September 19, 1902

At the Democratic primary held here on Saturday, George A. Bryan, William Mason and John Thompson were elected delegates to attend the State Convention, to be held at Dover on Tuesday, the 16th inst.

During the past week tomatoes have not brought so high prices as formerly. There was a glut at the Baltimore canneries and buying was for a time suspended. This caused a fall in prices, and the canneries here were enabled to buy all they could use at from 8 to 12 cents per basket. Those parties who contracted, by this unlocked-for fall, got the better of their brother farmers for a time.

Peaches are among the things that were.

A fall in the temperature has reminded us of the approach of autumn, and the query is now being asked, “what are we going to do for fuel the coming winter?” People have become so habituated to the use of coal that they are loathe to go back to the use of wood for fuel. But, from the present outlook, this appears to be the alternative that will be forced upon them; unless, indeed, oil shall become a substitute; a contingency that is being talked of in many circles in different parts of the country. However, “sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof[i],” is an aphorism that may apply to this as well as to other things.

From what we have seen and know, the excursion business of the: Queen Anne’s railroad has been a paying one the past season. According to schedule, those of Sunday were the last.

Wednesday of last week was a day of music in town. Two Italian organ grinders, with as many monkeys, one man with a bagpipe, another with a flageolet[ii], were the musicians; and, as usual, the small boys and girls were the admirers; and not these alone, for many older persons enjoyed the capers of the monkeys and the rather good music of the wind instruments.

On Sunday evening, at the parsonage of the officiating minister, the Rev. L. P. Corkran, Mr. John E. Mears, one of Milton’s up-to-date tonsorial artists, and Miss Winnie M. Dutton, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. Mr. Mears immediately took his bride home to the residence of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Mears.

On Sunday afternoon the horse of Sheriff P. J. Hart became frightened in the enclosure of the Hart House. He ran out into the street and capered around, broke off a lamp post on the other side of the way, and smashed the carriage considerably. He was caught with little difficulty; and appeared to take the situation as though he had only performed his piece in a program marked out for him. Mr. Hart was obliged to obtain another carriage in which to return to Georgetown.

With the cool northern breeze of Monday morning, the aroma (?) of pig styes [sic] was very much in evidence in North Milton. This is another healthy sanitary arrangement (?).

Mrs. Hannah Carey and H. P. Burton have had pavements laid in front of their residences on Federal Street.

Capt. John F. Fisher returned home on Friday evening, and on account of the trains missing making connection at Ellendale, was obliged to hire a private conveyance to bring him to Milton. Captain Fisher will remove with his family to Philadelphia about the last of this month.

Captain James Bennum, pilot of the steamer Republic, having completed his summer work has returned to Milton.

Dr. W. J. Hearn and family, are yet enjoying life at their cottage at Broadkiln Beach.

The heavy rains of late have washed the embankment at the west end of the trestle near Milton, on the Queen Anne’s railroad, going west, and if not repaired a few more heavy rains will make it dangerous. That persons unacquainted with this locality, may understand the above we will say, there are two trestles near Milton; one east of the station the other west thereof.

Frank Atkins and wife, of Philadelphia, is visiting his parents. Prof. P. Page and Mrs. Atkins.


[i] Excerpt from the New Testament, Matthew 6:34 – the Sermon on the Mount

[ii] A woodwind instrument, member of the fipple flute family