September 26, 1902

The squirreling season is now at its zenith, and the bang, bang of the breechloader is heard in the early morning and until this part of day is somewhat advanced. Notably is this is the case in Lavinia’s Woods where many gunners, who are opposed to making long walks to reach a sporting ground resort. Game has been quite plentiful in this wood and the gunners and other persons who visit the camp ground, where the tents are set up, are not much surprised to think that evening services are yet continued at this place. They are led to this belief by the track of horse and carriage, or tracks of horses and carriages, made around the circle, and the marks of the horse’s stamping where he has been hitched. These signs are visible of a morning, where none were visible the afternoon previous.

One morning of last week as we were “squaring the circle[i]” from the railroad station, west, and around to Milton via Lavinia’s Woods, we noticed as we emerged from the camp ground two men with axes, one throw off his coat and went to cutting on a tree as did the other after a while. As it is rather and unusual thing to see any one cutting trees in this wood, my interest was excited, and I approached the workmen. When I neared them I gave a halloo, and they stopped work and jumped around. Then I was more surprised when I beheld the man who had thrown off his coat and was wading into that tree to be the Rev L. P. Corkran, and the other man to be “Billy” Robinson, agent for R. Davis Carey, Philadelphia, who holds the wood as guardian for the minor heirs of his brother. In explanation, Mr. Corkran said, “I was walking out and met Mr. Robinson with two axes. I thought he could not use both of them at one time, and I volunteered to try one.” After saying this they resumed work, and the tree soon fell to the ground. Mr. Corkran had done his share through the side of that tree; but he puffed and blowed some.

Our mail arrangements are such as to defy description. We will not attempt it. All we can say is this: The noon mail we don’t get until night; the night mail we don’t get until the next day; and the “next day” mail we don’t get at all

Mr. Edward Vaughan of Philadelphia, is visiting his mother and sister.

There appears to be an epidemic of finger cutting, or mashing, amongst the young workmen of town. On Thursday Lafayette Brittingham drove a button through one of his fingers at the shirt factory; but he snatched the ‘thing’ out tearing out the end of his finger, and kept on at work. The week before Charles Vent cut the end of one of his fingers at the river cannery; and has since been going around with his hand in a sling; and not to be outdone, it is supposed someone will experiment at the station cannery this week.

Captain William Lank, of Philadelphia, accompanied by his wife, is visiting his mother, sister and other relatives and friends.

Captain C. H. Atkins, who has been confined to his home with rheumatism, is convalescing.

Justice-of-the-Peace Eli L. Collins is unable to attend to his duties on account of an attack of erysipelas[ii].

The Public Schools of Milton will open next Monday the 29th inst.

George A. Bryan has an apple tree in his back yard which alternates in bearing fruit. That is, one-half of the tree bears one year, and the other half the succeeding year. This year the southeast side of the tree is loaded with fruit, while the other side has, comparatively, none on it.

The packing of tomatoes this season has demonstrated to the canners that it is better to buy off-hand than to contract for the fruit in advance. “For,” said one of the buyers to the writer, “in buying off-hand we get what we want or don’t take them‘. When in contracting, we are compelled to take anything the parties bring. I shall never contract anymore. It is true we pay more for them, but we get better results.”

We have received a statement of the Lewes National Bank—which includes the Milton Depository, under the management of W. W. Conwell—made to the comptroller at the close of business September 15th. According to this statement, the bank is in very healthy condition, with plenty of investments, a large redemption fund and cash on hand. The Milton Depository has been particularly busy during the peach and tomato season, and a great deal of money has passed through Mr. Conwell’s hands within the last six weeks.

There were 276 persons registered on last Saturday. This makes 381 voters who are now registered in the First Election District of the Tenth Representative District, and the Fifth Senatorial District (Milton), and the majority of them are said to be Republicans.

Mr. Reuben Pennewill and Miss Bessie Wirshall of Chester, Pa., are spending a few days with Mr. Pennewill‘s mother. They will return to their home on Saturday.

Captain John Fisher has his household goods packed and will remove with his family to Philadelphia as soon as a car can be had. .Captain Fisher will make this city his home for a time; he is persuaded to make this change in order to be nearer his business. Captain Fisher and his esteemed family will be missed from Milton by many who hold them in highest regard. Particularly will the ladies, whose sociability is proverbial, be remembered by those who are delighted to call them friends. In this change Milton loses a good family, the head of which has always been an exemplary citizen and a generous man. We wish Captain Fisher success in his new home, and when many years have passed and he shall have retired from seafaring life, may he return to Milton and settle down in the little town on the Broadkiln.

Tomatoes brought 3 cents per basket on Monday and Tuesday.


[i] Squaring the circle is a problem proposed by ancient geometers. It is the challenge of constructing a square with the same area as a given circle by using only a finite number of steps with compass and straightedge.

[ii] An acute, sometimes recurrent disease caused by a bacterial infection. It is characterized by large, raised red patches on the skin, especially that of the face and legs, with fever and severe general illness.