November 28, 1902

The question of moving the Milton Library has been set in motion by some parties, who are trying to better its location. This may be done, but we question the motives of the parties who are, thanklessly, interesting themselves in its removal. It is said this movement has been put on foot by some parties who are not stockholders in the present library, nor ever have been. It certainly does not matter to the writer where the library is located; but most assuredly Firemen‘s Hall is not a suitable place; the reasons why need not be discussed here. As suggested by a writer in the “Milton Times” of last week, School Hall would be an appropriate location should the Library be removed. But why remove it, unless we enlarge it? Surely its present sight [sic] is all that can be desired. It is attended to by a gentleman, who is the paragon of-politeness, and charges nothing for his services. Ladies can come to the Library at its present location, and get what books they may want without running the gauntlet of a gaping crowd, which many ladies are extremely reticent to do. We are requested to state authoritatively, that this subject will be discussed at the annual meeting of the Milton Library Association, which will be held on the second Friday evening of December. Let all attend and express their views

It is related that a lady and gentleman of this town, were the guests of some friends at dinner, or some other meal, when the question of visiting the almshouse was discussed. Said the gentleman to the lady: ” Were you ever there?” “No,” she replied; “but I am going soon.” “Have you relatives there?” was the next question.

Mrs. Mary Smithers has removed from her former residence on Federal Street, to the residence of her daughter——recently married–on Wharton Street, and Harry Robinson will occupy the property vacated by Mrs. Smithers.

Harry Taylor has bargained for the sale of the good-will, fixtures and mercantile stock of his goods on Federal Street. The consummation will take place on or about the first of January. Mr. John Coverdale is the purchaser.

An entertainment was given under the auspices of the M. P. Church in School Hall, on Thanksgiving evening. Proceeds for church purposes. Admission 15, 20 and 25 cents, according to the status of the individual, and the location of the seats.

A sculptor was at the M. E. Cemetery last week, chiseling the name of Mary P. Hazzard on the tomb first erected in memory of her husband, W. A. Hazzard; but which is intended to mark the last resting place of them, both.

Anew establishment “has been opened in town near the Odd Fellows Grange.

It is known as “The Tom Ingram Bazaar, or Sons of Rest.” Mr. lngram is a specialist at his business. Last week he offered one of his old carriages to a man for $12. The man couldn’t see it. Tom afterwards traded the carriage to another man and got 315 to boot, and sold the first carriage to the man to whom he had previously offered it, for $12.

Miss Mary Raughley, the first assistant teacher of the Milton public schools, by a most unfortunate circumstance, fell and sprained one of the rnetatarsus leaders in her right ankle. She was taken to her home in Denton, Md., on Monday.

S. W. Darby. Jr., of Frederica, with Mr. Wm. Lockwood, of Glen Loch, were gunning near the suburbs of Milton last week. The gentlemen showed us 85 birds that they were en route with to Frederica.

Rev. L. P. and Mrs. Corkran are visiting in Philadelphia.

S. M. Lofland is getting ready to paint his residence on Federal Street.

William H. Bennum, a veteran of the Civil War, died at Whiteville on Saturday of consumption. The funeral services were held at Ebenezer M. E Church on Monday afternoon, and interment made in the cemetery adjoining. S. J. Wilson funeral director.

Benjamin Phillips, aged 84 years, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joshua Ellegood in Ellendale, on Sunday. The funeral was held at Ellendale M. E. Church on Tuesday morning, the Rev. Mr. Buckston officiating, and interment made in the Lewes M. E. Cemetery, S. J. Wilson directed the interment.

The long drouth[i] was broken when it began to rain on Monday evening, continuing through the night and all of the day on Tuesday. More water has fallen than for many months.



[i] Dialect or poetic form of drought