At the residence of the bride’s parents, No. 937 North 42d Street, Philadelphia, on Wednesday evening, the 22d inst., Miss Bessie Megee was joined in wedlock with Mr. William W’. Conwell, of Milton. The nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. L. H. Hoover, D. D., and the ceremony was witnessed by many of the elite of the Quaker City. Miss Megee is the daughter of Captain W. H. Megee, a former resident of this town, but who for the past few years has been engaged in business in Philadelphia. She is an attractive brunette, prepossessing in appearance, full of life and vivacity, and has many friends in and around Milton. Mr. Conwell is the eldest son of D. M Conwell, of this town. He is a banker by occupation, and a young man of rising reputation; having already held many positions of trust in the community which required foresight and far-seeing acumen together with responsibility. This happy couple who have united their fortunes together, step upon the threshold of life under circumstances by all means favorable; and it is the wish of the writer, together with their many friends, that their past successes may only be the prelude to the greater ones that futurity may unfold to them. Mr. and Mrs. Conwell will arrive in Milton on Thursday, and will reside in the Fisher building on Federal Street.
For some time past a general stagnation appears to have prevailed in business circles around Milton. The closing of the canneries has rendered this dullness more apparent, leaving as it does, only one manufacturing establishment in operation. The ennui produced by this business collapse is apparent around the railroad station where, only a short time ago, all was bustle in the buying and shipment of tomatoes. In town the effect is felt by almost every one, and crops out in nervous irritability, and many other ways, according to the temperament of the individual upon whom it acts. Two dull Saturdays have had the effect of embarrassing the merchants; but this was enlivened on last Saturday, which was a fine day; and it being the last opportunity for registration, many people were in town for that purpose. There were 224 persons registered —on that occasion, making 624 legally qualified voters in this district. The merchants were busy and sold many goods. The two preceding Sundays were, also, unfavorable days, and the attendance at the churches was numerically small; but as last Sunday was also a fine day, the attendance was greatly augmented. The Rev. Walter Ellingsworth, of Garrettown, Pa., preached at the M. E. Church both morning and evening. Mr. Ellingsworth is one of the Milton boys who is ascending the ladder of fame, and the people of town were many who attended church and listened to the two fine discourses presented to them by one whom they had known when a little boy running around the streets of Milton.
The Thirteenth Annual Convention of the Delaware Christian Endeavor Union, which will be held at Georgetown on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, October 22d, 23d and 24th, will be the last annual convention of this Society, as hereafter they will be held biennially.
Rev. L. P. and Mrs. Corkran are visiting at Preston, Md.
Mr. Josiah Culver, wife and child, are visiting relatives in Maryland. During Mr. Culver’s absence, his place as station agent is being filled by Mr. Ward Ammerman, of Greenwood.
The grounds around the Milton school building have been regraded during the past week.
More piling is being hauled upon the docks, and they are nearly loaded.
Warrington & Goslee have opened a beef shop at the corner of Federal and Mulberry Streets. The same old stand.
Mr. Thomas Spencer, agent and overseer for William Chandler, of Scranton, Pa., has about one thousand baskets of pears gathered and ready for shipment. He will ship these in bulk, as soon as a car can be bad. This has been promised him many days since, but has not yet arrived.
Mr. George Abbott and wife, of Milford, spent a part of last week with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Morris.
Our town was last week again graced with the familiar countenances of three, or more, life insurance agents.
Registration day brought many of Milton’s citizens who are engaged at other points, home to qualify as voters. If the last day for registration was set for Saturday before the election, it would be of advantage to many people. Once coming home would then answer both for registration and voting.
A Democrat meeting was held in front of the Ponder House on Friday evening, at which the Hon. L. Irving Handy and Mr. Samuel Johnson discussed the impending issues of the campaign to many attentive hearers. Mr. Handy is a fine and fluent speaker.
Mr. Elias Lofland left on Saturday for Virginia, where he is engaged with a fish company.
Mr. Wesley Coverdale has repainted the home of Mr. Thomas Douglass, in North Milton. Mr. Douglas in this work has departed, from the old-style of painting which has obtained for many years. The body of his house he has painted a dark color and the trimmings white. We admire it. It is pretty.
Mr. G. W. Atkins left on Monday on his regular business trip. This week Mr. Atkins expects to visit Chincoteague and other parts—and arrive in Georgetown on Friday to be present at the meeting of the Christian Endeavor Union.
The Harbeson cannery closed on Friday after a most successful business run. On this occasion the Polish women who have been employed there——to show their appreciation of the treatment they had received, decorated the office of their employers with flowers, etc. The foreign contingent left for their homes on Saturday.
Mr. Silas Warrington is building a house at Harbeson which will be occupied by David Steward. Mr. Warrington has also contracted to build the school house at that place. Work will commence at an early day.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jarvis, of Harbeson are both quite sick at the present writing.
Prof. W. G. Fearing has papered the house recently purchased by Alfred Megee, of the Ennis heirs, near Harbeson, and will soon paint the same.
Stephen Palmer has completed a porch for William Coulter near Coolspring, and will soon commence to build a barn for Peter Dodd, near Springfield Cross Roads. Dimensions, 40×18 feet.
We were asked the other evening what had become of the Milton band. We don’t know; but it seems to as, it is getting about time to take up another collection for its reorganization. It has been some time since a collection was taken for that purpose.
Mrs. Emma Chandler has been spending a week with Mrs. James R. West in Milford.
Farmers are busy hauling fertilizers and seeding wheat.
Prof. Fearing informs us that he has two living barometers in the form of two living pigs. That the tails of these pigs are naturally curled; but about twenty-four hours before a rain, the tails or these barometers will begin to straighted [sic] out, and when the rain commences the tails will have become perfectly straight. When the rain begins to diminish, the tails begin to curl, and when the weather becomes clear, the tails are curled as tight as the locks of a girl’s hair when she is expecting her best man on Sunday evening. “Fact!” says Fearing.
A Prohibition meeting was held in School Hall on Monday evening, at which the Rev. C. H. Mead, D. D., addressed the ladies and children present.
For pulling the key from his shop door, a colored boy was given a good kicking by Anton Neibert, on Tuesday; and served him right.
Someone surreptitiously entered the front door of Warrington & Goslee’s beef store on Monday night, and cut a big hunk from the flanky part of a quarter of beef hanging nearby.
Charged with purloining some coins from Mrs. James Morris‘ money drawer, Roland White, colored, was arraigned before ’Squire Collins, and the charge being substantiated, was given to 12.30 o’clock on Tuesday to secure $300 bail. At the present writing, 7.30 p. m., he has not reappeared.