, aged 88 years, 4 months and 15 days, died at the residence of her son, at Nassau, of general debility, on Tuesday. The funeral services were held at White’s Chapel on Thursday afternoon; and sepulture made in the cemetery adjoining. S J. Wilson funeral director.

Children’s’ Day services will be held at Zion M. E. Church on next Sunday evening.

A small, but refreshing shower cooled the air and enlivened vegetation on Sunday evening. The congregation at the M. E. Church was assembled for worship, but as the storm came up, they commenced to go out, and the minister dismissed the meeting. No doubt many of the congregation thought of the evening when the spire and a portion of the church were shivered by lightning, and dreaded a similar occurrence. They did not think that “it takes a good marksman to hit twice in the same place.”

It does appear that every change made in the time schedule of the Queen Anne’s railroad militates Milton. The change that went into effect on Monday, makes no connection with the D. M. & V.’R R. at noon, nor at night, at Ellendale, hence Milton gets but one mail a day by this arrangement. The noon mail we get by the evening train, and the mail we should get by the evening train, we get by the noon train of the following day. Anyone can see the disadvantage accruing to Milton by this stupid manner in which the railroads are principals. Nevertheless, we got the mail on Monday. The train was two and a half hours behind time, and thereby we were on top, and if the company does not adhere to its schedule no better than it has for the last two weeks, we will get the mail. The people of Milton will see to this; already there in it petition in circulation to change our route to Ellendale by stage.

The Board of trade meets tonight to consider the subject, but their action is too late for our communication. We had, by far, better have stage communication with Ellendale than to be “buggerlugging” with the Queen Anne’s Railroad every summer. People coming to Milton can make no train connection, and Ellendale is not unlike Lewes-when we have a chance, we will make you pay for it. Now this is not intended in unkindness toward Ellendale, and they well know it is not. The writer has many friends in that growing town whom he admires and respects. The future will develop the outcome of this mail matter.

The first church social of the-season was held on the lawn adjoining the M. E. Church on Saturday evening. These will be continued indefinitely, on Saturday evenings.


[i] Theodore E. Primrose was the father of Margaret Primrose. She was one of the nine young women who posed for a group portrait ca. 1890 with her fellow W. C. T. U. members (center row, at left)