The storm and storm tide of last week, was the worst we have had in this section in many years. The tide reached its highest point at 2.30 o’clock on We3dnesdat morning, and those persons living along the river and near Milton Bridge, experienced the greatest disadvantage. At the time mentioned above, Fred Welch, living near the bridge, bounced out of bed and made for Prof. Fearing’s residence across the way. He awoke that gentleman, declaring his woodpile was gone and he expected his house to follow. Prof. Fearing came out on the moment and set about an investigation. It was found that considerable damage was being done by the water but there was no manner of relief in sight. Several sticks of heavy piling had been dragged from the dock, and more were momentarily expected to follow. As day dawned anxious people were assembling around and near Milton Bridge, discussing the situation and suggesting plans for relief. In the early morning Joseph Fields was obliged to remove his several horses from his stables on Magnolia Street, and later on it was discovered that his water closet was in a precarious predicament and grave fears were entertained for the safety of the colored cook, who was known to have been in those parts recently. However, she came out all right thanks to the broken condition of the Nailors’ coal scuttle. At 8.30 o’clock on Wednesday morning a big crowd had assembled near Field’s residence, and all eyes were turned towards Billy Robinson’s boat house, around which at least the hopes of one person gathered. But that boat house stood like virtue in the midst of a drowning world, unscathed and unharmed. Billy said “I can get the boat out if I want to. I’ll take the roof off the house.” But that was unnecessary. A little farther on, a coal oil barrel escaped from the lockup, and the Town Bailiff got after it in a boat, and succeeded in driving it back ahead of him all the way by water. A little later in the week it was found the waters had abated—without sending out a dove—but there is dampness in the houses nearby, and accumulations of mud and other sediment which will require the sun of many days to overcome.
On Thursday during the flood, the little boy of Mr. and Mrs. William Fields, escaped from parental control and was lost to the parents. At last he was found by the anxious folks near a point he must have made a circuitous route to reach. He was taken home; the mother did the rest.
Frank Outten and Jacob Collin have been elected delegates by the O. U. A. M., No. 11, of Milton Council, to attend the State Council, which convenes at Wilmington on the 23rd inst. J. B. Welch will also attend as an officer of the Council.
The chimney of the National Bank is split above the roof badly, and it is dangerous—as it is liable to break off and fall at any time and under the circumstances. Should a fire occur, it would invalidate the insurance.
Christian Jensen, of near town, informs the writer he has secured a divorce from his wife, Kathleen Jensen.
Virtue Council, No. 2, Daughters of America, visited Georgetown on Thursday evening and organized Sussex Lodge, Council No. 6.
Sunday excursions commenced on the Queen Anne Railroad on Sunday.
Mr. R. Davis Carey and sisters, Misses Sallie and Susie, together with their two nephews have been spending some days at their Milton home. They returned to Philadelphia the early part of the week.
The shirt factory of Messrs. Douglass & White has closed for two weeks, in order that the employees may have a rest.
The high tides of the past week has made fishing almost impossible. It was resumed the first of the week with fair success.
Theodore Primrose says he is trying to engage someone to manufacture all of the dogs in Milton into bologna sausage, and all of the cats into mincemeat.
Captain Frank Carey is having a pavement put down around =an in front of his residence on Federal Street.
Dogwoods are in flower.
Postmaster Manship is on the sick list.
Superintendent of Public Schools Leon A. Davis, will hold an examination for teachers at Milton, on the 7th and 8th of May. Candidates from Lewes and Rehoboth, Cedar Creek and Nanticoke Hundreds are expected to attend the Milton examination.
Mrs. Ida Hughes has returned from Philadelphia, where she has been for some time in attendance on an afflicted son. The son accompanied his mother to her home.
Milton Lane is being repaired, the gutters cleaned, sidewalks renovated, and chug holes filled.
Schooner Stetson & Ellison is loading with piling at Milton dock.
On Sunday afternoon the M. E. Sunday School appointed a committee to formulate a draft or design for a depository, for each class to jeep its nooks and papers in: a long needed want. The school has ordered one hundred copies of the hymnal, “Uplifted Voices.”
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Davidson left town on Tuesday, the former to attend the meeting of the O. U. A. M., which convenes in Wilmington on Thursday; the latter to visit relatives in that city.
While Postmaster Manship is sick, the duties of the office develop exclusively on W, W, Wilson, the efficient assistant. This is an onerous duty for one man: as some callers expect to find someone in the office very time they call; and, by the way, these persons are the ones who seldom or never get a letter and yet they kick if a man is obliged to leave the office for a few minutes. These kind of people are the ones who “turn the world upside down,” who create a fuss every time a dog barks or a crow chatters, and yet their aphorism is “I am more righteous that thou.”
G. W. Atkins is off again this week selling shirts, overalls and other textiles for C. H. Atkins’ shirt emporium.
Note: The column is again signed “CRUSADER,” but it is clearly David A. Conner’s voice on the page.